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Project Management

Recordings last year Dr. Rainer Kolish

Attendance non mandatory
Exam before Christmas
0,3 ejercicios

Course dates
October 18 – December 15 (9 weeks)
• Monday 9:45 - 11:15 in room 0540 (lecture)
• Monday 11:30 - 13:00 in room 0534 (exercise)
• Tuesday 13:15 - 14:45 in room N1095 (lecture)
• Wednesday 15:00 - 16:30 in room 0534 (exercise)

- J.R. Meredith, S.M. Shafer and S.J. Mantel. Project Management – A Strategic
Managerial Approach. Wiley, 10th edition, 2018 (the 7th edition is available in
the internet).
- Project Management Institute: A guide to the Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 5th Edition, 2013 (available in the internet)

CHAPTER 1 Project definition

Cost increase – final cost it took compared to the planned cost.

The first outcome is a project and then it is repeated continuously – operation or

“A project is a temporary endeavor to create a unique product, service or result”

Temporary: The project has a definite beginning and definitive end. Unique: The
product or service is different in some distinguishing way from all other products or
services. Product (physical), service (non-physical), result (e.g. information, learning).
A project is an undertaking which is not planned and processed along the
standard processes for which the company is aligned. E.g., manufacturing a car of the
current product program is not a project for a car manufacturer. • A project requires
resources (worker, equipment, …) to be performed. • Since the same projects is not
undertaken repeatedly, many activities of the projects might be new and thus are prone
to risk.

CHAPTER 3 Time Planning

A project involves planning, building, contracting, cost accounting…

AON NETWORK (activity on node)

Activities to be carried out are numbered with vertices topological ordering;

V{0,1,..} - nodes. First and last activities mark the project activity duration. Ordered in
terms of precedence.
V= set of activities V= {0,..,n+1}.
N= activities (activities without start and finish)
If a node has no successor, the final node is given like so.
Duration = pi (periods, the duration of these must be established) (p ≥ 0)
p=0  milestone ie; end and finish

- Earliest start time is maximum between earliest finishing times.

Total Slack (TS) = The time the planned duration of activity i can be increased without
increasing the finish time of the project.

Activities with TS=0 are called critical. There is at least one path with critical activities
leading from 0 to n+1. This activity chain is called the critical path.

Free (Activity) Slack Free Slack (FS) = The time the planned duration of activity 𝑖 can
be increased without increasing the start time of any other activity (German: Freie
Pufferzeit). For each activity 𝐹𝑆𝑖 ≤ 𝑇𝑆𝑖 holds.

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