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2 10 6 Passive Voice / Causative Form Causative Form @ We use have + object + past participle to say that we arrange for someone to do something for us. He asked the mechanic to repair his car. He had his car repaired. (He didn't do it himself - the ‘mechanic did it) Present Simple Present Cont. Past Simple Past Continuous Future Simple Future Cont. Present Perfect Present Perf. Cont. Past Perfect Past Perfect Cont. Infinitive ing form The verb to have, when used in the causative, forms its negations and questions with do/does ‘She looks after her children, ‘She Is looking after her children. She looked after her children. She was looking after her children. She will look after her children She will be looking after her children. She has looked after her children. ‘She has been looking after her children. She had looked after her ohiidren. She had been looking after her children. She can look after her children. She tikes looking after her children, She has her children looked after. She Is having her children looked ater. She had her children looked ater. ‘She was having her children looked after. ‘She will have her children looked ater. She will be having her children looked after. She has had her children looked ater. She has been having her children looked ater. She had had her children looked attr. She had been having her children looked after. ‘She can have her children looked after. ‘She likes having her children looked after. (Present S.) and did (Past S.). She doesn't have the flowers arranged. Did you have the clothes ironed? © Got can be used instead of have in the causative. Did you haveiget your hair cut? ‘© The causative can be used instead of the passive to express accidents or misfortunes. He had his cheek bruised in a fight. (= His cheek was bruised in a fight.) The optician is testing her eyes. What is she doing? She's having her eyes tested. if he doesn't drive more carefully, the police will take away his licence. What will happen to him? This time tomorrow an artist will be paining her son's portrait What will she be doing? .. Cann Someone is cutting down the tree in our garden at the moment. What are we doing? ... They can vaccinate your children against smallpox. you do? She wil hire someone to build a shed for her. What will she do? The dentist is polishing Tom's teeth, What is Tom doing? The police are towing away his car. What is happening to him? Someone dry-cleans his suits every month. What does he do? He has been paying a therapist to massage his back. What has he been doing? Say gets halrranser to dye her hair every month. What does she do? at can as Read the situations, then write sentences using the causative form. Roe Eey] ee Pee a r mH weronsenas Write sentences in the causative form as in the example: Do you ask someone to type your essays? ...Do you have your ceeaye typed?. Her photographs haven't been developed yet. rz She doesn't like asking people to do her shopping. .... Have you asked them to install a burglar alarm for you? .... | didn't use to employ someone to do the housework for me. ‘The doctor examined her wound. He isn't going to take his glasses to be adjusted today. ....... Did the detective order the constable to follow the suspect? You should ask someone to collect your mail while you are away. Did the doctor set Gary's broken leg? Will she get someone to check her washing machine for her? We're going to ask them to send us a copy of the contract Has the chautfeur been driving Mary's kids to school for years? Was his arm broken in a car crash? How many times has the plumber fixed John’s tap this year’. Make/have + object + bare infinitive are used to express that someone causes someone else to do something, but their meaning is slightly different. He made Liz send a fax. (He insisted that Liz should send a fax.) He had Liz send a fax. (He asked Liz to send a fax.) Get + object + to -inf is used to show that someone persuades someone else to do something. She got her husband to cut the grass. (She persuaded her husband to cut the grass.) Rephrase the following using have, make or get as in the example He insisted that Peter left immediately. ...He made Peter leave immediately. Janet persuaded Diane to drive her to the airport... My car radio is being fitted by Gary today. She asked her sister to translate the article. | finally persuaded the landlord to change the locks. My mother insisted that | should wear a dress to the we I'll ask John to pick me up at the station. Sue persuaded her colleagues to change their minds. She is going to ask them to rewrite the assignment. can't believe he asked me to return the cheque. He insisted that they should stay at home. Il try to persuade him to give you the money he owes you The receptionist asked her to wait outside his office. The doctor insisted that she should go to hospital. He asked the porter to carry his luggage. ilk Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 2 They arranged for medical supplies to be flown into the region. had They ...had medical eupplles flown... into the region. A shark bit Tony's leg off. got Tony ssunnensnnam BY @ SHAE, ‘A lawyer will have to sign this document for you. have You .. BORN a this document signed by a lawyer Why did you insist that | buy this horrible cheese? make Why ve sesseeieeesarceeesseessesansuseseerseeeeeesee thi horrible cheese?) Pree POR ie Be) 10 1 12 13 14 15 6 She pays someone to clean the windows every month. cleaned She cements EMORY Month The labourers were forced to work seven days a week. made They ..... seven days a week Someone will probably mug you if you walk through that part of town get You .. . If you walk through that part of town. They will take away your licence if they catch you driving that way. fave YOU sens away if they catch you driving that way. She arranged for her neighbour to walk her dog while she was away. had SHE cere vnseoanen BY het Neighbour while she was away. Please don't insist that | cook dinner tonight make Please dinner tonight. Someone stole their car while they were asleep. had They ... intro .. while they were asleep. Her nose was broken in the accident. got SHO soso in the aceident. Did you insist they should rewrite the composition? make Did a . the composition? She hired someone to make new curtains for her house. had She ssnenenmeanne fOF HOF HOUSE, He got someone at the garage to adjust the brakes. adjusted He . cape at the garage. Architects are looking at plans for a luxurious hotel for Smithson International. In pairs comment on the jobs that have already been done, are being done, will be done, or will have been done, then make sentences using the causative. You can use your own ideas. 10 June Things done : decorate VIP suites, build staff accommodation block, paint reception area Things being done: build swimming pool, decorate dining room, furnish lounge, paint bedrooms Things to be don build car park indscape gardens, Things that will have been done by the ‘end of next month: install phones, fit bathrooms, equip sports centre They have had the VIP suites decorated. Pee ma ep ae pty 6 ji! Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 Fite has completely destroyed the left wing of the house. 2 Under no circumstances must you remove books from the library. moved Under no circumstances .. 3. Its stil possible to find copies of their album at selected music stores. found Copies of their aloum . 4 Don't you object to people asking you for favours all the time? 40 Anne persuaded her brother to lend her the money. got Anne 11 John has invited me to his birthday party. have | 12 I'd better get a mechanic to look over the car betore we set off for Spain looked I'd better 13 We have not yet finalised details for the wedding, been —_Details 14 Aren't you going to ask someone to repair the roo! before winter sets in? have — Aren't you 15. The office now handles all transactions on computer, handled Ail transactions Find the word which should not be in the sentence. 1 He has been being offered an interesting job. 2 Were you be shown how to fix it? 3 He likes to having his photograph taken. 4 The criminal is believed to have been left the country. 5. This painting itis believed to be his masterpiece. 6 He was seen to leaving the farm at dawn. 7 All the silverware was disappeared without trace. 8 The film star is expected that to give a press conference this afternoon. 9 She was had a new cooker delivered yesterday. 10 Have you been had the report typed yet? 11. We should to have a new garage built. 12 He insists on having his office is cleaned twice weekly. 13. Did you have had the reception organised by an agency? 14 We had the locksmith to open the door. 15. Did you get an application form be mailed to you? 16 They had been had a burglar alarm installed: been The left wing of the house ...has been completely destroyed by... fire. ..« from the library. at selected music stores. being —_ Don't you object to : all the time? 5. The teacher insisted that all latecomers remain behind at the end of the class. made —_The teacher ea at the end of the class, 6 | don't appreciate people not paying me on time. being I don't appreciate... . - + 0n time, 7 You have to wear safety helmets at all times worn Safety helmets .. ey at all times. 8 Those remains are believed to date back to the Bronze Age. that We vosone back to the Bronze Age. 9 Why did they make the decision without consulting me? made = Why....... soesnnnnnenene Without their consulting me? her the money, .. John’s birthday party. before we set off for Spain, . for the wedding, .. the roof before winter sets in? . on computer, a iM 5 3 Fy

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