SA FUNGIE0002 ENG TheFungies 002 FinalScript

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SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day



002 – SICK DAY

03 SETH What a fascinating bug! Whoa, easy there my

stinky friend. I’m just here for samples! Pascal,

this bog’s gas levels are amazing!

10 PASCAL My gas levels are amazing…

26 STINK BUG Byyyye!

42 SETH Can you hold this?

43 PASCAL Aw, geez, Seth, what do you even need this


47 SETH It’s for class tomorrow. I’m gonna do a whole

show-and-tell on “bogs” and how great they

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

48 PASCAL Can I bring my paintings to the show-and-tell?

51 SETH But you’re not in my class. Actually, you

haven’t been in any class…for a long time.

59 PASCAL (sadly) I know…

62 SETH I do the most interesting show-and-tells, but

nobody appreciates them. All anyone cares

about is Claudette and her dog.

64 PASCAL Who’s Claudette?

66 SETH She’d kind of my rival.

67 PASCAL And she has a dog?

69 SETH And he’s always stealing my thunder.


74 SETH Tidepools… the soothing aquariums of the

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

Earth! Each contains a--

80 COOL JAMES Hey, dudes! Look, a dog!

85 CLAUDETTE This is my dog, Barky…sometimes he eats


93 KIDS Awww!


97 SETH Volcanoes! nature’s final answer to--

100 COOL JAMES Everyone! Barky just licked Nevin’s foot!

102 KIDS Aww!

103 SETH Grrr…

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

108 SETH Geysers… earth’s deadly --

110 COOL JAMES Everybody, stop what you’re doing and look at


122 KIDS Awww!

123 SETH Omigosh, he’s dreaming! Hey…wait a minute!


126 SETH What’s so great about a dog anyway? Bogs on

the other hand? UNDERRATED.

133 PASCAL Can we go home now?


134 DR. NANCY Hey, Seth? Were you playing in that swamp


140 SETH Mom, it’s a bog!

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

141 DR. NANCY Yes, and that’s why you need to take a bath.

142 SETH Uh, I can’t work that into my schedule right

now mother. But please know you’re a

wonderful, strong, caring mother who I’m also

lucky to call a friend and I love you.

149 TWINS Yay! No more baths!!

151 DR. NANCY It’s not a bath. I’m cooking you in my soup!

153 TWINS Don’t put me in a soup!

157 SETH Time to make show-and-tell history!

160 (V.O.) Show and tell! Gonna make a presentation that

will blow you away! Show and tell! Gonna

make it great if it takes me ‘till the break of the

day! Bip-bop-it! Make it stick! This is honest

just the trick! All night long, keepin’ strong!

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

Just gotta keep my head screwed on!


218 PASCAL Seth, it’s time for bed.

219 SETH Shhhhhh! I’m playing the center sticker… that

all other stickers will respect and admire.

229 <evil cackle>


234 SETH (exhausted) It took all night, but it was worth

it! Ah jeez, paper-mache’s still wet.

236 PASCAL <snoring>

246 SETH In a few hours the whole class will know how

cool bogs are.

255 PASCAL (alarmed) Oh, WHAT?

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

265 SETH (whispering) I can’t wait. <cough, cough>


270 DR. NANCY Well you have a good show-and-tell at school

today, Seth! So come here and give me a hug

before you —WHAT THE HECK?!

275 SETH Thanks, mom! Where’s my hug?

280 DR. NANCY Oh, no, no, no, no, no! You’re sick! And you’re

not going anywhere!

287 SETH Oh, haha, I just need to get to--


303 DR. NANCY Honey, I love you, but I’m not going to kiss

you right now, because you’re gross.

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

310 SETH I can’t just sit here. I gotta…

314 <panting> <cough, cough>


324 CLAUDETTE So then the vet told us the reason Barky wasn’t

growing was because he had worms.

325 KIDS Awwww! Huh? That’s adorable!

327 SETH <coughing> I’m here for my show-and-tell!

332 <gasping for air> Hello, Teacher Terry. Hello,

Claudette… (muttering)… Barky.

356 TEACHER TERRY Seth, you don’t look…well.

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

348 SETH <groan> BOGS! The better than dogs OF THE

EARTH! Bogs are wetlands made of peat and

mosses, and characterized by -- <cough> a

biodiverse…ACHOO! The bog is beautiful…

and complicated. It’s not desperate for


371 CLAUDETTE What are you talking about?

372 TEACHER TERRY Seth, maybe this is a bad time.

374 SETH No, please! I need this…

380 TEACHER TERRY This seems weirdly important to you. So let’s

postpone show-and-tell until tomorrow when

you’re not so sick.

384 CLAUDETTE I hope you feel better, Seth.

388 SETH I bet you do. I can’t beat a dog with paper
SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

mache. I need a live specimen!


395 SETH I gotta go back to the bog!

420 <cough, cough> ACHOO!

430 DR. NANCY Oh, my sweet, sick baby. Wait, were you going

back to that smelly swamp?


432 Now this is for… your … own… good! Oh,

you’re like my cute, lil’ prisoner!

447 SETH <groan>

451 PASCAL <whistling>

458 SETH Pssst! Pascal!

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

460 PASCAL Oh, hey, Seth! I’m painting you a surprise get

well card---oh, man.

464 SETH There’s no time. Pascal! TAKE MY EYE!

472 PASCAL Okay…


476 SIR TREE What in the world?

479 SETH (through the phone) Okay, Pascal. All you

need to do is just find a few live bog specimens

so I can bring them for show-and-tell.

485 PASCAL Ugh, really?

486 SETH Just keep looking around! Look left! Now look

right! Down, down, down! There! Enhance.

That’s not a---alive specimen I’m looking for!

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

504 PASCAL Seth, I wanna go home!

507 SETH Whoa, whoa, whoa! There, there, there! By

your foot!

511 DR. NANCY Seth? Oh, Seth?

512 SETH Pascal, I gotta go!

514 PASCAL Uhhh, I think this is a stink bug.

515 STINK BUG I sure am!

516 SETH Get that bug or you’re not my brother


517 PASCAL Easy there, easy, buddy. I’m not gonna hurt—


524 It smells so bad! I’m never gonna get this smell

out! I hate the bog! I’m coming home, Seth!

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

526 DR. NANCY Seth? Oh. It looks like you’re so sick that your

EYE turned into a baseball.

533 SETH Oh, is that so? Huh. Weird. Learn something

new every day about your body!

541 PASCAL Ugh, c’mon— Stupid thing is stuck!

544 SIR TREE Ow, ow!

547 PASCAL Ughhh, I don’t feel so good.

556 SIR TREE Oh… that’s my hair.


565 SETH Pascal! I think mom is suspicious!


566 SETH/PASCAL <coughing and groaning>

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

567 DR. NANCY Yeah, well this is what happens when you

don’t listen to your mother and you hang out

in a stinky swamp. You end up on the

coughing couch.

571 SETH Urgh, my head hurts… and the room is

spinning… (tearing up) and worst of all I’ve

got nothing good for show-and-tell! <sobs>

571A PASCAL <sobbing> Don’t cry, Seth, you’re gonna make

me… cry!

576 DR. NANCY Claudette! I’m sorry, Seth is too sick to play.

579 CLAUDETTE I know…

581 DR. NANCY Aw, that’s sweet!

582 CLAUDETTE I brought Barky. He always makes me feel

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

584 SETH/PASCAL <groans>

593 SETH You!

597 DR. NANCY Awwww!

598 CLAUDETTE Barky loves Seth.

599 SETH This is all your fault! No! AHH! Get away from

me! Cute dog! <running efforts>

623 Get away from me! YOU RODENT. <panting>

I’m a man of science not puppies! <falling

effort> Uh…AHHH! <crying>

657 BARKY Hey, Seth.

658 SETH Just tell me! Why? Why can’t I beat you at

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

661 BARKY <spit> Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Seth, I love

your show-and-tell presentations!

664 SETH Really?

666 BARKY Yeah. I do!

667 SETH Oh, thanks. But everybody likes you better.

669 BARKY Duh, I’m a dog.

671 SETH Hehehe…I guess it’s pretty silly to compete

with a dog. Who’s a good dog? You like the

scientific method, don’tchya boy!

676 BARKY We should collaborate sometime!

677 SETH I’d love to!


681 SETH Wow. I feel a lot better.

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

682 PASCAL You’ve been sleeping for hours. Barky didn’t

leave your side the whole time!

686 SETH Aw, thanks, Barky.

692 BARKY (V.O.) Seth, I love your show-and-tell


596 SETH <GASP> I gotta get to school! Ahh! Where are

my legs?!

702 DR. NANCY Oh, Seth! I put your legs in here so you

couldn’t get away again.

705 SETH Mom! You can’t steal legs! <chuckle>

709 DR. NANCY No, you know what, I know, but I did anyway.

711 PASCAL Mom, you can have my legs!

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

713 SETH In summary, I conclude that Barky’s enlarged

nasal cavity enables him to smell good.

Hehehe! Stop it! He’s licking my foot

716A KIDS <sick walla>

717 COOL JAMES <hacking cough> What a cute puppy!

720 TEACHER TERRY ACHOO! Seth, we’re all sick. No more show-



737 SIR TREE Aww, hey, thanks for including me, you guys.

740 CLAUDETTE Hey Seth, thanks for watching Barky this week.

741 SETH Oh, Claudette! Sorry I got you sick. Well,

SHOW #1080-002 TITLE: Sick Day

really, you got me sick because of Barky

starting this whole thing so…hehe…anyways!

Barky signed the card too…since it’s all his


745 CLAUDETTE Thanks…

746 SETH Sorry I got weirdly competitive about show-


747 CLAUDETTE S’okay.

748 SETH Well… <grunt> Off I go to deliver these 300

other cards!

753 SIR TREE Achoo!


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