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Present Infinitive I'm sure he studies a lot. He must study alot. Perhaps he will study a lot, ‘He may study alot. Present Cont. Infinitive _/'m sure he is studying. He must be studying, = Perhaps he will be studying. He mayimight be studying. : Perfect Infinitive 'm sure he didn’t study. He can't have studied. == 1'm sure he hasn't studied. He can't have studied. 1'm sure he hadn't studied. He can'thave studied = Perfect Cont. Infinitive Perhaps he was studying. He may have been studying. Perhaps he has been studying. He may have been studying, = ral Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 10 " 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 1'm sure she has given up smoking. have She ... must have given up... smoking. I'm sure she isn't feeling sick now. be She . now. Perhaps they were working for the enemy. have They ...for the enemy, Perhaps he wil be He... time. Perhaps he was 100 ill to take part been He... . to take part in the race. I'm sure they informed the police abou have They . about the robbery. Perhaps Harry be Harry .. tomorrow. I'm sure he had warned the soldiers have He ....... I'm sure Jenny hasn't been working there that long. have Jenny .. : Perhaps she was telling you the truth. about the coming danger. there that long, been She the truth. Pethaps she's been working hard, been She ...... hard, Perhaps she'll come with us. may She : US. \'m sure she hadn't prepared her speech. have She ssn Her speech. Perhaps he was asleep when we rang. been He . _ when we rang. Perhaps he'll be waiting when we get there, may He 3 I'm sure she didn't know about it. known She I'm certain ithas stopped raining now. have It. I's possible that Jane has left already. have Jane .... Ihave no doubt that he was lying to you. een He nnn when we get there. already. to you. <4 1 . Modals Be supposed to + infinitive means “should” but it expresses the idea that someone ‘something to be done. You're supposed fo wear a suit io work. (Your employer expects you to.) You should wear a suit. (It is a good idea because it makes a better impression.) Be to + infinitive means “must” but it expresses the idea that someone else demands something. Tam to report for military training. (I's the law so | must obey.) | must report for military training. (If | don't, the army will look for me.) Be supposed to and be to are used to express what someone expects: about a previously arranged event. Recruits are supposed to/are to have a haircut when they arrive, (itis scheduled.) “Be likely to means “may” (possibilty). To express possibility in questions we don't use “may”, we Use: Is he likely to ...?, Is it likely that he ...2, Can he ...?, Could he ...2, Might he ...?. Is he likely to understand my feelings? Is it likely that he wil understand my feolings? Could he understand my feelings? ‘Would you mind is used to express polite, formal requests, Would you mind holding this fora moment? Let’s.../How about...?/Why don't we...?/What about...? are used to make suggestions. Let's stay in tonight. How about staying in tonight? Why don’t we stay in tonight? What about staying in tonight? Would you like to/Would you like me to...? (= Shall |..2) are used when we offer to do something. Would you like me to read you a story? (Shall I read you a story?) Be allowed to is used to express permission, to say what the rule is. He was allowed to visit the prisoner. (not: He-couls-viis) Was he allowed to visit the prisoner? be How else can we say the following? oanens Itis likely that she has got lost. ...She is tkely to have got lost.. Shall | book a ticket for you as well? ... How about inviting Paul and Helen? lam to welcome the guests and show them to their rooms. .. Might he have forgotten all about it? You have to wait until dark before you leave. > ith in 2 modal or a synonymous expression and the appropriate form of the verb in brackets, There's no reply when I ring him. He ... must have left... (leave) the office already. Don't give up s0 easily, YOU... (do) it if you tried a little harder. That's no excuse! You KNOW YOU... . (finish) this report by today. He . (mention) his plans on the phone last night but | really can't remember. Since she crashed the car, she (walk) to work every day. Ifyou find something valuable, you (take) it to the nearest police station. Passengers .... ies (notiwalk) across the lines. They should use the footbridge. .». (know) better than to tell her all your secrets. (destroy) the letter as soon as you receive it. (enter) the building if you have a special pass. i (find out) what time the London train arrives, He looks very annoyed. He ... (wait) for ages. ie (take) the library books back yesterday but | forgot and now I'l have to pay a fine Increased sales mean that all employeeS rr w= (08 given) an extra Christmas bonus. (yourtake) grandma to the cinema tonight as | have to go out? When I was at school We wv. (not'wear) jewellery YOU sees (bring) the map with you so we wouldn't have to ask people the way Those bags look heavy. (Wearry) some of them for you? Don't pean et or YOU mn (have) a valid ticket on the bus. You ... ss (Ging) me to let me know you'd be late. | was worried. 7 Modals Perhaps he is working now. © He is ikely to buy a sports car. He may be working now. Itis likely that he will buy a sports car. |'m sure he hasn't got the letter yet. He'll probably buy a sports car. He can't have got the letter yet. © Itisn't necessary for him to work today. {'m sure she understood. He doesn't have to/doesn't need to/needn't ‘She must have understood. work today. Shall |help you do your homework? © It wasn't necessary for them to buy so much Would you like me to help you do your food. homework? They needn't have bought so much food. Was it necessary for you to help her? © It would be a good idea to avoid eating sweets. Did you need to help her? You should avoid eating sweets. It's forbidden to smoke in here. © Let's try doing this exercise. You mustn't smoke in here. Shall we try doing this exercise? You aren't allowed to smoke in here. © Would you mind if | used your pen? May/Might | use your pen? @Qx complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words. 1 2 10 " 12 13 4 15 16 7 Perhaps the bridge collapsed because of the storm. have The bridge ...may/might have collapsed... because of the storm. He'll probably come to the party likely HE wasn ‘You mustn't photograph any of the paintings. allowed You ... It's forbidden to touch the statues in ‘the museum. touch You I'm sure he didn't cheat in the exam. cheated He ....... Was it necessary for you to call a doctor? need Did Shall | carry your shopping for you? me ‘Would the party. any of the paintings. ... in the museum. sone i the exam. a doctor? your shopping for you? \'m sure Ann didn't do it on purpose. have AMM von .. On purpose. Might I take some photos? if Would .... .. some photos? Let's go and see “The Blob” tonight. we Shall . Itisn’t necessary for you to do that exercise. need You . It would be a good idea to eat less high-cholesterolfood. should You ... It wasn't necessary for him to take a coat but he did. “The Blob” tonight? oun that exercise. sss high-cholesterol food. taken He coat. I'm sure Ann spends ali her money on clothes. spend ANN van ... on clothes. Was it necessary for you to say that? have Did. that? I'm sure he knew what he was doing, Known HE sr. ff Perhaps she's busy at the moment, be She .. avis .. he was doing. at the moment, 14 1 Modals ile Find the word which should not be in the sentence. You shouldn't to have told him that Would you have mind helping me with this? We were been able to book a hotel room through a travel agency, Can you please to pass the salt? He might have had left his wallet at home. You are not allowed it to enter that part of the building. Sonia should be know about his refusal to co-operate. They needn't to have spent so much money on redecorating their house. He may be is waiting for the bus. Mr Beaumont is to will arrive at 9.00 am tomorrow. Ellen is likely that to return sooner than expected. How about we calling him to find out if he has been invited too? That can't to have been Richard Gere! You should to go now. Might does he still be waiting for us? She will has to make an appointment to see the doctor. He has had got to borrow money twice already this month. You mustn't to let anyone know about our agreement. ‘She may have had given you the wrong address. Would you mind if my asking you a personal question? | > Oral Development 1 > Make speculations for the following pictures asin the example: He is adisabled man. He can’t walk. The lady behind the wheelchair may be his wife. “He may have had a car accident. etc ‘ 10 I pee

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