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Employee name: Morrison Employee ID: xx

Position: Supervisor Department: xx
Performance discussed with: XX Date of discussion:7/10/21
Reason for review: XX
Performance period from: 6/10/21 to: 7/10/21

Instructions: Reflect on the employee’s performance over the whole performance period. Refer
to supporting notes and evidence collected over this time. Check the appropriate rating for each
performance area. Indicate ‘N/A’ if not applicable.

Definition of performance ratings

1 2 3 4 5
Below Needs Meeting Exceeding Outstanding
expectations improvement expectations expectations
Performance does not Performance is Performance is Performance is often Performance
meet requirements in inconsistent. Behaviour consistent and meets above the standard consistently exceeds
several critical factors. sometimes does not the standards required. required and the standards and KPI
Performance is meet expectations. Regularly meets KPI employee sometimes targets set for the
inconsistent and Targets are often met, targets. exceeds KPI targets. position.
unreliable and but there is room for
behaviour needs improvement.
improvement. KPI
targets are regularly

Job-related skills: The extent to which the team member is competent in the practical/technical
skills required to perform on the job.

1 2 3 4 5
Below expectations Needs improvement Meeting expectations Outstanding
Comments: - 2
All events were slightly under budgets, and also this was his first supervising events.

Interpersonal skills: The extent to which the team member willingly cooperates and
demonstrates effective communication skills when interacting with internal and external

1 2 3 4 5
Below expectations Needs improvement Meeting expectations Outstanding
Comments: -2
95 % customers were satisfied with event but he still needs improve.

1© Didasko Digital 2018


Organisational skills: The extent to which the team member organises and produces work in a
timely manner.

1 2 3 4 5
Below expectations Needs improvement Meeting expectations Outstanding
Comments: - 1
Team do not listen to him when he requests them to complete tasks faster and deliberately slow down when
requested to improve performance. They feel they are regularly completing extra duties due to other staff
members underperforming.

Problem-solving and continuous improvement skills: The extent to which the team member
proposes new ideas, finds new and better ways of doing things and uses appropriate problem-
solving skills.

1 2 3 4 5
Below expectations Needs improvement Meeting expectations Outstanding
Comments: - 3
He suggests business to calculate average time it takes to complete a range of common tasks to make it
easier to evaluate if staff are deliberately underperforming and a system for capping hours for each event and
notifying all staff

Proposed future development

He should focus on how to meet his KPIs , capping hours for the events and taking feedbacks and improving on
to it.

2 2018 Edition

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