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James Donovan


Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery

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James Donovan
Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery


Possible Responses
Becoming safety-obsessed; worrying about the welfare of remaining loved ones
Always having a cell phone fully charged and handy
Difficulty trusting someone new or giving them the benefit of the doubt
Forcing remaining family members to adhere to safety protocols (calling for a ride home instead of walking,
adhering to curfews, etc.)
Becoming obsessed with bringing the perpetrators to justice
Becoming prejudiced against the kind of people associated with the loved one’s death
Someone being killed as a message to others (in a hostage situation, by terrorists making a political or religious
statement, etc.)

Positive Attributes
Just, Passionate, Observant, Perceptive, Persistent

Losing another loved one to violence [PRIMARY FEAR]


What situations will the character now avoid?

He avoids being responsible for any criminal not being brought to justice.

How does the character hide this fear from others?

He dedicates himself tirelessly to his work.

How does the fear impact the character’s relationships with others (negatively and/or positively)?
He is divorced and shares custody over his children.

How does the fear affect the character at work?

He is a workaholic.



They should have been able to prevent it [PRIMARY LIE]


Negative experiences can result in bias toward specific kinds of people, such as a minority group, police
officers, or the wealthy. Is your character biased against any people groups? Name them here. For optimal
results, please phrase your answer as a statement in the following format: He/She is biased against ________
He is biased against criminals.

Why is your character biased against these people?

Because his brother was killed and the perpetrator was only brought years after.
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James Donovan
Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery

Your character may also hold biased beliefs about society or the world at large (all people are selfish,
marriage is a trap, etc.). If your character has these kinds of negative biases, list them here. For optimal
results, please phrase your answer as a statement in the following format: He/She believes that ________
He believes that 'there is darkness in all of us, but only time will reveal it'.

Why does your character believe this?

Because he has interacted with many criminals only to conclude that they're our bothers and sisters who were
changed because of circumstances.

The lie a character believes will ultimately impact their sense of self-worth, often resulting in the
disempowering belief that they’re unworthy of something vital, such as love, trust, or success. This is
related to the lie but also to the wounding event that caused it. What does your character secretly believe
they’re unworthy of? Please phrase your answer as a statement in the following format: He/She believes that
he/she is unworthy of ________
He believes that he is unworthy of time-off or vacation of any kind, since things slip when we become complacent.

A lie that is tied to disempowering beliefs will affect the character’s self-worth, leading to insecurity. When
does your character feel insecure?
He feels insecure when he is not making any headway in an investigation.

The character’s lie causes them to think and behave in ways that are unbalanced or dysfunctional, often
creating friction in relationships. What does this look like for your character?
He is distant, irritable and obsessive compulsive.

The character’s goal achievement may be hampered by dysfunctional attitudes and behaviors that show up
when he or she is working with others (at work, at school, on a team, while parenting, etc.) What might this
look like for your character?
He likely to abandon you without giving notice.

A trigger is something that reminds your character so strongly of a past negative event that it brings on the
emotions, fears, and unhealthy responses related to it. It can be something sensory (a smell, color, taste, or
sound), a person, object, situation, setting, or strong emotion tied to the trauma. What situations are
triggers for your character?
He's triggered every time he investigates a case.

What does she avoid (people, situations, places, smells, emotions, etc.) because of these triggers? Please
phrase your answer as a statement in the following format: She/He avoids _______
He avoids leisure.

How does your character overreact to these triggers? Please phrase your answer this way: When triggered,
he/she _____
When triggered, he further solidifies his commitment.

What behaviors or beliefs stemming from the character’s lie prevent the character from living their life in
full? Please phrase your answer as a statement in the following format: He/She is unable to ________
He is unable to have a social life because of his commitment to always ensure that he is not found wanting.

Is exploring their sexual preferences
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James Donovan
Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery



Driven by the desire to achieve a particular goal
Possible Causes
Having a noble purpose (to stop poverty, to oust a neighborhood’s gangs, etc.)
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Working overtime or during holidays to get ahead
embracing hard work
taking on greater responsibilities
ignoring friendships in favor of working toward a goal
being highly organized
having strong willpower
keeping a token for inspiration (a toy ferrari to symbolize the real thing, etc.)
learning quickly from one’s mistakes instead of dwelling on them
researching what one will need; making a plan for success
making choices that lead to fulfilling one’s goals
not being satisfied with the status quo
taking risks
not being overly fazed by setbacks; refocusing and moving past them
Associated Emotions

Being aware of and watchful for possible change or danger
Possible Causes
Being exposed to danger or prejudice
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Evaluating one’s options
always having an exit strategy
paying close attention to what is said
having heightened senses; noticing things that others miss
planning ahead
being prepared for alternatives
exhibiting strong listening skills
making eye contact with others
neighborhood attentiveness (recognizing the cars parked on one’s street, etc.)
reading the newspaper or watching the news to stay up to date
giving full attention to one’s surroundings (not texting while driving, etc.)
Associated Emotions
Suspicion, anticipation

Skilled in thinking and reasoning; having a natural instinct to study and analyze
Possible Causes
being highly curious
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Asking questions
posing theories and attempting to prove them
having an interest in human behavior and psychology
being unable to let go unless every possibility has been explored
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reading into what people say and do

looking for patterns and cause-effect relationships
needing to understand the “why” behind a process, action, or behavior
being honest even when it hurts: "yes, you do look overweight in that dress."
being skeptical when presented with new ideas, beliefs, or “truths” without proof
being highly observant
being able to quickly and accurately assess a situation
Associated Emotions

Outgoing; socially adept
Possible Causes
Getting one’s energy from other people
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Having an outward focus (on other people, experiences, etc.) rather than an inward one
feeling confident in social situations
being friendly and chatty
being socially adept and gifted at small talk
making the first move (approaching others, striking up a conversation, etc.)
stepping outside of one’s comfort zone
asking direct questions rather than beating around the bush
Associated Emotions

Characterized by noble principles; displaying integrity
Possible Causes
Having role models that put duty and country first
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Seeking out truth and knowledge
having good manners
making changes to bring about positive improvement
protecting those who need it
respecting and upholding the law
keeping one’s promises

Working with devotion and determination
Possible Causes
The desire for fulfillment; being goal driven
having a strong passion or sense of purpose
having a strong motivation to succeed
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Rising early and working late
researching and obtaining information
spending off-hours thinking about work
skipping meals when one is busy
sleeping less than other people
taking work calls at home after hours

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James Donovan
Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery

Having a high mental capacity; cerebral

Possible Causes
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Thinking quickly
having strong problem-solving skills
having good recall
asking pointed and thoughtful questions
being goal driven
being able to absorb or process information well
having original ideas

Taking great care with minute details
Possible Causes
Phobias (fear of germs, failure, etc.)
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Paying close attention to the tiniest details of a project
taking one’s responsibilities seriously
always doing one’s best
having a good memory
thriving under pressure

Showing intuitive observation and insight
Possible Causes
Being deeply attuned to others
being attuned to patterns and other data that enables one to make accurate predictions
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Accurately assessing what one is observing
making predictions based on incoming data
noticing things that other people don’t see
making connections that other people miss
noticing changes and patterns
reading people well
sensing that something is wrong
sharing knowledge in the hopes that others will be warned or danger will be averted
quickly assessing problems
finding solutions
being able to read people’s moods
gleaning a great deal of information from a short period of time spent observing
evaluating people on a number of levels (analyzing behaviors, emotions, motives, etc.)
being good with people by reading them while interacting
picking up on secrets without necessarily meaning to
seeing how things fit together in a bigger picture
quickly and accurately sizing up a situation

Able to influence others by argument, entreaty, counsel, or protest
Possible Causes
Being naturally charismatic
having a knack for reading people and influencing them
knowing how to speak, write, or otherwise present matter in the most appealing way
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James Donovan
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Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Being charming
instinctively knowing the right thing to say
paying close attention to others
being a charismatic speaker
listening actively
reading others well
carefully tailoring one’s approach to the audience
being confident
showing vulnerability in order to gain empathy
using different methods to persuade different kinds of people
speaking and acting with authority and confidence
Associated Emotions

Exhibiting specialized knowledge and applying it with courtesy and good judgment
Possible Causes
Being career- and success-focused
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Being a strong team player
being experienced in a specific field of work
having strong people skills
working well under pressure
maintaining control over one’s emotions
being proactive
thinking before acting
being a strong listener
acting appropriately for the situation
being able to prioritize
removing one’s personal feelings from the equation
following through on commitments; providing what people need
dealing with disappointments and moving on
taking responsibility for one’s mistakes

Thinking and acting ahead; anticipating difficulties or challenges that bring about change
Possible Causes
Being goal-oriented and achievement-focused
needing to be prepared
having a strong sense of responsibility
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Thinking before acting
having strong foresight; being able to see how things are connected
broad-mindedness; seeing the forest for the trees
researching and investigating a problem from all angles
watchfulness; looking for early indicators of change so one can counteract
crowd sourcing for information; relying on teamwork
thinking of the worst-case scenario so one can test out ideas
prioritizing well
being able to think on one’s feet
having a strong gut instinct
being hardworking and thorough
taking advantage of opportunities
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Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery

paying close attention to the emotions of others

never hesitating to take the lead
remaining calm in intense situations
taking responsibility for one’s actions
rising to the challenge
Associated Emotions








Positive Influencers and Role Models
His father, who taught him the importance of being industrious.

Past Achievements and Sources of Pride

Achieving the rank of detective.

Ethics and Values

My character's motto is ' I'd rather err on the side of justice than on the side of love'.


Attempting to influence the behavior of others for one’s own benefit
Possible Causes
The fear that one can’t get what one wants through acceptable means
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Telling people what they want to hear
using other people’s secrets and weaknesses against them
believing that the ends justify the means
Associated Emotions
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James Donovan
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Possible Causes
Fear (of rejection, making oneself vulnerable, consequences)
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Covertly observing others
lying to avoid telling the truth
agreeing or disagreeing but refusing to elaborate
Associated Emotions

Someone who works compulsively, sacrificing other interests and responsibilities
Possible Causes
Unresolved conflict from one’s past; working to avoid dealing with negative memories
desiring to avoid problems at home
Associated Behaviors and Attitudes
Thinking excessively about work
feeling like there’s always more to do, that one can never catch up
constant multi-tasking
working at home, during meals, and on vacations
working late into the night
skipping social or family functions to work
wishing that family could be more understanding about the pressures of one’s job
an inability to stop working until a certain project is finished or daily goals have been met
Associated Emotions


Painful Memories
Being forced to wait years before his brother's killer was brought to justice.

Negative Life Lessons

Through interacting with criminals by virtue of his job, he has come to believe that darkness is within all of us and
only time will reveal it.
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James Donovan
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Working overtime or during holidays to get ahead Telling people what they want to hear
determination using other people’s secrets and weaknesses against them
embracing hard work lying
taking on greater responsibilities believing that the ends justify the means
ignoring friendships in favor of working toward a goal
being highly organized
having strong willpower
keeping a token for inspiration (a toy ferrari to symbolize the
real thing, etc.)
learning quickly from one’s mistakes instead of dwelling on
researching what one will need; making a plan for success
making choices that lead to fulfilling one’s goals
not being satisfied with the status quo
taking risks
not being overly fazed by setbacks; refocusing and moving
past them

Evaluating one’s options Covertly observing others
always having an exit strategy lying to avoid telling the truth
paying close attention to what is said agreeing or disagreeing but refusing to elaborate
having heightened senses; noticing things that others miss
planning ahead
being prepared for alternatives
exhibiting strong listening skills
making eye contact with others
neighborhood attentiveness (recognizing the cars parked on
one’s street, etc.)
reading the newspaper or watching the news to stay up to
giving full attention to one’s surroundings (not texting while
driving, etc.)

Asking questions Thinking excessively about work
posing theories and attempting to prove them feeling like there’s always more to do, that one can never
having an interest in human behavior and psychology catch up
being unable to let go unless every possibility has been constant multi-tasking
explored working at home, during meals, and on vacations
reading into what people say and do working late into the night
looking for patterns and cause-effect relationships skipping social or family functions to work
needing to understand the “why” behind a process, action, or wishing that family could be more understanding about the
behavior pressures of one’s job
being honest even when it hurts: "yes, you do look overweight an inability to stop working until a certain project is finished or
in that dress." daily goals have been met
being skeptical when presented with new ideas, beliefs, or
“truths” without proof
being highly observant
being able to quickly and accurately assess a situation

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James Donovan
Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery


Having an outward focus (on other people, experiences, etc.)
rather than an inward one
feeling confident in social situations
being friendly and chatty
being socially adept and gifted at small talk
making the first move (approaching others, striking up a
conversation, etc.)
stepping outside of one’s comfort zone
asking direct questions rather than beating around the bush

Seeking out truth and knowledge
having good manners
making changes to bring about positive improvement
protecting those who need it
respecting and upholding the law
keeping one’s promises

Rising early and working late
researching and obtaining information
spending off-hours thinking about work
skipping meals when one is busy
sleeping less than other people
taking work calls at home after hours

Thinking quickly
having strong problem-solving skills
having good recall
asking pointed and thoughtful questions
being goal driven
being able to absorb or process information well
having original ideas

Paying close attention to the tiniest details of a project
taking one’s responsibilities seriously
always doing one’s best
having a good memory
thriving under pressure

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James Donovan
Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery


Accurately assessing what one is observing
making predictions based on incoming data
noticing things that other people don’t see
making connections that other people miss
noticing changes and patterns
reading people well
sensing that something is wrong
sharing knowledge in the hopes that others will be warned or
danger will be averted
quickly assessing problems
finding solutions
being able to read people’s moods
gleaning a great deal of information from a short period of
time spent observing
evaluating people on a number of levels (analyzing behaviors,
emotions, motives, etc.)
being good with people by reading them while interacting
picking up on secrets without necessarily meaning to
seeing how things fit together in a bigger picture
quickly and accurately sizing up a situation

Being charming
instinctively knowing the right thing to say
paying close attention to others
being a charismatic speaker
listening actively
reading others well
carefully tailoring one’s approach to the audience
being confident
showing vulnerability in order to gain empathy
using different methods to persuade different kinds of people
speaking and acting with authority and confidence

Being a strong team player
being experienced in a specific field of work
having strong people skills
working well under pressure
maintaining control over one’s emotions
being proactive
thinking before acting
being a strong listener
acting appropriately for the situation
being able to prioritize
removing one’s personal feelings from the equation
following through on commitments; providing what people
dealing with disappointments and moving on
taking responsibility for one’s mistakes

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James Donovan
Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery


Thinking before acting
having strong foresight; being able to see how things are
broad-mindedness; seeing the forest for the trees
researching and investigating a problem from all angles
watchfulness; looking for early indicators of change so one
can counteract
crowd sourcing for information; relying on teamwork
thinking of the worst-case scenario so one can test out ideas
prioritizing well
being able to think on one’s feet
having a strong gut instinct
being hardworking and thorough
taking advantage of opportunities
paying close attention to the emotions of others
never hesitating to take the lead
remaining calm in intense situations
taking responsibility for one’s actions
rising to the challenge







When Idle
Loses himself in his thoughts

When Stressed

Reserved or Expressive

Quick to Anger

What Does It Take to Provoke the Character?

Violent behaviour perpetrated by others

Will Overreact When

Someone's life is at risk
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James Donovan
Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery

Negative Coping Mechanisms

Having a poor work/life balance or perfectionistic tendencies

Positive Coping Mechanisms

Embracing responsibility
Seeking therapy

Uncomfortable Emotions
Defeat, Grief, Hurt, Nostalgia

Sketching in a black notepad with whiteout
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James Donovan
Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery


What's at Stake If the Goal Is Not Achieved
The grieving family doesn't find closure and the promise to find the killer is broken
Forms This Might Take
Finding the person responsible for someone's murder
Talents and Skills That Will Help This Character Achieve This Goal
Blending in, good listening skills, gaining the trust of others, lying, reading people, strategic thinking

Unmet Need (General): Safety and Security

Unmet Need (Specific): To close an unsolved case


My character was hurt as a result of Losing a loved one to a random act of violence (Wound). In the aftermath, they
internalized this hurt and may even believe it happened in part due to their poor choices or because they are
somehow defective, unworthy, or weak (Disempowering Beliefs). This spiral of negative thinking, a biased worldview,
and/or mistrust is what led them to believe that They should have been able to prevent it (The Lie). This lie sabotages
their belief in themselves, making them feel that they are not up to the task of Catching the bad guy or girl (Outer
Motivation) , or more specifically, Finding the person responsible for someone's murder.

However, in this kind of arc, (The Stakes) The grieving family doesn't find closure and the promise to find the killer is
broken are high enough to drive the character to pursue that outer motivation because they threaten his or her
Safety and Security (Unmet Need). As a result, this serves as the character’s Inner Motivation, pushing them to obtain
knowledge, gain new skills, and secure the resources necessary to achieve the goal.

Along the way, the character will face many obstacles, but the biggest comes from within: the Fatal Flaw, which is
their dysfunctional go-to approach for solving life’s problems. (The fatal flaw has a Mental Component and a
Behavioral Component).

Until now, this flawed approach to navigating life’s challenges seems to have worked for the character, but in the
case of this goal, it does not. In fact, it is tripping them up and making the goal harder to obtain. Once they
recognize this fact, they can choose a better way to approach their problems, and along with securing the necessary
resources and help they need, they will succeed.

The Lie Resulting from the Primary Wound: They should have been able to prevent it

The Primary Flaw Tripping the Character Up:

Lie-Related Behaviors and Attitudes:

He is biased against criminals.
Because his brother was killed and the perpetrator was only brought years after.
He believes that 'there is darkness in all of us, but only time will reveal it'.
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James Donovan
Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery

Because he has interacted with many criminals only to conclude that they're our bothers and sisters who were
changed because of circumstances.
He believes that he is unworthy of time-off or vacation of any kind, since things slip when we become complacent.
He feels insecure when he is not making any headway in an investigation.
He is distant, irritable and obsessive compulsive.
He likely to abandon you without giving notice.
He's triggered every time he investigates a case.
He avoids leisure.
When triggered, he further solidifies his commitment.
He is unable to have a social life because of his commitment to always ensure that he is not found wanting.

Flaw-Related Behaviors and Attitudes:

Telling people what they want to hear
Using other people’s secrets and weaknesses against them
Believing that the ends justify the means
Covertly observing others
Lying to avoid telling the truth
Agreeing or disagreeing but refusing to elaborate
Thinking excessively about work
Feeling like there’s always more to do, that one can never catch up
Constant multi-tasking
Working at home, during meals, and on vacations
Working late into the night
Skipping social or family functions to work
Wishing that family could be more understanding about the pressures of one’s job
An inability to stop working until a certain project is finished or daily goals have been met

Cognitive: He believes that 'there is darkness in all of us, but only time will reveal it'.
Behavioral: He is biased against criminals.
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James Donovan
Overview Backstory Personality Behavior Motivation Physical Daily Life Gallery


Age: 55

Gender: Male

Race or Heritage: Caucasian/Latino

Height: 5'11''

Weight: 175

Overall Condition and Presentation

Always ready to work but with a rugged sex appeal.

Clothing Style Preferences

Dresses for comfort and ease though appropriate for work.

Common Adornments
Has a wristwatch


Additional Notes
He's not too muscular.
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James Donovan
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Fitting in with many different people groups and environments
Beneficial Strengths or Abilities
Being able to accurately read people and situations


Engaging with people in a way that they know they have been heard and understood
Beneficial Strengths or Abilities
Intense focus
Having good recall
Understanding subtext (what is not being said, as well as what is)
Strong communication skills
Good judgment (knowing what to share and what not to)
Positive Traits Suited for This Skill
Diplomatic, Charming, Easygoing, Friendly, Focused, Perceptive

The ability to lie convincingly
Beneficial Strengths or Abilities
Being able to mask certain “tells” that go along with lying (fidgeting, changing the topic, rushed speech, deflecting
and denial, etc.)
Having control over one’s emotions and being very aware of body language and what it conveys
Positive Traits Suited for This Skill
Adaptable, Calm, Imaginative, Perceptive, Persuasive
Negative Traits Suited for This Skill

Being able to size others up quickly and accurately
Beneficial Strengths or Abilities
Being a good listener

Accurately viewing and assessing present-day reality in order to plan for and achieve goals
Beneficial Strengths or Abilities
Being able to look many steps ahead
Being able to evaluate available information and accurately predict what’s coming
Skilled in identifying patterns and forecasting problems with accuracy
Having good recall
Being a good problem solver and critical thinker
Being highly logical
Being in tune with human factors (predictable needs, emotion, and behavior of people)
Positive Traits Suited for This Skill
Adaptable, Ambitious
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What is the character’s job (if there's one)?
Undercover Detective

How does the character feel about his job?

He immensely proud of his job.

Write a brief summary of the family:

Parents--dead; former wife, 50, son, 12, live a part.

If the character is a parent, what kind are they?

He loves his son unconditionally.

Is the character in a relationship? Is it healthy or dysfunctional?

No, he's divorced.

Who does the character choose to hang out with?


Who does the character despise?

Criminals on the run.

What is the character passionate about?


Is the character religious?


Does the character volunteer anywhere?


Does the character have any vices?

He's a workaholic.

Does the character have any health concerns?


Does the character have any disabilities?


When the character is threatened, how do they respond (fight, flight, or freeze)?

Where is the character’s safe place?

Quiet moments near flowing water.

Where does the character live?

Phoenix, Arizona.

Is the character an early bird or a night owl?

Early bird and Night Owl.

Is the character introverted or extroverted? How do they show it?


How does the character typically get from place to place?

By car
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How does the character spend their free time?

Sketching in his black notepad.

Does the character possess unusual powers?


What does a typical day look like for the character?

Gets up, works, gets home, works, sleeps, works.

Creating art with an unusual medium such as plaster, pureed leftovers, or mulched flower petals and greenery.
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