White and Blue Clean Lines Sales Executive Resume 1

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Dylan Quinn

Trustworthy, Passionate Hardworker

Introduction People Styles

This document provides deep insight The results that I received from the self-
into how I interact and behave as a assessments state that I'm amiable. Amiable's
professional. My detailed findings can are known to be more reserved when giving
be found by comparing all of the data input and are strong listeners. While we can be
that I collected through my people reserved in giving input, we also can be very
styles, culture maps, and self- sociable. The results that I received from the
assessment. I'm going to be reflecting OCLE are vastly different in comparison.
on how I've grown this semester and the From my results, I got all four different types
goals that I'm going to set for the of people styles. The people that took these
future. surveys were two of my sports coaches, two of
my former managers, and a peer. The reason
that I got all four different people styles
Culture Maps different is that I act differently in all these
settings and the people whom I work with. In
The results from my graph to the right sports, I would be more considered a driver,
are comparing my self-assessment and while at work, I'm more of an expressive. The
OCLE results. As you can see in the results that I got from my self-assessment are
graph, the results are fairly similar in (-1, 7). This means that a low grade on
most categories. assertiveness and a high grade on
responsiveness. These scores accurately
There are two categories that show the portray that I'm amiable in the professional
biggest difference between how I see work setting.
myself versus how my peers see me.
There are many different categories
that my peers see me differently in than
I see in myself. I will be going into a
deeper dive into these sections that I
consider to be the most valuable areas
that I have to learn about myself. These
areas are consist of evaluating, trusting,
and disagreeing.
Core Values Improvement

Honestly There are definitely some things that I still need to work on.
One of those things that I can work on is giving more input
Passionate when working in groups. I have a lot of good ideas that would
Trustworthy be beneficial to the team, but sometimes I sit back and see how
everything plays out. I am trying to get better at that. Another
These words above are what my peers had to say about thing that I need to get better at is not memorizing a script as
my core values in the OLCE survey. These fit well with much. From now on I need to take key bullet points of what
my view of my core value. I try to live by these words on a I'm going to talk about and practice it in different ways.
daily basis. No matter what the situation is I try to be as

honest as I can be because I would hope that everyone These two areas were the areas that my teammates suggested
else would do the same. I am passionate about so many that I work on in my 360-degree evaluation,
things whether it be about sports or business. In my first evaluation, I got a lot of " you should contribute
Trustworthiness is by far my biggest core value. If I say your ideas more" and " we would like to hear what you had to
that I'm going to do something, then I will 100 percent say". In the last 360 evaluations where I got only one of those.
commit to that thing. I grew up with my dad teaching me It is the area where I have been trying to improve the most. I'm
that you can only take people at their word and that has not where I want to be but I can see the improvement that I
resonated with me so well. have made so far.

Evaluating Deciding
Evaluating was my biggest difference in comparing my When I'm in a group, I have always thought that
self-assessment and OLCE. My self-assessment score consensus-based decisions are the way to go. One
was 2.33 and my OLCE responses were 3.2. When I person controlling what goes on in a group is not
evaluate I try to give a little bit of both sides. I would something that I want to be a part of and it hurts your
say that the OLCE responses are probably a little more team more having only one person make the decision.
accurate. I definitely consider emotions when giving The consensus among the group is way better for the
feedback, but at the same time, I don't want to strictly group. Not only are morals better but also strengthen
consider emotion because the feedback sometimes our ideas in a workgroup. Working with my team this
won't be as strong. I have definitely found the right semester has only made it more clear that consensus
balance this semester without hurting anyone's feelings decision-making is the best option for working as a
and providing constructive feedback. team.

Trusting What I Have Learned

There are so many things that I have learned about
I think that at the beginning of the year, I definitely
myself in this class and semester at Eller. After
built trust through both ways, but the more I work in
looking at the result of my self-assessment and also
groups I value building trust through relationships. I
what my peers wrote about me. I know the areas in
feel like I need to know who you are before I can
which I grew the most over the course of this class as
start building trust with you. Obviously, I want the
well as the areas I need to continue of improving on.
person to finish the work that they have to complete,
This feedback that I obtain through the semester is
but I have to build relationships to trust them. If I
something I can use for the rest of my life and
know the person and build that relationship, I will
enhance my professional persona with.
have a very strong idea if I can trust them or not.

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