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BP-STEAM Teacher Training Course 2021

Module 01 - STEM Lesson Planning

In-training Lesson Plan – Arduino 101 Project
Time: 30 minutes
Date: 7/1/2021
Class profile: 20 teachers.

Time Procedure/Steps VAKT Material/Aids UDL and

V Projector
25mn Warm-up
A Flipchart
The teacher asked us to guess the meaning of Arduino. She made the learners stick their K Sticky notes
answers on the flipchart.
0-5 T Laptop
Encounter/Clarify handouts

The learners were first introduced to the term ‘Arduino’. They watched a video and wrote whiteboard
5-12 down their notes about what they learned. The teacher clarified the idea then asked her
learners to write down what they want to know/learn about Arduino.

Remember (Controlled Practice)

The teacher divided the class into groups of five. She gave them photos of Arduino models
and asked every group to do the same model using Tinkercad. The sign of success was the
led lights.
Internalize (Free Practice)

The teacher asked the learners to design their own circuits. Think of other applications of
Arduino in real life.
Fluently use (Produce)

The teacher asked the class to think out of the box to mention new ideas to use Arduino. It
was like a brainstorming about how to use pushbuttons, strobe light and other projects.

The teacher gave time for the learners to ask questions. They wrote what they learned on
sticky notes.
Elements of Universal Design

Multiple Means of Representation

* What is Arduino? (3.1)

* The teacher asked the students to watch a video. (2.5)
* The teacher distributed paper. (1.3)
* The teacher put SS in groups of five. (3.3)

Multiple Means of Engagement

- What do you know about Arduino? (7.3)

- The students worked in groups to do the task. (8.3)
- When finishing the task of building Arduino circuit and the led was on. (9.3)

Multiple Means of Expression

 The teacher divided the class into groups to build Arduino model. (4.2) (6.1)
 The activity of handouts with pictures of Arduino components and projects. (5)
 Warm up and guessing the meaning of Arduino on sticky notes. (4)


The board – sticky notes – paper – markers – small balls

Technology (Computer and/or Assistive) to Support Learning

Laptop – projector – internet access

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