Leadership Essay

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Leadership Essay

When thinking back to everything we have covered and trying to figure out my take on

leadership philosophy there is a lot that could go into it. I found a lot of great information from

this class as there were many great articles, videos, and discussions.

I think the ones that I found to be the most beneficial would have to be the three videos we

watched back in week one. Going back to the first video Top 10 Differences Between Managers

and Leaders was a great one. Scott Williams provides a lot of great information that is very

easily transferred into the classroom and being a leader. It starts right off the bat about talk

about how to manage his staff and how he doesn’t. He talks about leading them and what

makes great leaders. “Leaders develop followers, and managers manage people and things”

(Williams, 2011). In Steve Jobs’ management video, he made some great points. He talks a lot

about you have to love what you do and have a passion for it otherwise you quit.

Sometimes life is going to hit you in the head with a brick, don’t lose faith. You have to find

what you love and love what you do. He also mentions that if you haven’t found it yet to not

settle and that it will come. I liked how he was positive and that being successful is loving what

you do and having a passion for it. I think that is a great thing to remember as it carries over

from work to personal life. The big take-aways from John Wooden's video were the three

points he mentions that he learned from his father. The first one was to never try to be better

than someone else, the second one is learning from others, and lastly, always try to be your

best because you can only control yourself.

When looking at the four frames it is important to remember that “a frame is a mental

model- a set of ideas and assumptions- that you carry in your head to help you understand and
negotiate a particular “territory.” A good frame makes it easier to know what you are up

against and, ultimately, what you can do about it. Frames are vital because organizations don’t

come with computerized navigation systems to guide you turn by turn to your destination.

Instead, managers need to develop and carry accurate maps in their heads” (Bolman & Deal,

2017 pg. 12).” Frames define the questions we ask and solutions we consider” (Bolman & Deal,

2017 pg. 13).

As educators, it is important to somewhat create your philosophy and be able to put your

thoughts and ideas into a category. Especially as a new teacher, it is important to stand your

ground and create your own identity as you define yourself. Remembering the four frames and

knowing when to step into each one at the right time and situation. They all play an important

role. One thing I found important, which is mentioned in all three videos was the word

believing. In the Williams video right away, in the beginning, he mentions that his boss believed

in him and others (Williams, 2011). Jobs said, “believing that the dots will connect down the

road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn

path, will make all the difference” (MrSebby05, 2013). Lastly, Wooden says, “believe that things

will work out as they should” (TED, 2009). I think those statements are something that

someone can hold on to and bring with them into the classroom. Believing in yourself and

having a great support system makes for a positive environment. Having a positive outlook does

a lot to oneself and it makes everyone excited to be a part of it which will allow the students to

be in a great learning environment, and make for a great school community.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, Choice, And Leadership.
Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand

MrSebby05. (2013, March 13). Steve Jobs’ Management Style. Leadership [Video]. Retrieved

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spSCnp4VjXw&feature=youtu.be

TED. (2009, March 26). The difference between winning and succeeding | John
Wooden [Video]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/0MM-psvqiG8

Williams, S. (2011, October 9). Management Versus Leadership [Video]. Retrieved from


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