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School: Bedj Ahmed Academic Year: 2020-2021

Class: 2A.SE / T.M / Maths Duration: 02 hours

First Term English Exam
Part one: Reading (14 points)
A/ Comprehension (07 pts)
Read the text carefully then do the following activities.

Human activities have had tremendous impact on forests. Since agriculture began
11,000 years ago, large forest areas have been cleared for farms and cities. Beginning in the
1800’s, great expanses of forest have also been eliminated because of industrial needs. The
destruction and degrading of forests is called deforestation.

Severe deforestation now occurs around the world, even in the most remote rain forests.
Until the late 1940’s, rain forests covered about 8, 7 million square miles (22, 5 million
square kilometres) of the earth’s land. Today, they cover less than half that area. Millions of
acres or hectares of rain forests are destroyed each year. Since1800, huge areas of temperate
forests have also been cleared. Many parts of eastern North America, for example, have less
than two percent of even degraded forests remaining.

Industrial pollution is a chief cause of deforestation. Factories often release poisonous

gases into the air and dangerous wastes into the lakes and rivers. Air pollution may combine
with rain or other precipitations and fall to earth as acid rain. The latter and polluted water
can restrict plant growth or even kill most plants in a forest.

Adapted from

1. What is the text about ?

a- The importance of forests
b- Deforestation
c- Industrial pollution
2. Are the following statements true or false ? 2pts
1- Human activities have harmless effects on the environment.
2- All over the world, forests are pulled down.
3- Each year, millions of trees are planted.
4- Pollution is another factor that may lead to deforestation.
3. Read the text and put the following ideas in the order they appear in the text.
a/ Deforestation is everywhere →.....§
b/Vast areas of forests have been devastated for different uses →........§
c/ Factories pollute lakes and rivers →........§
d/ Deforestation is the result of the destruction and degradation of forests →.........§
3-answer the following questions:……………………………………………………………...
1- Why do people cut down trees?
2- Are rain forests increasing or decreasing? Justify your answer?
3- How can air pollution affect forests?
1. Find who or what the underlined words refer to in the text. 1pts
They (§2) the latter(§3)
B/ Text Exploration (07 pts)
2. Match words with their opposites Words Opposites
destruction widen
restrict preservation
release keep
3. Find words in the text whose definitions follow.

Cut down= (§3) main = (§3)

4.Rewrite sentence ‘b’ so that it means the same as sentence ‘a’ :……………..……………..
……… 5pts

1- a-Deforestation is causing changes in the climate.

b- Changes in the climate……

2) a- Trees absorb carbon dioxide.

b- Carbon dioxide………

3) a) large forest areas have been cleared for farms and cities.
b) they ……………………………………………………….…………
4) a- Oil and chemicals can kill fish.


5) a- People must find a solution to the problem of pollution.

b- A solution to the problem of

4-Fill in the gaps with words from the list:

Source - alternative energy - fossil - renewable energy - fuels - replace.

… (1)…refers to any .… (2)…of usable energy intended to … (3)… conventional energy

such as … ....(4)…and… (5)….It is often synonymous with … (6)…

F- Classify the words according to the pronunciation of the final “s”


Descends- Defences- brings- - levels.

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/


Choose one of the following topics:
Topic one:
Write a composition about pollution using the following guidelines:
Causes:-factories wastes/fumes and smokes of cars /noise/…
Consequences:-Health problems/hearing loss/global warming…

Topic two : The Amazon rainforest is considered as the lung of the Earth.
 write a short paragraph about the importance of trees and the effects of deforestation.
 Use the passive voice .

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