Niche Cheat Sheet

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Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3

The formula is simple .............................................................................................................................. 6

Hunting, Fishing, Outdoors (3 Niches) ................................................................................................. 7

Classy Accessories (Men) ........................................................................................................................ 8

Quick Tip ................................................................................................................................................... 11

Canvas Art ............................................................................................................................................... 12

Animals/Pets........................................................................................................................................... 13

Gaming ..................................................................................................................................................... 14

Gadgets .................................................................................................................................................... 15

(Good) Phone Cases ............................................................................................................................... 16

Kids Toys .................................................................................................................................................. 19

As Seen on TV! ....................................................................................................................................... 20

(Extra) The Pocket Watch Niche ......................................................................................................... 22

The Trick To Finding Products ............................................................................................................ 23

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

This isn’t going to be one of those silly free list that’s full of junk. I bet you have seen
them right? “Download 200 Dropshipping Niches” What’s the point…. It’s just a list of
niches that hardly work. I’m going to show you niches that actually WORK! Niches that
I’ve had experience in or my buddies have.
So welcome, I’m Frankin and I do Internet Marketing stuff for a living and it’s super
fun. I’ve helped as bunch of people out and well, here are some of these results,

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

I could show you these results all day I have 100s but I know you have things to do….
But one more!

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

Mario sent me a thank you video for nearly hitting $30,000

Check it out here

So here's the deal with drop shipping, if you don’t do it right you will fail over and over
again no matter what you do. So how do you do it right? First by not listening to all the
bullsh*t out there, sorry i’m pretty straight up and drop a bad word every now and

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

The formula is simple

◉ Find products (multiple products)
◉ Put them onto your store
◉ Test with your paid advertising
◉ No sales then rinse and repeat until you get sales.

The thing is, we all know this drop shipping stuff works but it’s how you execute is
that really matters. Most people will just test one to two products then give up and
that’s not the way to do it.
Most people are used to just downloading a list of niches off Facebook that has no
substance so I’ve selected a few niches and given you an explanation for each niche,.
These are just a select few there are heaps of other niches you can dive into but I
don’t want to drag this on because I know you have things to do. This is here to give
you an idea on what can work and just letting you know that saturation is pretty much
a myth.
Alright so let’s get into this.

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

Hunting, Fishing, Outdoors (3 Niches)

I know I know, these niches are saturated right? You would usually stay away right?
Yes that’s what they tell you to do and why? Because these niches are VERY lucrative.
Saturation means money because it means things are selling in those niches. It’s not
rocket science to figure that out but most gurus will tell you it’s a waste of time. I’ve
made a ton of money in this niche and I still know stores my mates run doing it right
now. Don’t worry I’m aloud to share this info about my mates stores because it’s not
going to be easy to dive into these niches but with good products and angles the
payoff can be huge. I still sell in this niche but not via paid traffic right now. I sell most
of my stuff via email marketing now. At the end of the day these are still some of the
top niches today no matter what anyone says.

HINT: Garden Sofas do well in the outdoor niche.

I also sold these chargers in the hunting niche and did very well. This is my own video

Here is another products I sold in this space. I even ran the product over!

When it comes to the fishing niche most people do it wrong, they try to sell $3 fishing
lures but there just isn’t enough money in it. What you want to do is find products with
good profits that are general and you can sell it in all of the niches above.

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

Classy Accessories (Men)

Yeap this is a real niche and it’s booming especially on instagram. Have you ever been
on instagram? If you have you will know a lot of accounts are based around elegance.
Put it this way when people see these profiles posting nice stuff they want to be
ballers. So well put baller stuff in front of them via Adverts and shoutouts. Here is a
list of things I’ve either sold or I’ve seen do very very well.

◉ Carbon fiber things! Phone cases, money clips, wallets…. Young people love
carbon fiber gear.
◉ Glasses that have style including carbon and wooden sun glasses.
◉ Carbon fiber and wooden money clips, I already mentioned this but these do
well when you put them in bundles with other products.
◉ Elegant watches
◉ Bracelets! Big sellers and not those crappy Bracelets.

I was out to dinner one night and my mate was talking about a bracelet he just
purchased online. I started selling them on Instagram and did well. These still do well
today, I still see people selling them. You need the right audience though and males
aged 18-26 did the best for me. I did a lot with shoutouts but also did Instagram

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

Carbon fiber phone cases are just badass looking and they do well on Instagram. I
haven’t tried them on Facebook but I do know that lads on Instagram love them.

Or even this case looks super slick! I want one myself. This isn’t carbon it just looks

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

Check this, you see the product placement?

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

Quick Tip
Women’s accessories are very hard to sell, people still try so hard to make it in that
niche and I don’t know why. It’s simple…. Women are way smarter than men in this

◉ Women want to try things on.

◉ Women love specific brands.
◉ Women are smart enough to know that the $25 ring your are selling is low
quality because they know rings go for more.
◉ Women think twice and men don’t.

I’m serious… Women think before they buy and men don’t (in specific niches). A male
just wants to buy what he wants and be done with it but women like to dig deeper to
see if they can get a better deal. Most of that doesn’t even matter anyways because
when it comes to accessories most women have a specific brand they go for and it’s
not Aliexpress products. Now don’t get me wrong I see plenty of stores doing very
well in this niche but they sell in volume and that’s why they succeed. They sell 100s
or even 1000s of different products to make the good profits. It’s very hard to just try
sell a few specific items to women in the clothing and accessories industry..

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

Canvas Art
This niche is full of crazy profit because you can sell for high profits. You can really
use your imagination he since you can now do print on demand canvas art. We used
to only be able to buy premade ones off Aliexpress but not anymore. You can now
use sites like viralstyle to do print on demand art. Pretty cool right? This niche can be
hard to get used to since you have to be creative but it can make you a ton of money.
Check this one out it’s pretty slick and you can pick them up for like $20, I could sell
this for $100+ to Audi or can fans. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

This one is a no brainer but people still don’t do it right. You might be saying “Franklin
this one is obvious” but most people jump in and start selling cheap weird pet
necklaces etc, the money is in print on demand. You have seen those t shirts around
right? Things like “this lady loves cats” “This truck driver loves dogs”. Well 2 things, 1
you can sell these for way more than cheap items and it’s way more personalized.
The examples I just gave are very basic but you get the point. A lot of people think
this niche is saturated aswell, thats a good thing saturation makes money. You need
to start thinking outside the box in these niches but there is massive amounts of
money to be made. You can even bundle the shirt with other things to maxamize
profits. You can go ahead and sell necklaces and all that and they work but you just
need A LOT of volumes. Even if you don’t want to do print on demand you could try
find some stuff on Aliexpress but I recommend print on demand as it’s more personal.
I have recommended doing animal jewelry in the past but good jewelry and I’ve
always warned that it’s a volume game.

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

The gaming niche is absolutely massive..Why? Well, there is such a variety of things
to sell plus you can sell most of it for a higher price. This is a very passionate nice and
you can sell all sorts of things from custom mouse pads to light up keyboards and
unique mouses. People are very passionate about gaming and I would know because
I used to love playing games. Check out this mouse pad…. I would buy it. You can find
tons of cool mouse pads on Aliexpress. I found a mouse today that currently has
12,000 orders pending… this niche is selling.

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

Do you ever see people selling things like Magnetic phone cables or weird things that
do really well on Facebook? Why do these do well? A few reasons and one of those
reasons is the products are interesting and in some cases solve a problem. If you go
search in Aliexpress you can find all sorts of cool things like even a pineapple peeler!
Or a watermelon slicer. Although you can’t sell these for a ton of money they get a lot
of attention because they are unique and solve an issue.
I found the best way to advertise gadgets is to do a Video View ad or do a PPE advert
with a video then retarget back to the engagement with your conversion ad. It’s much
easier to sell gadgets by building hype they retargeting back with your conversion

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

(Good) Phone Cases

I have a love hate relationship with this niche but it still works very well. This is
saturated and I know I said that’s a good thing but in this case it’s a little harder
because profits are a lot less on phone cases. So why have I added this one in here?
Because my friend, if you sell the right phone cases you can make a lot of money.
You need to sell cool phone cases or ones that stop phones from smashing when
Have you ever seen the selfie case? It went viral and viral means money. This case
has also been in various movies.

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

And have you ever seen those heavy duty cases? Those solve problems and that
problem is people always smashing their phones!
Then we have this cool case. You see? It’s unique and different not just another plain
old phone case. I can already think of audiences off the top of my head that might like
These phone case niches are still very profitable but you need to think outside the

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

I guess these ones here could go into the Animal niche as well but either way animal
cases do very well since you would be advertising to a very specific audience. Well I
know they do well I’ve seem some adverts with tons of engagement.

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

Kids Toys
This is a niche that I don’t see many people advertise in and I don’t know why. Kids
need toys and we can provide them. Now I will admit this would be a hard niche to
dive into because no one is really in this niche so it’s hard to know what's working.
However, I know a young lady who just recently sold a niche specific kids toy store
and it did very well. I think the most obvious part would be building out a niche store,
In this niche you would have to dive right in with a niche store and hit it hard if you
were to jump in. Now I’m no expert in kids toys but I added it into my top niches
because of these reasons.

◉ My friend did very well and sold her toy store for a very comfortable sum of
◉ No one has really figured this niche out yet (virtually untouched).
◉ Aliexpress is full of surprisingly good quality toys.
◉ A very obvious target audience is females, mom, females who have just had
◉ Can easily expand into blogging with this niche not like other niches.
◉ You can get repeat sales easily through email marketing in this niche.

The thing is, mothers will literally keep buying toys over and over for there kids and if
you're there to provide them then BOOM it’s money in the bank. Email marketing
would be strong in this niche because I find women are more active in most email
campaigns depending on the niche of course.
Now I’m not talking about boarding toys I’m talking about quality or even unique toys.
I think this niche would hard to get into but once cracked it’s money in the bank.

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

As Seen on TV!
What Franklin? Yes that’s right as seen on TV to me is a niche and It’s done well. I used
to stay up late at night working and watching those infomercials then I had one of
those AHHA moments.
Those Infomercials have been successful for years and why is that? Because they
work! I jumped on Aliexpress and found a good range of as seen on tv products.
Now do they actually sell on Facebook? Hell yes they do I’ve sold some myself, I’ve
seen videos from others with MILLIONS of views. This is actually a very lucrative niche
but only a few people have figured out how to use it.
This niche is easy because all you need to do is replicate products that are sold on
these infomercials. You can find a lot of these products in the home improvement
section and home on Aliexpress.
Here are some products examples that I have seen on Facebook with hundreds of
thousands of views or even millions.

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

I’m scratching the surface here if you know the names of some of some of the
products you can find more. Now for anyone whos knows me this niche is going again
everything I’m about because I usually go for saturated niches. This niche isn’t
saturated but it’s still working
Why? Because most people are lazy and they like to stick with all the general niches,
like me sometimes haha. The thing with me though, I still dive down into other niches
and give them a go.

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

(Extra) The Pocket Watch Niche

I don’t have a lot of experience in this one myself but some specific watches can do
very well. Please note that there are a lot of copyrighted item in this niche so be
careful. If you can find one thats aren't infringing on anything then you can do well.
Now I’m telling you this because I know friends who have sold these and it worked
for them but I have no experience selling these. I think it’s a unique idea to sell these
and it’s very micro niche, this could be a good addition to your store.
Cough Cough… steampunk stores sell these.

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

The Trick To Finding Products

Now usually most people just jump into Aliexpress and start searching for products,
that does work fine but there is more you can do. I usually jump in and test products
that are already winning but there is another way to find good products.
Make sure you actually take the time to check out stores in the niche you choose to
go with because you can find some golden opportunities.
Check out this store in the 3D Print niche, I used to sell a lot from this store actually if
you read my other PDFs you would have seen my I sold these on store.
As you can see you have a ton of pages to check out.
Check out this one that looks like it’s based around music. Heaps of cool stuff you
would probably never find while searching on Aliexpress
Here is another niche store you can check out for an example.

I think you get it ;)

So if you made it this far thank you! Most people skip all the good bits and never take
Alright so that’s it but here is some advice :). If you struggle to sell products online the
trick is in the testing. You need to be testing at least 2 products a day until you find
winner. A long list of niches that people give you for free are kind of pointless. Sure if
you have a list of 200 niches it can be helpful but truth is most of those niches would
never work because there is no audience in that niche or no decent products you can
sell to them.
The difference with me is I’ve given you a list of niches and these are niches you can
take action in. Right now I run a huge blog, a large Facebook groups with over 30,000
members and a Youtube channel that’s about to hit 50,000 subscribers. I’ve helped
1000s of people and I’m constantly in contact with people of all ages helping them
out. I work with people trying to figure this online stuff out and people in their 50s and
60s who would like to expand their already existing online ventures.

Dropshipping Niche Cheat Sheet

When this eCom drop shipping methed first became popular I was one of the first
ones to do it. I’ve been testing and expanding from the very start.

Now you remember that Product Power product I just offered you? Well it’s still here
waiting for you so feel free to jump back in and grab it. It take you through the right
steps to making good money from drop shipping products. Get it here it’s still live.
If you have any questions feel free to join me and other ecom buddies at my forum
Online Samurais we would love to have you here :)
So, let’s chat soon
From yah friendly Youtube eCom guy


Disclaimer: I’ve asked my buddies If I can share this info so I haven’t exposed anything. I’ve also worked in some of these niches
and can’t guarantee these will work for everyone because I have no idea what you’re advertising style is like or anything about
your advertising account for that matter. Also my grammar sucks ;)


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