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Learning activity 4

Evidence: My professional profile

1. Looking for a job is one of the most important activities someone has to do in
life. For this evidence you will need to write your own professional profile with
the objective of getting your dream job.

For writing your profile, you need to take into account the following aspects.

 What have you studied?

 What have you been doing recently?

 What is your experience in the field?

 Which are your professional qualities?

 Which is your motivation for getting that job?

 What is your availability for the job?

 Do you plan to study anything else?

 Are you willing to travel?

You can include some of the following useful language for writing your profile, or
you can look for more vocabulary in this learning activity glossary. Include a
picture of yourself (it can be unreal).

look for / look forward to / work out / experience / apply for / to be

promoted / work agreement / employee / temporary work / full time
work / freelance worker / season worker
I am a physician by profession, I recently graduated from a specialization in
traumatology, I love to see the smiles of people when they have health, I have
worked in 3 hospitals and they have been excellent an enriching experience that
has contributed to my professional life, colleagues who have influenced me, I am
characterized by being a disciplined and responsible person, I like to inquire about
current diseases and read about biotechnological drugs, I like to work with people,
because the union is strength and so we can save lives, I would love to be part of
this work because I can positively influence society with my abilities, I can share
my knowledge with my colleagues and most importantly I can save lives in
emergency, so it would be a source of happiness for me to be in emergency, my
work availability is 16 hours, I love to practice my profession, in my plans is to
study and specialize much more, the next goal is to do a doctorate in
traumatology, I did 2 volunteer work, which filled my soul, I am willing to travel and
save lives anywhere in the world.
2. Now, read the phrasal verbs below and write a definition for each of them using
your own words. Include an example and a picture to illustrate the action. One
is done for you.

Phrasal verbs
To get up To go away To look after

Fuente: SENA

Definition: to arise
from bed.

Example: I usually get Definition: leave a

up at 5:00 a.m. place or location

Example: I am going
to leave my house, Definition: protect and
because it is care for those we care
undergoing about.
maintenance. Example:
I take care of what I love
the most, my family.
Come back To put on To look for

Definition: to put an Definition:

object or a person in Find something or
a specific place. someone
Example: I'm going to Example: find the job of
Definition: return to put this garbage in its my dreams.
the site or go back to place it doesn't go
where you were. there.

Example: I will go back

into the library to study.

To go back To take off To call back

Definition: Pulling or
taking off from a

Example: the plane Definition: return a mobile

Definition: the reasons will take off in 4 call or a verbal call.
for something to go minutes.
back to the way it used Example: I'm going to call
to be my friend again.
Example: clean my
room so that it is as it
used to be, tidy and

To hurry up To try on To ask for

Definition: to hurry or
move fast in a certain
Definition: to
measure ourselves or for
place or activity. to know how

something fits us
I'm going to move fast Example: in the
to get to work on time. morning I tried on a
new red dress. g

Definition: Ask someone

for something specific

Example: I'm going to ask

my mother to fix my coat..

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click on Ver Evidencia.

2. Attach the file which must be previously saved on the computer.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Usa el vocabulario relacionado con carreras y empleos teniendo en cuenta
el contexto requerido.

 Intercambia información personal para postularse a un empleo teniendo en

cuenta la estructura gramatical y vocabulario requeridos.

 Describe características personales teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y

contexto requerido.

 Utiliza verbos compuestos teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical


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