Emerging Professions Issues and Strategies in Hospital Care As Challenged by Covid-19 Pandemic - Pongpat Patanavanich MD MBA

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Emerging Professions Issues and

Strategies in Hospital Care as

Challenged by Covid-19 Pandemic
Pongpat Patanavanich, MD, MBA
Ex President of Thai Private Hospital Association
Acting ASEAN Private Hospital Association
CEO Mahachai Hospital/ MD MedPark Hospital & Chaophya Hospital
Tuesday 26 October 2021; 09.30 – 11.00 am
Entry to Covid-19 Wave Phase I
First confirmed Covid-19 case
• 10 ASEAN countries in highlight China 1-Dec-2019
Thailand 13-Jan-2020
USA 20-Jan-2020
• The first confirmed case outside Taiwan 21-Jan-2020
Vietnam 23-Jan-2020
China was a case in Thailand Singapore 23-Jan-2020
Malaysia 25-Jan-2020
Cambodia 27-Jan-2020
Philippines 30-Jan-2020
India 30-Jan-2020
UK 31-Jan-2020
Brazil 25-Feb-2020
Indonesia 2-Mar-2020
Brunei 9-Mar-2020
Myanmar 23-Mar-2020
Laos 24-Mar-2020
World’s and ASEAN’s Health Care Resources As of: 21 Oct 2021
Country, Total New Serious, Tot Cases/ Number of Est Active Active doctors per
# Other Cases Cases Critical 1M pop Populations Medical Doctors Doctors (90%) 1,000 population
World 243,243,001 461,290 76,753 31,206 7,857,640,470 10,444,978 9,400,480 1.20
98 Singapore 162,026 3,439 61 27,414 5,910,297 12,967 11,670 1.97
172 Brunei 11,542 156 26,058 442,936 683 615 1.39
20 Malaysia 2,413,592 6,210 666 73,348 32,906,021 46,491 41,842 1.27
24 Thailand 1,821,579 9,727 2,728 26,012 70,028,340 63,974 57,577 0.82
40 Vietnam 877,537 3,636 8,911 98,479,673 77,539 69,785 0.71
60 Myanmar 491,584 683 8,957 54,885,166 39,826 35,843 0.65
18 Philippines 2,740,111 4,806 3,194 24,579 111,480,268 63,141 56,827 0.51
14 Indonesia 4,237,834 633 15,283 277,291,276 125,862 113,276 0.41
139 Laos 33,998 392 4,586 7,413,012 2,591 2,332 0.31
109 Cambodia 117,352 151 6,895 17,020,238 2,944 2,650 0.16
158 Taiwan 16,349 2 685 23,872,983 326,691 294,022 12.32
4 UK 8,641,221 52,009 872 126,425 68,350,834 393,247 353,922 5.18
1 USA 46,174,547 80,835 14,232 138,441 333,532,490 851,641 766,477 2.30
3 Brazil 21,697,341 16,852 8,318 101,140 214,528,493 487,659 438,893 2.05
113 China 96,622 21 67 1,439,323,776 2,828,999 2,546,099 1.77
2 India 34,142,441 15,759 8,944 24,428 1,397,679,771 1,268,172 1,141,355 0.82
World’s and ASEAN’s Health Care Resources As of: 21 Oct 2021
Country, New Serious, Tot Cases/ Est. Active Est CC+ID+Pul No. of Doctors No. of CasesActive doctors per
# Other Cases Critical 1M pop Populations Doctors Doctors /1 Critical case per 1 Doctor 1,000 population
World 461,290 76,753 31,206 7,857,640,470 9,400,480 272,614 3.6 0.28 1.20
98Singapore 3,439 61 27,414 5,910,297 11,670 338 5.5 0.18 1.97
172Brunei 156 26,058 442,936 615 18 1.39
20Malaysia 6,210 666 73,348 32,906,021 41,842 1,213 1.8 0.55 1.27
24Thailand 9,727 2,728 26,012 70,028,340 57,577 1,670 0.6 1.63 0.82
40Vietnam 3,636 8,911 98,479,673 69,785 2,024 0.71
60Myanmar 683 8,957 54,885,166 35,843 1,039 0.65
18Philippines 4,806 3,194 24,579 111,480,268 56,827 1,648 0.5 1.94 0.51
14Indonesia 633 15,283 277,291,276 113,276 3,285 0.41
139Laos 392 4,586 7,413,012 2,332 68 0.31
109Cambodia 151 6,895 17,020,238 2,650 77 0.16
158Taiwan 2 685 23,872,983 294,022 8,527 12.32
4UK 52,009 872 126,425 68,350,834 353,922 10,264 11.8 0.08 5.18
1USA 80,835 14,232 138,441 333,532,490 766,477 22,228 1.6 0.64 2.30
3Brazil 16,852 8,318 101,140 214,528,493 438,893 12,728 1.5 0.65 2.05
113China 21 67 1,439,323,776 2,546,099 73,837 1.77
2India 15,759 8,944 24,428 1,397,679,771 1,141,355 33,099 3.7 0.27 0.82
Daily New Confirmed Cases

Total Confirmed Cases

All Selected ASEAN +2

People Fully Vaccinated: ASEAN+2

ASEAN+2: Number of People ASEAN+2: % Vaccinated

People Fully Vaccinated: Non-ASEAN

Non-ASEAN: Number of People Non-ASEAN: % Vaccinated

Daily New Cases and Deaths

Thailand Indonesia
Daily New Cases and Deaths

Philippines Malaysia
Daily New Cases and Deaths

Singapore Vietnam
Daily New Cases and Deaths

Laos Cambodia
Daily New Cases and Deaths

Myanmar Brunei
Daily New Cases and Deaths

China Taiwan
World Strategies Against Covid-19
1. Herd Immunity
2. Lockdown/Distancing : Whole Country & City Area
3. Hospital / Hospitel / Home & Community Isolation
4. Antivirus Treatment
5. Vaccines
Resources Physicians/Nurse Drugs / Supplies etc
Viral & new strains

It is a WAR – Who is the key leader needed to win the war!

Lessons Learned from Covid-19 Pandemic
• Safety net of each country and region for medical supplies, drugs, vaccines; This has to be well
• Each country may have different strategies depend on their resources and situations
• Illegal across border is an important issue to spread viral transmission
• Leadership of each country; Leadership of the World

• No single person can be safe without the whole community are safe
• No single country can be safe without the whole world are safe

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