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Unit 1. Lecture 2.


Ex.1. Check you understand these words. Explain and translate into Ukrainian.
lingua franca Французька мова
diverse backgrounds різноманітне походження
supremacy верховенство
key role Головна роль
working language робоча мова
a language of instruction мовою навчання
foreseeable future передбачуване майбутнє
to provide evidence of their English надати докази своїх здібностей до
abilities володіння англійською мовою
reliable measure of language skills надійний показник володіння мовою
suitable for an academic environment підходить для академічного

Comprehension Check
Ex.2. True or false?
True - ….
1) A language becomes “global” or “world” because of the number of its native
and second language speakers.
2) Latin was as widely spoken as English.
3) English, French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese are five official global
4) The position of the English language as a global language has been
strengthened due to American economic and cultural influence.
5) Academic mobility influences the domination of English in academia.
6) To enroll in universities and other institutions of higher education abroad you
are often asked to provide a proof of English proficiency.
Ex.3. What do these numbers in the text refer to?
85% 1989 4 5 million
‘’The UN, the nearest thing we have, or have ever had, to a global community,
currently uses five official languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian and
Chinese, and an estimated 85% of international organizations have English as at
least one of their official languages (French comes next with less than 50%) ‘’

‘’Since 1989, the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) has
been a global standardized English test designed to measure the English language
proficiency of people who plan to study or work where English is the language of

‘’All candidates must complete four Modules – Listening, Reading, Writing

and Speaking – to obtain a band score, which is shown on the IELTS Test Report
Form (TRF).’’

‘’Philip G. Altbach and Hans de Wit are sure that “the advent of mass student
mobility (in 2019 more than five million students studied outside of their home
countries, the majority of whom chose countries where English is spoken) has also
increased the attraction of English” ‘’

Find in the text English words or expressions which correspond to the following
Ukrainian ones:
1. Спільна мова world language
2. Світове поширення worldwide
3. обґрунтовано заявляти reasonably claim
4. завдяки політичній могутності mainly due to the political power
5. економічна й культурне economic and cultural supremacy
6. володіння англійською мовою mastery of English
7. забезпечувати доступ provides access
8. конкурувати на світовому ринку compete in a globalised labour market
9. подвійні наукові ступені dual or double degrees
10. дослідження research
11. вчений academics
12. мова викладання
13. викладачі і студенти faculty and students
14. адаптуватися до впливу to adapt to the impact
15. надати докази proof
16. чесне, точне і надійне мірило
мовних навичок
17. встановити рівень володіння level of English
англійською мовою
18. встановлювати стандарти to set the standard

Vocabulary in Focus
Learning Languages (from
Ex.1. Language quiz. Can you name the main languages spoken at these countries?
1. The Netherlands -Dutch
2. Switzerland (4 languages)-German, French, Italian
and Romansh
3. China (2 languages)-Chinese
4. Tanzania (2 languages)-Swahili English
5. Iran-Azerbaijani Turkish language
6. Iceland-Icelandic
7. Brazil-Brazilian Portuguese
8. Thailand-Thai

Ex.2. Describing a language. Look at the sentences below. What do you think the
underlined words mean? Match them to the definitions on the right.
1. It resembles my language. a) a large number of different words
and expressions
2. It sounds very harsh. b) difficult to understand
3.It’s easy to pick up. c) is similar to
4.It has a rich vocabulary. d) learn by listening and practising
5. The words are difficult to pronounce. e) make the sounds of words or parts
of words
6. It sounds very melodic. f) not soft
7. It’s completely alien to me. g) pleasant sounding
8.The grammar is very complicated. h) strange, different

1-c , 2- f, 3-e , 4- a, 5- d, 6- g, 7- h, 8- b.

Ex.3. Describing language skill. Study the sentences below and give each student a
level from 1(lowest) to 5(highest).
Sasha’s English has come a long way. In a year he won’t need lessons any more. __4_
Ann can hardly say a word. 1
Kate knows just enough to get by. __3_
Paul is beginning to pick up a few words and phrases. 2___
Tanya is almost fluent. 5

English mania (from

Ex.4. Do you think the word ‘mania’is approving or disapproving? How do
‘maniacs’ behave? Match the descriptions and terms on the left to the manias on
the right:
1 hysterical teenagers a Beatle mania
2 deafening crowds, chanting, cheering, booing b Exercise mania
3 rapture, weeping, visions c Political mania
4 compulsive over-exercising d Religious mania
5 screaming slogans, waving flags e Sports mania

1- a,2-b , 3- d, 4-e, 5-c.

1. How many people are trying to learn English worldwide?
a) 500 million b) 1billion c)2 billion
2. Which country will become the largest English-speaking country in the world?
a) The USA b)China c) India
3. In which school year do Chinese schoolchildren start learning English by
a) Third grade (8-9 b) Fifth grade (10-11) c) Sixth grade (11-12)
4. How long does China’s “Gaokao” school-leaving exam last?
a) 3 hours b) 12 hours c) 3 days
5. How many Chinese high school students have taken the Gaokao?
a) 10 million b) 40 million c) 80 million

Ex.7. Checking understanding. Put ‘T’ (True) or ‘F’ (False) next to the statements
1. The speaker thinks that English mania is an unhealthy obsession.
2. According to the speaker, learning English represents opportunity for a better
3. The speaker believes that English will replace all other languages in the future.
4. The speaker believes that knowing English will enable people to become
involved in global discussions.
5. The speaker believes that learning English is popular because of America.

Ex.8. Vocabulary development. Study the words below using a dictionary, then
complete the sentences from Jay’s talk. Check your answers by watching the video
again or reading the transcript.
Alarming gruelling harnessing tsunami unimaginable
1. Manias can be good. Manias can be __ unimaginable________. Or manias can
be deadly.
2. 80 million Chinese high school students have already taken this _____
gruelling_____ test.
3. The intensity to learn English is almost ____harnessing ______.
4. Is English a ____tsunami______, washing away other languages?
5. Like the _____ Alarming _____ of electricity in our cities or the fall of the
Berlin Wall, English represents hope.


Read the text below. Match choices (A-F) to (1-5). There is ONE choice you do not
need to use.
1 f

Your goal is to spend as much time as possible with the English language. That’s why
it’s very important to find study methods that are fun for you. If you try to make
yourself do something boring, you’ll soon get tired and quit. Find a fun way to learn
English. Combine English learning with something else you like. Do you love
watching TV? Sit on your couch and watch some English-language TV shows for
hours at a time.

2 E

Make “English time” a routine. Find something that you can do every single day. For
example: sign up for the PhraseMix daily newsletter and read each day’s new English
phrase, watch one episode of a teens’ series each morning on the Internet while
you’re eating breakfast, keep English podcasts on your phone or music player, and
listen to them while you walk somewhere during the day, find some easy English
novels and read for 10 minutes before you go to sleep every night.
3 A

Phrases teach you how to use words and put them together. You can learn more than
one word at a time. For example, by memorizing the phrase “The jury found her not
guilty” you can learn three new words. You can learn which words go well together.
Lots of phrases have their own meaning that you can’t predict based on the individual
words, phrasal words, for example.
4 B

If you just learn a phrase once, and never read or hear it again, you probably won’t
remember it. That’s why it’s important to review. It’s good to review once within a
few minutes after you learn something, again in about a day, and again in a week or
so. Flashcards work really well for review.
5 D

At least half of your practice should be listening. That’s how you pick up native-
sounding habits. But listening passively, without speaking, can sometimes be a waste
of time. Talk to whoever you can, even to yourself! When you are at conversation
with someone, be confident! Reading and writing are important skills too. Make sure
to read more than you write.
A Use the power of phrases
B Review and repeat
C Talk to native speakers
D Listen – speak – read – write
E Use English every day
F Make English learning fun

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