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Kawika Watson

Lesson 16

Personal Statement

To start off with I would say my greatest skill or talent would be having the right mindset
and strength to workout. I workout on Mondays, Thursdays, and weekends. I do this workout
routine at my dad’s house in his garage. The workouts I do are bicep curls, captain’s chair ab
workout, bench press, chest press, bar pull, and deadlifts.

When performing bicep curls, you have to be very careful of doing it right because you
can easily do it wrong and think you're working out the right way but in reality you're not
making any progress when performing bicep curls. The right way to do it, which is the way I do
it and to see progress in growth, is to keep your elbows in place and not to move them up or
down or even side to side. That way you're only working out the bicep and not having your
whole body to help you bring up the weight. Also, make sure that you're keeping your shoulders
back so that your shoulders or traps do not help when doing a bicep curl lift.

My goal for doing captain's chair ab workouts is to see improvement when doing it the
right way and without injuring myself. The right way to do it is by lifting your bottom and hips
off the back pad so that you can get full extension upwards. This can be very difficult, but if you
strive to do it then you will see progress. Coming down is where it can be even more difficult
because you want to go as slow as possible so that the gravity is pushing down which can lead
the abs to burn or hurt, but in a good way, because that's how you know it’s working.

When I am doing the bench press, I make sure that the bar is lined up with my eyes so
that it is even and then I keep my arm at a 90 degree angle because if it’s not then that can cause
strain on your shoulder which can lead to a break of an acromioclavicular joint. When
performing chest presses, I’m keeping a good posture while popping my chest out so that it
works my chest better and making sure when I go down that gravity pushes back on me as I’m
going nice and slow.

Then, while doing deadlifts I keep my body straight as well as my back and keep the bar
near my shins so that when I lift it should be sliding against it. I also keep my neck straight so
that I don’t cause any neck strain which can lead to pain in the neck. Then when lifting that bar
up I pop my chest out then when going down I have gravity push down while bringing it down
slowly and I’m very careful when doing deadlifts because it works out your whole body and if
you're performing it wrong then that can cause an injury. Those are the workouts I do at my dad’s
house and how I do them correctly without injuring myself and so that I make progress.
Kawika Watson
Lesson 16

My greatest personal skill that I have developed over time is working out. I have
developed this skill by learning the techniques of working out from watching YouTube videos
and learning from my dad. I have demonstrated this talent over time, starting at age 13 by
working out at my Grandpa’s then moving onto working out at the gym and now at my Dad’s
house. I performed those workouts by doing them the right way, quality over quantity.

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