Grammar Unit 6 E1 Realizado

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Ana Digna Castillo Rosario 20211103

Grammar Unit 6

Prepositions of time.
At 6:00 on Monday in the morning from 9:00 to 12:00
At noon on the weekend in the afternoon from Monday to Friday
At night in the evening

A. Complete the sentences with the correct

1. Henry gets up At 6:00.
2. Laura takes a shower In the evening.
3. Clara works From 9:00 To 5:00.
4. Allan goes to the supermarket on Friday.
5. We eat dinner At 7:00.
6.I take a break From the morning and To the afternoon.
7. I watch TV At night.
8. The baby takes a nap in the afternoon.
9. Edwin plays soccer on the weekend.
10. The children eat breakfast At 7:00.
11. The school bus comes At 7:30.
12. Daisy studies from 8:00 to10:00.

Grammar. Simple present tense. Affirmative form.

You work
They every day

He works
Ana Digna Castillo Rosario 20211103

We form the present tense using the base form of the

infinitive (without the TO).
In general, in the third person we add 'S' in the third person.

Subject Verb The Rest of the sentence

I / you / we / they speak / learn English at home

speaks / learns English at home

he / she / it

The spelling for the verb in the third person differs depending on the ending of
that verb:

1. For verbs that end in -O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, or -Z we add -ES in the third

• go – goes
• catch – catches
• wash – washes
• kiss – kisses
• fix – fixes
• buzz – buzzes

2. For verbs that end in a consonant + Y, we remove the Y and add -IES.

• marry – marries
• study – studies
• carry – carries
• worry – worries

NOTE: For verbs that end in a vowel + Y, we just add -S.

• play – plays
• enjoy – enjoys
• say – says

B. Exercise. Circle the correct form of the verb.

Ana Digna Castillo Rosario 20211103

1. Gabriel get up / gets up at 7:00 in the morning.

2. I get up / gets up early.

3. I eat / eats breakfast.

4. I leave / leaves the house at 8:00.

5. My parents eat / eats breakfast.

6. I go/goes to work. I drive / drives.

7. Mario go / goes to the university. He take / takes the bus.

8. Rosemary have / has a lot of homework.

Grammar. Questions with Do and Does.

The following is the word order to construct a basic question in

English using Do or Does.

Do/Does Subject Verb* The Rest of the sentence

Do I / you / we / they have / need

a new bike?
Does he / she / it want etc.

Examples of Questions with Do and Does:

• Do you need a dictionary?

• Does Mary need a dictionary?
• Do we have a meeting now?z
• Does it rain a lot in winter?
• Do they want to go to the party?
• Does he like pizza?

C. Exercise. Complete the sentences. Use Do or Does in the

Ana Digna Castillo Rosario 20211103

1. Do you speak English?

2. What time Does she get up in the morning?

3. What time Do you go to bed?

4. Where Do they work?

5. Does she go to the university?

Grammar. Negative Sentences (Don’t / Doesn’t)

The following is the word order to construct a basic negative sentence in

English in the Present Tense using Don't or Doesn't.

Subject don't/doesn't Verb* The Rest of the sentence

I / you / we / they don't have / buy

cereal for breakfast
he / she / it doesn't eat / like etc.

Examples of Negative Sentences with Don't and Doesn't:

• You don't speak Russian.

• John doesn't speak French.
• We don't have time for a quick drink.
• It doesn't rain much in summer.
• They don't want to come with us.
• She doesn't like meat.

D. Complete these sentences with don’t or doesn’t and one of the

following verbs.

Drink - eat - know – live – rain – speak

1. They Don’t live in Egypt.

2. It Doesn’t rain in the desert.

3. My mother Doesn’t drink coffee.

4. Susan Doesn’t speak French.

5. I Don’t know the answer.

Ana Digna Castillo Rosario 20211103

6. Vegetarians Don’t eat meat.

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