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Pandora Leak:
Riches Exposed
A team of more than 600 journalists led

by The International Consortium of

Investigative Journalists obtained 11.9

million confidential files.

It's the Pandora leak and is the biggest

leak of all time.

What does the leak

The secretive money movements of the

rich, which help them save taxes, keep

their wealth a secret, and more.

130 billionaires and 330 politicians from

over 200 countries have been named.

Anil Ambani and Sachin Tendulkar are

also on the list.

But, what's the fuss?
When the rich escape taxes, the country's

development suffers.

Though, not all transactions are illegal,

the intent becomes questionable when

the money is moved “elsewhere” to

“escape” the local rules.

So what's the modus


Local company Show expenses

earns profits to reduce profits

Loan money back to Create company in

local company. low tax country.

Profit now belongs to Bill expense from the

the foreign company foreign company

Round Tripping
This is possible because some countries

offer lower taxes, higher secrecy, and less

compliance to attract money.

But the transactions aren't that easy. They

have to be layered in ways that looks

genuine and legal.

Only the rich can afford this...
Widening the gap between the rich and

the poor.

So, Joe Biden has been rallying for a

global tax.

130 countries making up 90% of the

world’s economy have agreed to

implement a minimum tax of 15%.
This will make moving money elsewhere,


But the past suggests that the rich

have managed to find loopholes

regardless of how water-tight

the laws have been.
Will this time be any different?
Can the Pandora Box ever be

Only time will tell... until then,


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