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1. Develop a prognostic simulation of demand for the product or service by training project.

Consider the following:

Name of the company Food Express

Main business area Service to Employers and clients
Seven steps to make a forecasting system
Use Food Express is a company that works to have
the best service asus customers and generate a
good flow of sales items and maintain an
excellent inventory.
Items express meals is responsible for distributing
variety of foods and products to their
customers as empanadas, dogs, hamburgers,
soft drinks. Etc. with a high level of quality and
Time horizon Food Express is responsible for preventing the
distribution of spoiled food on a daily basis.
Model Food Express uses a model and time mode to
facilitate meet food demand required by the
Data gathering Meals Express makes daily information to
corroborate products offered Preferred trends
and frequency of use is requested.
Making Based on the above steps, Food Express follows
the prediction procedure.
Validation and Implementation In Food Express Daily provisions are made to
ensure that the model assumptions and data
are valid.

According to company sales the Court is above 2015 making prespectivas 2016.

2015 2016
January $40.000.000 $60.000.000
Fabruary $39.000.000 $59.000.000
March $36.000.000 $56.000.000
April $39.000.000 $59.000.000
May $42.000.000 $62.000.000
June $40.000.000 $60.000.000
July $43.000.000 $63.000.000
August $39.000.000 $59.000.000
September $45.000.000 $65.000.000
October $45.000.000 $65.000.000
November $44.000.000 $64.000.000
December $50.000.000 $80.000.000
2. Graph prognosis and type the trends that will have your product or service in the short,
medium andlong term.

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Ja b M A e Oc ve ce
Fa pt De
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Data previous 25%
Data means 35%
Data recent 55%


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