Republic of The Philippines Don Honorio Ventura State University Mexico Campus

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Republic of the Philippines


Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga

Name: MIKAH DE LEON Date: February 22, 2021

Program/Section: BSED-ENGLISH 3 Rating: ______________

Survey of Afro-Asian Literature

Instructions: Answer the following questions briefly and concisely. Your answers
should not be less than 5 sentences per paragraph.
Font Style : Trebuchet MS
Font Size : 12
Spacing : 1.5

1. What are the most significant or most interesting concepts and skills that I
learned from this week? (First Paragraph)
2. How can I relate the concepts and skills I learned to my course, my future job,
or my everyday life? (Second Paragraph)
Weeks No. : 1 - 18
Duration : 54 hours

Topics :
1. African Literature
a. Africa – David Diop
1. We must love the place where we came from, especially the people
whom we belong.
2. We might not have the means sometimes to show our love for our
country but we can still show it on our little way. Do not be one of those
people who drug down our own country. Let’s love our country including
its imperfections. Let’s embrace our nationality.
b. Things Fall Apart – Chinua Achebe
1. Do not compromise.
2. We must always stand for what we are believing. We must always be a
woman of integrity

2. Egyptian Literature
a. To whom Shall I speak today?
1. Sometimes we don’t need to depend on people, we must learn to be
independent because there would always be a certain point in ourlives
that people will not be available for us. If we can’t deal something on
our own let’s deal it with God.
2. I must learn to be independent from people at the same time dependent
to God, I must not try hard to be understood by many, my voice doesn’t
need to be heard by so much people, I just need God by my side, the
one who knows me well, He is enough
b. The Tail of Sinuhe
1. We have free will and we are the agent of our actions
2. Let’s use our freedom wisely

3. Arabian Literature
a. The Lady and Her Five Suitors
1. Love will always conquer all.
2. In the name of love, nothing will be too hard.

b. On Love by Kahlil Gibran

1. Love binds people together.
2. Love is not a chaos, it unifies. Living with love is living with perfect
peace and harmony
4. Chinese Literature
a. Analects of Confucius
1. Follow your dreams.
2. Follow your dreams, no matter what it takes. “When it is obvious that
goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, but adjust the action
steps.” Everyone has wisdom to share.
b. Spring Silkworms
1. Do not work hard, work smart.
2. We must never waste an energy because every second counts.
5. Hindu Literature
a. Gitanjali
1. We are not to live for ourself alone, we must also live for our creator.
We are made to worship, let’s not forget our original design
2. Whatever we do, do it for the glory of God.
live ourlife as an offering to him. He deserve us.
6. Hebrew Literature (Choose only 2)
a. The Sermon
1. Laws are important.
2. Imagine the world without rules, it will surely chaos. Laws are made to
be follow.

b. Psalm 23
1. I’ve learned on this chapter that God is indeed enough!
2. Whenever we are lacking something, we must learn to ask. God can
sustain our needs. Name it.

c. The Ecclesiastes
1. Everything under the sun id vanity, nothing is permanent.
2. Only those things that we do for God are counted and will be rewarded.
Live your life wisely.

d. The Story of Ruth

1. Ruth never leave Naomi alone, despite of not having “benefit” to be
with her. I learned that, genuine love doesn’t expect something in
2. It is not enough saying “I love you”. Sometimes “love” is more than a
noun, It is a verb wherein we must express it by our actions.

e. The Story of Joseph

1. What the enemy meant for evil, God will always use it for our good.
2. We just need to have a positive perspective in life like Joseph for us to
be able to reach our God given dreams.

f. The Parable of the Good Samaritan

1. Always open a hand to help
2. our help must not just exclusive for our relatives, we must also learn to
help a stranger.
g. The Parable of the Last Seat
1. We must not see ourselves better than anyone else because at the end
of the day, we will meet someone who is better than us.
2. We must always remain humble and allow the Lord to exalt us.

h. The Parable of the Prodigal Son

1. The Lord was indeed a forgiving and loving God like the father of the
prodigal son
2. It’s not over until it’s over. No matter how far we walk from God the
moment we come back, he is willing to forgive us.

i. The Parable of Talents

1. Whoever is faithful to little will be faithful to more.
2. Whatever God entrusted to me, I must treasure it, I must keep it and I
must be a good steward.

7. Persian Literature
a. Rubaiyat
1. God already made a plans for us and it’s all good, but it is our duty on
how we can reach our destiny
2. We must never blame God on every conflicts that we have, remember
that our life will always be a product of our decision.

b. Epic of Gilgamesh
1. We can have what we want by working hard for it that’s why the
moment we get it do not overlook it.
2. We must treasure the fruits of our hardwork, do not be like Gilgamesh,
it is already in his hands but he became careless.

8. Japanese Literature
a. Haiku
1. ( 57577) Standard in life matters.
2. it is really beneficial when we follow a standard especially God’s
standard because standard measures how right our actions are.

b. Tale of Genji
1. Woman are precious as diamonds, they deserve to be treated well
2. We must be faithful to our future partner in life.

c. The Madman on the Roof

1. Love is acceptance
2. Acceptance doesn’t only pertain with the positive side but also the
negative side, it will surely cost us something but that’s love, we must
learn to accept to avoid conflicts.

9. South East Asian Literature

a. The Poppy
1. Sometimes our mind and emotion are our greatest enemy.
2. We must be master over our mind and emotions, do not let them control
us, let’s control them.

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