Learner'S Packet No. 2 Quarter 2

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Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

Name: _____________________________________________ Grade Level: 11/12

Week/Date: _________________________

MELC: Assess democratic interventions prevailing in political and social institutions.
HUMSS_MCT12-IIa-c-6 and Formulate a viable alternative to undemocratic
practices. HUMSS_MCT12-IIa-c-7

Democracy as a form of government comes in many forms. Even though
supported by most citizens in democratic states, what they cherish are widely
different systems. This plurality is crucial when the quality of democratic governance
is to be evaluated. The democratic practices in the country are meant to benefit the
people. If only its resources, work force and funds were never exploited by several
individuals, finding solutions for the country’s multitude of economic and political
problems would never be impossible. Some democratic laws, however, are on the
border of being removed such as the Freedom of Information Act which is now being
abolished in some countries like the UK as its government already issued some
restrictions on information present in the web. On the other hand, undemocratic
practices are practices that affect the society and government in many different
ways, usually denying the people’s rights for freedom of expression, property
ownership, religious practices, etc.


 Organizations which create, enforce, and apply laws.

 They often mediate conflict, make (governmental) policies with regards
to the economy and social systems, and otherwise provide
representation for the populous.
 Complemented by voluntary organizations and social movements.
 The quality of democracy refers both to the functioning of political
institutions and to the extension of democratic ideals to other social
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 Other social fields which are permanently present in the lives of the
people, such as education, health care and others, may be equally
important to the quality of democracy.

What is the difference between Political Structures and Political Institutions?

Political Structures Political Institutions

 Specific  Generic
 Executive branch of government  Legislative branch

 Democracy works well when its political institutions perform functions

assigned to them. The Constitution of any country lays down basic rules on
the powers and functions of each institution.
 A democracy in a more traditional sense is a political system that allows for
each individual to participate.
 A social institution consists of a group of people who have come together for a
common purpose. These institutions are a part of the social order of society
and they govern behavior and expectations of individuals.
Example: Family - creates a stable and often unbreakable relationship.

From Political Philosophy to Sociological Analysis

 Institutions, as they are understood in the present context, constitute common

frameworks regulating social behavior of individuals and organizations, as
well as basic social conflict.
 They take several forms, not only as conflicts over divergent interests but as
normative dilemmas, as goal conflicts, and as competing interpretations of
how institutions are supposed to work. Thus, institutions become arenas for
the exertion of power given that institutions emerge and change by processes
of differentiation and innovation.

Democratizing the Economy

 The economy is dominated by an overarching ambivalence between

autonomy and hierarchy – at the most general level, between the roles of
producers and consumers and the roles of managers and workers.
 When prospective democratic elements in the economy are discussed, old
notions of ‘economic democracy’ inevitably come up. This is not so much a
concept as a generic term to cover the expansion of political democracy into
the economy.

Welfare State Institutions in Democracy

 The welfare state is composed of several basic institutions; here the discussion is mostly
limited to institutions for health care and social security. Welfare state measures in
these fields aim at maintaining or restoring – as far as practically possible – the ability of
citizens to act as free and productive individuals.

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Democracy in the Media Institution

 Systems of information, shaped by ruling groups, have always been a precondition for
keeping together societies larger than local communities.
 The media are institutionalized as a main source of the communal
imagination by their diffusion to the general public.
 To be democratic, the media must have freedom of information and of
expression as their normative bases.
 In democratic societies, the media are exposed to two basic dilemmas. First,
they are supposed to take an idealistic, liberal stance by bringing forth
information for discussion among citizens about all kinds of social prospects
and problems. Inclusive social deliberation presupposes that media reach out
to a large number of readers or listeners.

Generalizing Institutional Norms and Conflicts

 The main social institutions are heterogeneous; they comprise, and are even
built around deep social dilemmas or conflicts that cannot be solved once and
for all but rather necessitate compromises. Thus, if social struggles over
compromises and reformulations of compromises are unavoidable, they are
by nature changeable.
 Democratic norms across institutional fields may equally be subsumed under
a set of common terms. In a general sense, the criterion of social membership
concerns various forms of exclusion from basic social institutions.
 In working life this refers to the citizens’ general access to decent positions in
the labor market.
 In the welfare state, social membership is expressed by the degree of access
to health care and social services.
 In the media sector, social membership is a function of access to socially
relevant information via the media or otherwise.


 An Undemocratic Practice is a doctrine that is against or in disagreement with

democracy. Democracy is a political system for choosing and replacing the
government and its leaders. Electoral fraud can occur in advance of voting if
the composition of the electorate is altered.
 Public funding is money that comes from the government, often through
taxes, that is used to help the public through goods and services. The funds
are gathered and distributed in different levels such as the federal level, state
level, and even local level. While taxes are a primary resource, funding can
also come from fines and fees.
 In general, corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal activity undertaken by
a person or organization entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire
illicit benefit.
 An undemocratic practice is a doctrine that is against or in disagreement with
democracy. Democracy is a political system for choosing and replacing the
government in which everybody should participate. Democracy is a great way

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of choosing our leaders, but it proves to be hard to make rules that every
citizen will follow.


Democratic intervention has put political affair into the welfare of the people
as it is a quality assurance for governance. Freedom among the constituents in
selecting their leader is essential in maintaining a democratic society. But still
democratic intervention is sometimes plague with undemocratic practices such as
corruption, electoral fraud, bribery and other form of illegal practices. Society should
maintained its role in safeguarding the democratic freedom and also its role in
maintaining competent leaders that would influence the betterment for change of a



Directions: Your task is to identify each item if it is belong to Political or Social
Institution. Write the answers on your answer sheet.

________________ 1. Political parties

________________ 2. Trade unions
________________ 3. Congress
________________ 4. Legal courts
________________ 5. Non-government organization
________________ 6. Family
________________ 7. Education
________________ 8. Religion
________________ 9. Community
________________ 10. Tribe

TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the statement is correct and False if not. Write the
answer on your answer sheet.

_______ 1. Political institutions can also be called “organization.”

_______ 2. Family is a form of political institution.
_______ 3. Society cannot survive without social institutions.
_______ 4. Social institutions create laws.
_______ 5. Institutions are not so important in a democratic country.


Directions: As a student, give five (5) instances where you experienced or
witnessed undemocratic practices. What do you think are the consequences of these
undemocratic practices? Write the answers on your answer sheet.

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
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4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________


Directions: Create your own slogan promoting democratic practices. Use short bond


DIRECTION. Choose the best answer on the following questions/statements below.

Write the answers on your answer sheet.

_____ 1. The basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their
A. Family B. Community C. Political Entity D. None of the above
_____ 2. Mechanisms or patterns of social order focused on meeting social needs,
such as government, economy, education, family, healthcare, and religion.
A. Society B. Government C. Social orders D. Social institutions
_____ 3. The following are examples of Political institutions EXCEPT to:
A. Senate B. Congress C. President D. Municipal Councilor
_____ 4. A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and
exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation.
A. Constitution B. Communism C. Democracy D. Anarchy
_____ 5. A group of people living in the same place or having a particular
characteristic in common.
A. Government B. Community C. Society D. Group
_____ 6. An Organizations which create, enforce, and apply laws; that mediate
conflict; make (governmental) policy on the economy and social systems.
A. Political institutions B. Ministers C. Secretary D. President

A. Moral Responsibility B. Self-determination C. Intellect D. Freedom

_____ 7. Which of the following best describes Democratic?
A. A landlord who imposes collection of payment even the country is
under ECQ.
B. A College Student who chooses course.
C. Rioting against the authority.
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D. None of the above.
_____ 8. Which of the following situations performed the concept of
the “Undemocratic”?
I. Citizen arrest 
II. Adhering human rights
III. Front liners perform their duties. 
IV. A beggar who is begging for food.
V. Government officials advertising their works. 
A. II and V B. I, II, and III C. I, II, III and IV D. I, II, III, IV and V 
_____ 9. Election manipulation or vote rigging.
A. Self-determination B. Electoral-fraud C. Bribery D. Fraud
_____ 10. A form of dishonesty or criminal offense undertaken by a person or
organization entrusted with a position of authority, to acquire illicit benefit or abuse
power for one's private gain.
A. Corruption
B. Robbery
C. Bribery
D. Fraud




73-80 Excellent: Main concept easily identified; sub concepts branch appropriately
from main idea. Reflects essential information such as logically arranged,
concepts succinctly presented and no misspellings or grammatical errors.

25-32 Very Satisfactory: Main concept easily identified; most sub concepts branch
from main idea. Reflects most of the essential information such as generally
CONTENT logically arranged, concepts presented without too many excess words and
80 points fewer than three misspellings or grammatical errors.

17-24 Satisfactory: Main concept is quite identified; sub concepts don’t consistently
branch from main idea. Contains related information but logically unarranged and
contains numerous spelling and grammatical errors.

0-16 Fair: Main concept is not clearly identified; sub concepts don’t consistently
branch from main idea. Contains extraneous, not logically arranged and contains
numerous spelling and grammatical errors.

16-20 Excellent: Clean design with high visual appeal, four or fewer symbol shapes,
fits page without a lot of scrolling and color is used effectively for emphasis.

11-15 Very Satisfactory: Design is fairly clean, with a few exceptions. Diagram has visual
appeal with four or fewer symbol shapes, fits page well and uses color effectively
DESIGN most of time.
20 points
6-10 Satisfactory: Cluttered design with satisfactory aesthetic in visual appeal.
Choice of colors has lacks of visual appeal and impedes comprehension.

1-5 Fair: Design is in low visual appeal and information is unrelated to each other.


SDO_HUMSS-TNCTC_Grade 11/12_Q1_LP 2
1. Political 6. Social 2. D 7. B
2. Political 7. Social 3. C 8. A
3. Political 8. Social
4. Political 9. Social 4. C 9. B
5. Political 10. Social 5. B 10. A
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. False
The answer may vary.
The answers may vary.


Empenida, June Mark D. (2020). Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in

the 21st Century: Assessing Political and Social Institutions.
Department of Education ADM.

Empenida, June Mark D. (2020). Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in

the 21st Century: Analyzing Democratic and Undemocratic
Practices. Department of Education ADM.

Prepared by:

SDO Camarines Sur

SDO_HUMSS-TNCTC_Grade 11/12_Q1_LP 2

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