Unit 6 E1 Realizado

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Ana Digna Castillo Rosario 20211103

1.1 Ways to telling the time.

There are two common ways of telling the time.
1) Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes)

• 6:25 - It's six twenty-five

• 8:05 - It's eight O-five (the O is said like the letter O)
• 9:11 - It's nine eleven
• 2:34 - It's two thirty-four

2) Say the minutes first and then the hour. (Minutes + PAST /
TO + Hour)
For minutes 1-30 we use PAST after the minutes.
For minutes 31-59 we use TO after the minutes.

• 2:35 - It's twenty-five to three

• 11:20 - It's twenty past eleven
• 4:18 - It's eighteen past four
• 8:51 - It's nine to nine
• 2:59 - It's one to three

When it is 15 minutes past the hour we normally say: (a) quarter


• 7:15 - It's (a) quarter past seven

When it is 15 minutes before the hour we normally say: a quarter


• 12:45 - It's (a) quarter to one

When it is 30 minutes past the hour we normally say: half past

• 3:30 - It's half past three (but we can also say three-thirty.

Ana Digna Castillo Rosario 20211103

We use o'clock when there are NO minutes.

• 10:00 - It's ten o'clock

• 5:00 - It's five o'clock
• 1:00 - It's one o'clock

Sometimes it is written as 9 o'clock (the number + o'clock)

For 12:00 there are four expressions in English.

• twelve o'clock
• midday = noon
• midnight

A.M. is used with times in the morning (between midnight

and noon).

P.M. is used with times in the afternoon, in the evening, and

at night (between noon and midnight).

1. I get up at 7:00 A.M.
2. I do my homework at 7:00 P.M.
Ana Digna Castillo Rosario 20211103

A. Write the time of these clocks.

1. It’s twelve o clock.

2. Its five past twelve
3. Its ten past twelve
4. It’s a quarter past twelve
5. Its tweny past twelve
6. Its tweny-five past twelve
7. Its half past twelve
8. Its tweny-five to one
9. Its tweny to one
10. Its quarter to one
11. Its ten to one
12. Its five to one
Ana Digna Castillo Rosario 20211103

B. Match. Write the number into the box.

1. 11:25 a quarter past seven ______
2. 2:30 ten past one _______
3. 1:10 half past two _______
4. 9:00 a quarter past eight ______
5. 7:15 two to two _______
6. 7:45 twenty-five past eleven _______
7. 8:45 a quarter to eight _______
8. 8:15 one past three _______
9. 3:01 a quarter to nine ____________

10. 1:58 nine o'clock ________

a / eleven / four / half / past / quarter / six /

ten / three / to /

C. Complete the sentences.

1) 9:05 It’s five past nine.

2) 6: 04 It’s four past six

3) 2:15 It’s a quarter past two.

4) 3:20 It’s twenty past three

5) 1:30 It’s half past one.

6) 11:35 It’s twenty-five to twelve.

7) 7:45 It’s quarter to eight.

8) 10:50 It’s ten to eleven

Ana Digna Castillo Rosario 20211103

D. Reading. Midnight and noon

Midnight and noon are two special times. Midnight is twelve o’clock
at night. Most people are asleep at midnight. Noon is twelve o’clock
in the daytime. Many people eat lunch at noon.

These are the only times that have special names. With all other
times, we can use the abbreviations A.M. and P.M. to show what
time of day or night we mean.

Circle the best answer for each question.

1. When do you eat breakfast?

a) 7:00 A.M. b) 7:00 P.M

2. When are you asleep?

a) noon b) midnight

3. When do you eat dinner?

a) 6:00 A.M. b) 6:00 P.M.

4. When do you eat lunch?

a) noon b) midnight

5. When do you get home from the university?

a) 10:00 A.M. b) 10:00 P.M.

Ana Digna Castillo Rosario 20211103

E. Write each time in words.

1) 7:00 It’s seven o’ clock.

2) 8:00 its eight o’ clock

3) 9:00 it’s nine o’ clock

4) 4:00 it’s four o’ clock

5) 11:00 it’s eleven o’ clock

6) 2:30 it’s half past two

7) 7: 30 it’s half past seven

8) 7:45 it’ a quarter to eight

9) 12:45 it’s a quarter to one

10) 8:05 it’s five past eight

F. Write each time in numerals.

1) Seven forty five. 6:45

2) A quarter to eight. 7:45

3) Eight fifteen. 8:15

4) A quarter after eight. 8:15

5) Nine o’clock. 9:00

Ana Digna Castillo Rosario 20211103

G. Circle the correct answer to

complete each sentence.

A. I get up in the
a) morning b) evening c) afternoon

B. I eat lunch at
a) midnight b) night c) noon

C. I do my homework in the
a) morning b) evening c) afternoon

D. I eat breakfast in the

a) morning b) evening c) night

E. I am asleep at
a) noon b) afternoon c) midnight

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