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To Account for Taverns

A random tavern encounter supplement for the worlds
greatest roleplaying game

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Tavern Name Generator.
Roll 2d20 and Use the table below to generate a random tavern name. You can
finish the name of with either “Tavern” or “Inn”.

For example a roll of “11” and “2” would result in “Weeping” and “Pig” which you
would use to create “The Weeping Pig Inn”. If you are unhappy with the first result
then simply switch the dice, which in this case would result in a “2” and “11” which
would give us “The Hanged Troll Tavern”.

1 Drowned Serpent/Snake
2 Hanged Wolf
3 Flayed Chicken/Rooster
4 Pecked Duck
5 Skinned Horse/Donkey
6 Dressed Fish
7 Hairy Bird
8 Salty Deer/Elk
9 Pierced Bear
10 Sleeping Pig
11 Weeping Troll
12 Singing Giant
13 Dancing Gnome
14 Laughing Halfling
15 Jolly Man/Lady
16 Merry Elf
17 Golden Dwarf
18 Lucky Bandit
19 Hungry Skull
20 Thirsty Dragon

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NPC Generator.

The following table can be used to generate any number of NPC’s working in the
Inn and gives you a small profile for roleplaying them.
Roll 1 d12 to give you an NPC or a second d12 to try a different personality.

D20 Race Name and Gender Personality + RP gestures

1 Human (M) Toby Stoury Enthusiastic. Lean forwards, wide
eyes, open mouth.
2 Human (F) Sara Plumduck Welcoming. Lean forwards. Open
arm gestures
3 Human (F) Salundra Towerbridge Disgruntled. Cross arms, sigh a
lot. Scratch head.
4 Dwarf (M) Hendrick Hawkbane Suspicious. Turn nose up, cross
arms, ponder, stroke chin.
5 Dwarf (M) Thorin Kegright Friendly. Be friendly 😊
6 Dwarf (M/F) Ellin Brightbeard Direct. Straight to the point, no
small talk. One word answers.
7 Elf (F) Galreith Son’ta Wise. Speak slowly, take pauses
to think.
8 Elf (M) Andwin End’na Impressed. Lead forwards. Wide
9 Half-Orc (M) Threl Drewen Untrustworthy. Lean back, ask for
money before services. Flicker
eye contact between players.
10 Half-Orc (F) Gwen’da Deenen Content. Just be normal and
11 Halfling (M/F) Quinin Banberry Elated. Speak quickly. Lean
forwards, talk a lot, interrupt the
12 Halfling (M) Corin Goodfarm Talkative. Pick up key words
from players and make up
nonsense stories.

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Random “Special Menu” Meals

The table below can be used to generate the “Specials” menu for your tavern. Roll
2d12 to get the first option and then swap the dice to get your second option. For
Example, Dwayne the Fighter asks “What can I get to eat around here?” The DM
rolls 2d12 and gets a 10 and a 3. This gives “Pickled Beef” The DM then Swaps the
Dice for a 3 and a 10 which gives “Smoked Cheese”. The DM responds to Dwayne
through the NPC, “ Our specials menu for today is Pickled Beef and Smoked

D20 Cooking Method Main Ingredient

1 Roasted Chicken
2 Stewed Pork
3 Smoked Beef
4 Fried Duck
5 Steamed Fish
6 Salted Potatoes
7 Shredded/Mashed Carrots
8 Pie/Pudding (reverse order) Greens
9 Oriental Spiced Eggs
10 Pickled Cheese
11 Wine Poached Rice/Beans
12 Honey-Glazed Breads

Brief Random Non-combat Encounters

The next table offers a host of brief narrative non-combat encounters. These are
encounters that may take place over the course of the evening to the adventurers
individually. They are best used when your adventurers are spending the evening
in the tavern before heading out on an adventure and you want some short
encounters to take place before the night ends. Have your players take turns to roll
the d20 to see what occurs! Each encounter is designed to happen to only the
player that rolls the dice.

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D20 Random Event
1 “You meet the gaze of a mysterious looking human, she beckons you over
and before you are able to speak she takes your palm and begins to read
your fortune” Have the player roll a d6 on the fortune teller table.
2 “You throw dice with some local gamblers” Make a DC 10 Dexterity test. If
you succeed gain 1 GP for each point exceeding the DC +1d4. If you fail you
lose 1 GP for each point you fall short of the DC+1d4.
3 “You’re challenged by a local brawler to an arm wrestle” Make a DC 12
Athletics test. If you succeed that brawler buys you a drink. If you fail you
gain the exhausted condition for 1d4 hours.
4 “You’re challenged by a local farmer to a drinking contest” Make a DC 10
Constitution test. If you Succeed the farmer passes out and you gain
renown with the locals who buy you a meal. If you fail you gain the
Poisoned condition for 1d4 hours.
5 “You are approached by an Adventurer new to area, He askes your help to
plot a safe route through the wilderness” Make a DC 12 Survival test. If you
Succeed the adventurer thanks you and gives you a healing potion.
6 “You unwittingly sit at the table of a pie eating contest as the event begins!”
Make a DC 10 Constitution test. If you succeed you get through to the final
found and must make another DC10 Constitution test. If you succeed earn
2d6 GP as the winner.
7 “A mysterious visitor whispers a rumor in your ear, when you turn to reply
they have vanished” Provide a piece of plot related information.
8 “The chef has blocked the sink drains with fish giblets. Make a DC 10
Constitution test, if you succeed refer to the Tavern earnings table.
9 “The Innkeeper asks you to provide some entertainment for the tavern as
some ill-fate has fallen his musician” Make a DC 12 Performance test, if you
succeed refer to the Tavern earnings table.
10 “The Taverns chef has offered you some coin if you could identify the blight
on his vegetable patch” Make a DC 12 Nature test, if you succeed refer to
the Tavern earnings table.
11 “The local stable hand has asked you to help him attend to the horses.”
Make a DC12 Animal handling test, if you succeed refer to the Tavern
earnings table.

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12 “The Innkeeper has asked that you chop some wood for the fire” Make a DC
12 Athletics test, if you succeed refer to the Tavern earnings table.
13 “The Chef has burnt himself while boiling up some fish heads for the days
‘Specials’ menu. Make a DC 12 Medicine test, if you succeed refer to the
Tavern earnings table.
14 “The tavern pot washer is exceptionally lazy this evening, the innkeeper
has asked you to try and ‘motivate’ him. Make a DC 12 Intimidation or
Persuasion test. if you succeed refer to the Tavern earnings table.
15 “The Innkeepers wife has lost the key to the outhouse. Make a DC 12
Sleight of Hand test as you try to pick the lock. If you succeed refer to the
Tavern earnings table.
16 “You meet an Alchemist who is unknown to these lands, he asks you to
share your knowledge of the area’s history” Make a DC12 History check. If
you succeed the Alchemist thanks you and provides you with a potion of
healing as gratitude.
17 “You are mistaking recognized as a folk-lore hero” Make a DC12 deception
test if you wish to go along with it. If you succeed the innkeeper provides
you with free drinks and half price lodging as the word of your previous
good deeds spread.
18 Make a DC 10 Perception test. If you succeed you find a golden signet ring
on the floor (Worth 25gp or can be plot related). If you fail the test you find
a single golden coin on the floor.
19 “You find yourself engaged in a debate with a scribe about a scroll with
some unfamiliar markings on it” Make a DC 12 Arcana test. If you succeed
you gain a “Scroll of Guiding Bolt”
20 “A Priest approaches your table and mutters a blessing”. Roll on the
blessing table.

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Fortune Teller:
If you roll a 1 on the previous d20 table then roll a D6 and consult the fortune teller
table below.

D6 Fortune Teller
1 “A Black Crow haunts your path” The next time you take damage you take
an additional 1 d4 damage.
2 “A White Wolf watches you” You will be surprised on your next combat.
3 “A sword slumbers” You have disadvantage on your next combat roll.
4 “A cursed idol forsakes you” You have disadvantage on your next ability
5 “The Swamp willow waits for you” You have disadvantage on your next
initiative roll.
6 “The Winter’s bite is brittle” You have disadvantage on your next saving

If you roll a 20 on the previous d20 table then roll a d6 and consult the blessing
table below.

D6 Blessings
1 “ May a grey dove watch over you” The next time you do damage you can
add 1d4 damage of the same type
2 “ May your blood flow with vitality” The next time you heal you can add
1d4 additional hit points.
3 “ May you be a vessel of redemption” Gain advantage on your next combat
4 “Your mind is precious” Gain advantage on your next saving throw
5 “A golden hand will guide you” Gain advantage on your next initiative test
6 “May your soul steer true” Gain an inspiration token.

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(Optional: If you are concerned about unbalancing your combat you could opt to
just give the player advantage or disadvantage on their next ability roll after
meeting the priest or fortune teller).

Tavern Earnings:

The Tavern earnings table compares the amount the relevant DC was exceeded by.
For example, If Dwayne needed to beat a DC 12 to help the innkeeper chop some
logs (Result of 12 on the d20 random encounters) and he got an 18. He would have
exceeded the DC by 6 so would consult the table below with that result.

DC+ Tavern Earnings

0-1 You earn 1d4 GP
2 You earn 1d4+2 GP
3 You earn 2d4 +1 GP
4 You earn 2d4 +2 GP
5 You earn 2d6 +2 GP
6 You earn 2d6 +3GP
7 You earn 3d6 +3 GP
8+ You earn 4d6 +3GP

(Optional: If you’re concerned about your players generating too much gold from
this then you can half the result).

Thank you for downloading my first published supplement on the Adventurers


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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. To Account for Taverns

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