Design and Manufacturing of Recycling Plastic Machine Shredder Machine

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Faculty of Engineering and Material Science

German University in Cairo

Design and Manufacturing of Recycling

Plastic Machine
Shredder Machine

Bachelor Thesis

Author: Bassem Hany Dahy

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Eng. Mohamed Hassan El-Shazly

Submission Date: 3 June, 2014

This is to certify that:

(i) The thesis comprises only my original work toward the Bachelor Degree

(ii) Due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material used


Bassem Hany Dahy

3 June, 2014

I would like to express my very great appreciation to Prof. Dr. Eng. Mohammed Hassan El-
Shazly for his valuable and constructive suggestions during the planning and development of
this thesis. His willingness to give his time so generously has been very much appreciated.

I would also like to thank my parents Eng. Hany Dahy and Eng. Thouraya Hammad for their
support and encouragement throughout my study.

Due to the increase in generation, waste plastics are becoming a major stream in solid
waste. After food waste and paper waste, plastic waste is the major constitute of municipal
and industrial waste in cities. Even the cities with low economic growth have started
producing more plastic waste due to PET bottles and other goods/appliances using plastic as
the major component. The main objective of our project is how to design and manufacture a
shredder machine to help in recycling the plastic (PET Bottles).

On the other hand, plastic waste recycling can provide an opportunity to collect and dispose
of plastic waste in the most environmental friendly way and it can be converted into a

Acknowledgments...................................................................................................................... I
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... II
List of Figures ..........................................................................................................................VI
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................ VIII
Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Motivation ................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Thesis objective ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Thesis structure ........................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 2: Plastic and Effect on Environment ........................................................................... 3
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 Polymers .................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Different types of polymers ....................................................................................... 3
2.1.3 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) .............................................................................. 4
2.1.4 PET History ............................................................................................................... 4
2.1.5 Physical properties:.................................................................................................... 4
2.1.7 Effect of Plastic on Environment............................................................................... 5
2.2 Recycling Plastic .............................................................................................................. 7
2.2.1 It is a two-stage process ............................................................................................. 9
2.2.2 There is a wide range of products made from recycled plastic, including ................ 9
Chapter 3: Shredder Machine’s ............................................................................................... 10
3.1 Recycling equipment ...................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Shredder Machines ......................................................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Grinders ................................................................................................................... 11
3.2.2 Chippers ................................................................................................................... 12
3.2.3 Granulators .............................................................................................................. 12
3.2.4 Hammer Mills .......................................................................................................... 13
3.2.5 Shear Shredders ....................................................................................................... 13
3.2.6 Specialty Shredders ................................................................................................. 14
3.2.7 All Purpose Shredders ............................................................................................. 15
3.2.8 Selecting the appropriate type of shredder machine................................................ 15
3.2.9 Points affecting the choice of shredder machine ..................................................... 15
3.2.10 Shredder machine’s Advantages ........................................................................... 18
3.2.11 Saving recycle cost ................................................................................................ 18
3.2.12 Environmental advantage of Shredder Machine ................................................... 18
3.3 Project and Components ............................................................................................. 19
Chapter 4: Shredder Machine Design and Analysis ................................................................ 20
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Design and analysis ........................................................................................................ 21
4.2.1 Machine component’s.............................................................................................. 21
4.2.1 The Shredder blade .................................................................................................. 21
4.2.2 The Shaft.................................................................................................................. 22
4.2.3 The Interns ............................................................................................................... 22
4.2.4 Distance Ring .......................................................................................................... 23
4.2.5 The Side Plates Configuration (1) ........................................................................... 23
4.2.6 Side Plate Configuration (2) .................................................................................... 24
4.2.7 Spur Gears ............................................................................................................... 24
Spur Gear Assumptions ........................................................................................................... 25
Model Information ................................................................................................................... 25
Study Properties ....................................................................................................................... 26
Units ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Material Properties ................................................................................................................... 27
Loads and Fixtures ................................................................................................................... 28
Mesh Information..................................................................................................................... 29
Mesh Information - Details .................................................................................................. 29
Mesh Control Information:................................................................................................... 29
Resultant Forces ....................................................................................................................... 30
Reaction Forces .................................................................................................................... 30
Reaction Moments................................................................................................................ 30
Study Results ........................................................................................................................... 31
4.2.8 Shaft Stress Analysis ............................................................................................... 35
Chapter 6: Shredder Machine Results...................................................................................... 56
6.1 Design Results ................................................................................................................ 56
6.2 The machine start up ...................................................................................................... 56
6.3 Design analysis Results .................................................................................................. 56

Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future work .................................................................................. 57
7.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 57
7.2 Future work .................................................................................................................... 57
Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 58
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 67

List of Figures
Figure 2.1: Wasted Plastic [15] .................................................................................................. 6
Figure 2.2: Classifications of plastics to be recycled [16] .......................................................... 8

Figure 3.1: Grinder Machine [21]............................................................................................. 11

Figure 3.2: Chipper Machine [22] ............................................................................................ 12
Figure 3.3: Granulator machine [23]........................................................................................ 12
Figure 3.4: Hammer mill machine [24] .................................................................................... 13
Figure 3.5: Shear Shredder [26] ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 3.6: Specially made Shredder [27] ................................................................................ 14
Figure 3.7: All Purpose Shredder [28] ...................................................................................... 15

Figure 4.1: Designed Shredder Blade....................................................................................... 21

Figure 4.2: Designed Shaft ....................................................................................................... 22
Figure 4.3: Designed Intern...................................................................................................... 22
Figure 4.4: Designed Distance Ring.......................................................................................... 23
Figure 4.5: Designed Side Plate Configuration 1 ..................................................................... 23
Figure 4.6: Designed side plate configuration 2 ...................................................................... 24
Figure 4.7: Designed Spur Gear ............................................................................................... 24
Figure 4.10: Fixed weights on Shaft ......................................................................................... 35
Figure 4.11: Solid works Meshing ............................................................................................ 41

Figure 5.1: Turning Machine [31]............................................................................................. 45

Figure 5.2 Milling Machine [32] ............................................................................................... 46
Figure 5.3 Wire cutting machine [17] ...................................................................................... 47
Figure 5.4: Shredder Blade....................................................................................................... 48
Figure 5.5: The shaft ................................................................................................................ 49
Figure 5.6: The distance rings .................................................................................................. 49
Figure 5.7: The interns ............................................................................................................. 50
Figure 5.8: Side Plate Configuration 1 ..................................................................................... 50

Figure 5.9: Side Plate Configuration 2 ..................................................................................... 51
Figure 5.10: Spur Gears Manfacturing ..................................................................................... 51
Figure 5.11: The Shredder Machine......................................................................................... 52

List of Tables
Table 2.1: PET Physical properties ............................................................................................. 5
Table 2.2: In general the major plastic types are listed ............................................................. 6

Table 4.2: Shaft Information .................................................................................................... 36

Table 4.3: Shaft Properties ....................................................................................................... 37
Table 4.4: Units........................................................................................................................ 37
Table 4.5: Material Properties.................................................................................................. 38
Table 4.6: Loads and Fixtures.................................................................................................. 38
Table 4.7 : Mesh Information .................................................................................................. 40
Table 4.8: Mesh Information -Details...................................................................................... 41
Table 4.9: Mesh Control information ...................................................................................... 41
Table 4.10: Study Results ........................................................................................................ 42
Table 4.11: Shaft Analysis Displacement 1 ............................................................................. 43
Table 4.12: Shaft Analysis Factor of Safety ............................................................................ 44

Chapter 1: Introduction
Saving energy, environmental pollution, wasted material, conserving resource and conserving
recycling are the world major concern nowadays which encouraged us to design and manufacture a
shredder plastic machine. In this thesis we are going to discuss the plastics and their environmental
effect also we are going to discuss the shredder machine importance to the recycling industry,
shredder types, machine design, calculation, manufacturing and the results upon testing.

1.1 Motivation

Due to the increase in generation, waste plastics are becoming a major stream in solid waste.
After food waste and paper waste, plastic waste is the major constitute of municipal and
industrial waste in cities. Even the cities with low economic growth have started producing
more plastic waste due to plastic packaging, plastic shopping bags, PET bottles and other
goods/appliances using plastic as the major component .on the other hand, plastic waste
recycling can provide an opportunity to collect and dispose of plastic waste in the most
environmental friendly way and it can be converted into a resource [1].

In most of the situations, plastic waste recycling could also be economically viable, as it
generates resources, which are in high demand. Plastic waste recycling also has a great
potential for resource conservation and GHG emissions reduction, such as producing diesel
fuel from plastic waste. This resource conservation goal is very important for most of the
national and local governments, where rapid industrialization and economic development is
putting a lot of pressure on natural resources. Some of the developed countries have already
established commercial level resource recovery from waste plastics. Therefore, having a
“latecomer’s advantage,” developing countries can learn from these experiences and
technologies available to them [1].

1.2 Thesis objective

Therefore designing and manufacturing plastic shredder machine will allow us to re-use the
wasted plastic to transfer it from waste to product that is reused such as the following:

1. Transferring wasted PET bottles to new bottles.

2. Transferring wasted PET bottles to new type of product

1.3 Thesis structure

The remainder of the thesis is organized as follows:

Chapter 2 will discuss the plastic and the effect on the environment.

Chapter 3 will discuss the shredder machines and its relation to recycling plastic material.

Chapter 4 will discuss our shredder machine design and analysis.

Chapter 5 will discuss our manufacturing of the shredder machine.

Chapter 6 will discuss our shredder machine results.

Chapter 7 will discuss the conclusion of our machine and our future work.

Chapter 2: Plastic and Effect on
2.1 Introduction
This Chapter will discuss the polymers Plastic and their effect upon the environmental

2.1.1 Polymers

A polymer is a molecule that consists of certain type of arrangement of atoms that is repeated
over and over. The result is a very large molecule that can consist of 2000 or more of the base
compound. The base compound is referred to as a monomer, or a single unit of a polymer.
When a large number of monomers are joined together they form a polymer [2].

Polymers are sometime referred to as macromolecules, because they are very large, thousands
of time larger than molecules such as water.

2.1.2 Different types of polymers

Natural polymers
These are polymers or from natural materials such as tree resin.

Semi Synthetic
These are manmade polymers that contain a component from natural materials.

Synthetic polymers
Manmade polymers

Thermo set and Thermoplastic polymers:

Polymers can also be classified based on their physical characteristics. Most polymers are
categorized into one of two groups based on their physical properties after heating.

Thermo set plastics are plastics that once made through a curing process, set in a hard
solid state, were additional heating cause’s changes in the chemical nature of the material.

Examples: are phenol formaldehyde and urea formaldehyde

A thermoplastic is a plastic that softens to a molten state when heated and hardens again to a
solid state when cooled. Thermoplastics can generally go through many heating and cooling
cycles with no appreciable change in the chemical nature of the material.
Examples: Are polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride,
among others [2].

2.1.3 Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)

This plastic is a thermoplastic resin of the polyester family and is commonly used in many
different products, including synthetic fibers. It can exist in both a transparent and a semi-
crystalline polymer, depending upon the processing and thermal history [3].

PET is produced by the polymerization of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. Ethylene glycol
is a colorless liquid obtained from ethylene, and terephthalic acid is a crystalline solid
obtained from xylene. When heated together under the influence of chemical catalysts,
ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid produce PET in the form of a molten, viscous mass that
can be spun directly to fibres or solidified for later processing as a plastic. In chemical terms,
ethylene glycol is a diol, an alcohol with a molecular structure that contains two hydroxyl
(OH) groups, and terephthalic acid is a dicarboxylic aromatic acid, an acid with a molecular
structure that contains a large, six-sided carbon (or aromatic) ring and two carboxyl (CO2H)
groups. Under the influence of heat and catalysts, the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups react to
form ester (CO-O) groups, which serve as the chemical links joining multiple PET units
together into long-chain polymers. Water is also produced as a by-product [5].

At a slightly higher molecular weight, PET is made into a high-strength plastic that can be
shaped by all the common methods employed with other thermoplastics. Magnetic recording
tape and photographic film are produced by extrusion of PET film (often sold under the
trademarks Mylar and Melinex) [5]. Molten PET can be blow-molded into transparent
containers of high strength and rigidity that are also virtually impermeable to gas and liquid.
In this form, PET has become widely used in carbonated-beverage bottles and in jars for food
processed at low temperatures. The low softening temperature of PET—approximately 70 °C
(160 °F) prevents it from being used as a container for hot-filled foods [6].

2.1.4 PET History

PET was first prepared in England by J. Rex Whinfield and James T. Dickson of the Calico
Printers Association during a study of phthalic acid begun in 1940. Because of wartime
restrictions, patent specifications for the new material were not immediately published.
Production by Imperial Chemical of its Terylene-brand PET fiber did not begin until 1954.
Meanwhile, by 1945 DuPont had independently developed a practical preparation process
from terephthalic acid, and in 1953 the company began to produce Dacron fiber [4]. PET
soon became the most widely produced synthetic fiber in the world. In the 1970s, improved
stretch-molding procedures were devised that allowed PET to be made into durable crystal-
clear beverage bottles—an application that soon became second in importance only to fiber

2.1.5 Physical properties:

A number of benefits come from use of PET plastics. Perhaps one of the most important
characteristics of it is its intrinsic viscosity. It absorbs water from the surroundings, which
makes it hydroscopic as well. This allows the material to be processed using a common
molding machine and then dried [6].

• It has an excellent level of wear resistance compared to other plastics.
• It has a high flexural modulus (making it flexible.)
• It has a superior level of stability making it versatile and strong.
• It has a low coefficient of friction making it useful in various applications in which
other plastics are not.
• The plastic's chemicals do not leak into the fluid or food stored within it - making it
one of the most important products for food storage.

The plastic's chemicals do not leak into the fluid or food stored within it - making it one of
the most important products for food storage. These physical properties make it an
advantageous option for manufacturers who need safe plastics for use with food products or
for continuous use [6].

Table 2.1: PET Physical properties

Physical Properties
Density(³) 1.3-1.4
Flammability Self-Extinguishing
Limiting oxygen index (%) 21
Refractive index 1.58-1.64
Resistance to ultra-violet Good
Water absorption –equilibrium (%) <0.7
Water absorption-over 24 hours (%) 0.1

2.1.7 Effect of Plastic on Environment

Plastics have been around for a long time now. It has been said that even before
Alexander Parke’s major pioneering contribution to the development of plastics
From cellulose nitrate in the 1850’s, plastic like materials have been in use by mankind for
centuries. However in the current era life without plastic cannot be imagined.

Because of the immensely versatile nature of plastics to be made into products of varying
strength and flexibility that we find plastic products ranging from car bodies, home and office
furniture, computers, water bottles and as package materials for almost everything that needs
transportation and storage. Besides since plastics are mostly made from the byproducts of the
petroleum manufacturing processes, they are very inexpensive[14].

The increasing prevalence of plastic use has also resulted in it being incrementally adding to
the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW).According to the environmental protection agency (EPA)
the contribution of plastics to MSW in 2008 in the US was 30 million tons which is nearly
12% of the total. When we compare this to the plastic content of MSW in 1960 we find that it
contributed only to 1% then. Of the 30 million tons of plastic waste in the US in 2008, 13
million tons was single use plastics [15].

Single use plastics are essentially the plastic products used for packing purposes of almost all
manufactured products from the most high tech equipment’s like computers to the most basic
ones like drinking water [13].

Table 2.2: In general the major plastic types are listed
Types of Plastics Applications
HDPE High-density polyethylene milk jugs
LDPE Low-density polyethylene Plastic bags
LLDPE Linear low-density polyethylene Plastic bags, sheets, stretch sheets
PET Polyethylene terephthalate soda bottles
PP Polypropylene long underwear
PS Polystyrene Disposable razors, CD case, packing foam
PVC Polyvinyl chloride pipes

Based on the usage, we may further classify plastics as durable (e.g. plastic furniture,
appliances), nondurable (e.g. plastic utensils, diapers, trash bags and medical equipment’s) or
packaging/container plastics (e.g. plastic bottles, shopping bags). Single use plastics belong
to the non-durable and packaging group.
As Plastics degrade very slowly in nature. Because of their intermolecular bonds some
plastics may persist in the environment for thousands of years. Because of the low density
they also tend to float in water. Hence plastic discarded in watershed areas, which invariably
all areas of human settlement are, get collected in the rain water sewers. Sometimes due to
prolonged intervals of retrieval, they choke these rainwater outlets. The uses of thinner plastic
bags have increased the risk of sewer blockages. In China and Bangladesh, it has been the
reason for exacerbated flooding during the rainy season [15].

However more often these hardy plastic discards find their way into the rivers
And from there to the seas. In order to overcome this problem a lot of recycling methods
where developed in order to get rid of the nondurable plastic [15].

Figure 2.1: Wasted Plastic [15]

2.2 Recycling Plastic

The confusion over what we can and cannot recycle continues to confound consumers.
Plastics are especially troublesome, as different types of plastic require different processing
to be reformulated and re-used as raw material. Some municipalities accept all types of
plastic for recycling, while others only accept jugs, containers and bottles with certain
numbers stamped on their bottoms .The symbol code we’re familiar with a single digit
ranging from 1 to 7 and surrounded by a triangle of arrows was designed by The Society of
the Plastics Industry (SPI) in 1988 to allow consumers and recyclers to differentiate types of
plastics while providing a uniform coding system for manufacturers [4].

The numbers, which 39 U.S. states now require be molding or imprinting on all eight-ounce
to five-gallon containers that can accept the half-inch minimum-size symbol, identify the type
of plastic. According to the American Plastics Council, an industry trade group, the symbols
also help recyclers do their jobs more effectively [10].

The easiest and most common plastics to recycle are made of polyethylene terephthalate
(PETE) and are assigned the number 1. Examples include soda and water bottles, medicine
containers, and many other common consumer product containers. Once it has been
processed by a recycling facility, PETE can become fiberfill for winter coats, sleeping bags
and life jackets. It can also be used to make bean bags, rope, car bumpers, tennis ball felt,
combs, cassette tapes, sails for boats, furniture and, of course, other plastic bottles [10].

Number 2 is reserved for high-density polyethylene plastics. These include heavier containers
that hold laundry detergents and bleaches as well as milk, shampoo and motor oil. Plastic
labeled with the number 2 is often recycled into toys, piping, plastic lumber and rope. Like
plastic designated number 1, it is widely accepted at recycling centers [4].

Polyvinyl chloride, commonly used in plastic pipes, shower curtains, medical tubing, vinyl
dashboards, and even some baby bottle nipples, gets number 3. Like numbers 4 (wrapping
films, grocery and sandwich bags, and other containers made of low-density polyethylene)
and 5 (polypropylene containers used in Tupperware, among other products), few municipal
recycling centers will accept it due to its very low rate of recyclability [10].

Number 6 goes on polystyrene (Styrofoam) items such as coffee cups, disposable cutlery,
meat trays, packing “peanuts” and insulation. It is widely accepted because it can be
reprocessed into many items, including cassette tapes and rigid foam insulation .Last, but far
from least, are items crafted from various combinations of the aforementioned plastics or
from unique plastic formulations not commonly used. Usually imprinted with a number 7 or
nothing at all, these plastics are the most difficult to recycle and, as such, are seldom
collected or recycled. More ambitious consumers can feel free to return such items to the
product manufacturers to avoid contributing to the local waste stream, and instead put the
burden on the makers to recycle or dispose of the items properly [4].

Figure 2.2: Classifications of plastics to be recycled [16]

Plastic is a popular, useful material but we use a lot of it. By optimizing the lifespan of
plastics by reusing and recycling items as many times as possible, for example, by recycling
used plastic bottles into new ones, we can reduce our need to create new plastic[14].

This means we can:

• Conserve non-renewable fossil fuels (oil)

• Reduce the consumption of energy used
• Reduce the amount of solid waste going to landfill
• Reduce the emission of gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Reclaiming the energy stored in the polymers can be done through incineration, but this can
cause environmental damage by release of toxic gases into the atmosphere.

• Recycling is a viable alternative in getting back some of this energy in the case of some

• As petroleum prices increase it is becoming more financially viable to recycle polymers
rather than produce them from raw materials.

In order to recycle plastic their as a lot of procedure that has to be done which are as follow:

Plastics are:

• Sorted
• Shredded
• Washed
• Melted
• Pelletized.

2.2.1 It is a two-stage process

• sorting is mainly done automatically with a manual sort to ensure all contaminates
have been removed
• plastic is either melted down directly and molded into a new shape, or shredded into
flakes then melted down before being processed into granulates [4].

2.2.2 There is a wide range of products made from recycled plastic, including

• Polyethylene bin liners and carrier bags

• Plastic bottles
• Flooring and window frames
• Building insulation board
• Video and compact disc cassette cases
• Fencing and garden furniture
• Water butts
• Seed trays
• Fleeces
• Fiber filling for sleeping bags and duvets
• Variety of office accessories.
• Garden sheds
• Composters

Chapter 3: Shredder Machine’s

3.1 Recycling equipment

With the world shifting towards "green" living, plastic recycling equipment is more in
demand than ever across many industries that work with the material for all types of
applications. Instead of throwing away defect plastic materials, these products can be
shredded, melted and repurposed for different end products. Recycling plastic is imperative in
today's global climate, and Arlington Plastics Machinery has the plastic recycling equipment
needed to reduce any company's ecological footprint[4].

There are many types of plastic recycling equipment which reprocess plastic and make the
material reusable for another product. From shredders and granulators to pelletizing extrusion
lines and pelletizers, these machines can be used in conjunction to break down larger plastic
pieces into smaller particles, melt the particles and then mold the melted plastic into a new
product. Arlington Plastics Machinery has all these types of machinery available including
strand pelletizers, underwater pelletizers and liquid ring pelletizers, for purchase located in
our massive inventory.

3.2 Shredder Machines

Industrial shredders for waste products play a key role in waste management and recycling in
today’s manufacturing and disposal industries. They may also be practical for other
businesses or business communities, after careful consideration of security, waste
management costs and the importance of lowering environmental impact. It’s also important
to know what type of shredder is most suitable and cost effective for a given application.

The advantages of using mega-shredders in large-scale waste disposal systems, such as

municipal landfill / recycling centers are fairly obvious. Plastics, wood, rubber, asphalt and
similar materials can be immediately reduced to a mere fraction of their original size and
many can be sold or given directly back to the public for distribution as useful products. Bio-
degradable products will decompose faster after shredding. Shredding also allows those
materials that will end up buried forever in landfills to be compacted into a much smaller
space with fewer voids, resulting in a more stable base for future development.

Applications for other businesses may not be quite so obvious and the advantages may not be
immediately apparent. This guide will attempt to shed some light on possible applications for
business and industry, the potential advantages, the types of machines available and how to
determine what type of shredder or grinder is right for your application.

Industrial shredders vary in many ways, according to the function they perform. The internal
mechanical processes may include cutting, grinding, hammering and compression. Many
shredders also incorporate shaking/sorting mechanisms. Internal machinery may travel in
rotary, lateral or vertical directions. Speeds of the internal processes also vary widely, to suit

the materials the machines will be handling. Shredders can be partially categorized by the
type of process or processes they employ [19].

Type of shredder machines

1. Grinders
2. Chippers
3. Granulators
4. Hammer mills
5. Shear shredders
6. Specially shredders
7. All-purpose shredders

3.2.1 Grinders
Grinders use abrasion, often combined with compression to pulverize materials, usually to
produce granular products. Wheels, drums and plates may be used in the processes. These
may be either high or low speed machines, according to the type of material they are intended
for shredding [18].

Figure 3.1: Grinder Machine [21]

3.2.2 Chippers
Chippers normally use high speed rotary knives to reduce materials to flakes or chips.
They can be manually or automatically fed, and may be single or multiple stage
machines. They may also employ single or multiple drums or wheels with single or
multiple knives [18].

Figure 3.2: Chipper Machine [22]

3.2.3 Granulators
Granulators are employed mostly for plastic recycling from production processes like
injection molding. These units use knives, rather than abrasive surfaces to reduce parts or
trimmings, etc. to fine particles that can them be reused easily in the production lines.
Some granulators are equipped with thermoforming units that form the output into easily
handled scrap or production parts. Granulators vary widely in size and mechanics
according to the type of industry, types of materials handled, and the location in which
they will be used [18].

Figure 3.3: Granulator machine [23]

3.2.4 Hammer Mills
Hammer mills are used to shatter or pulverize materials. The most common configuration is a
chamber containing a rotary drum with swiveling hammers of hardened bar or chain. The
chamber is typically gravity-fed, and output screens control the size of particle produced.
Hammer material, configuration and distribution, and rotation speed are a few of the factors
that determine the type of material that can be processed [18].

Figure 3.4: Hammer mill machine [24]

3.2.5 Shear Shredders

Shear Shredders employ rotary cutters or guillotine-style knives to cut materials rather than
pulverizing, chipping or grinding. Shears can be found in many different configurations for
different industries. Feed types, speeds and type and number of knives differ according to the
applications [18].

Figure 3.5: Shear Shredder [26]

3.2.6 Specialty Shredders
Specialty Shredders that are designed for a particular type of material may utilize
combinations of the above processes or unique devices developed especially for that material.
Tire shredders, for instance, typically use one or more rotary shafts or screws, with
interlocking lugs, cams, teeth or blades. The feed is configured to force the tires between the
shafts or the shaft and machine surfaces, where the lugs, etc. forcefully tear the tire into small
pieces. The shafts are generally rotated at low speeds, under very high torque.

Other special purpose applications present challenges that require unique design features in
shredding equipment. Shredders for safe disposal of medical refuse require extremely close
tolerances, to render sharps, tape and other small waste products into particles too small to be
recognized. Medical waste shredders usually employ rotary grinders to ensure this. Since
medical waste is usually sterilized before destruction, these machines often need to
incorporate a method for dealing with liquids.

Secure, high technology applications often require the destruction of waste within a clean
room. This requires special filtering and dust traps to maintain the dust-free environment.

Fibrous waste and thin sheet goods such as plastic films may present problems for
conventional shredders. Specialized shredders are available for reconstitution and recycling
of both these types of material [18].

Figure 3.6: Specially made Shredder [27]

3.2.7 All Purpose Shredders
'All Purpose' Shredders are the heart of major demolition operations and many municipal
recycling programs. The machinery usually consists of large, very low speed, high-torque
shafts or drums with carbide cams or studs, sometimes equipped with hydraulic rams to assist
with the feed. Many of these shredders are capable of reducing entire refrigerators, cars, or
other oversized equipment to small pieces in a single pass. They are most often combined
with external systems that remove hazardous liquids, gases or solids, sort metals from other
materials and otherwise prepare the shredded material for disposal and/or reuse [18].

Figure 3.7: All Purpose Shredder [28]

3.2.8 Selecting the appropriate type of shredder machine

Even before you make the decision to invest in industrial shredding equipment, it’s important
to choose the correct equipment. While it may seem enough to simply know what operations
your equipment will need to perform and the materials it will be handling, the decision should
involve more. There are many points to be considered and these may affect the feasibility of
the equipment for your applications [18].

3.2.9 Points affecting the choice of shredder machine

1. Type of material
2. Output requirements
3. Capacity
4. Feed type
5. Portability
6. Health and safety concerns
7. Noise
8. Maintenance and repair

15 Type of material

The type of material is one of the most important factors in choosing a shredder, as it has a
great deal to do with the type of shredder you’ll need. For instance, if you operate a tree
service, sawmill or cabinet shop your shredder will most likely be handling wood and wood
products. A high-speed chipper will likely be the best choice for your business. While tire
centers will require machines that can handle steel wire and cable along with rubber and
nylon. These applications will be better served by low-speed, multiple shaft machines with
interlocking cutters or cams and very high torque.

But plastics have low melting points and will generally need to be shredded at relatively low
speeds, or cut, to avoid clogging machinery. Granulators and similar machinery will be the
most likely choice for companies that manufacture plastics or for plastic operations in
recycling centers.

Construction and demolition companies, business and municipal recycling centers and some
manufacturing industries may need to handle the disposal of many different materials.
Depending on how the shredded materials are to be used, individual units may be used to
process each material, or an all-purpose solution may be the more cost effective choice.

Simply stated, the type or types of material to be shredded will determine the type of
shredding action required. Fortunately, most modern shredders are designed and
manufactured for particular groups of materials [18]. Output requirements

Output requirements for shredded waste will also help to determine the type of Shredder to
use. As tire recycling centers, for instance, may simply ship their shredded output to other
facilities for separation, re-shredding and grinding. If so, a single-pass shredder will probably
suit their needs and also cost less. If the center intends to create marketable products from
their processes, their shredders will need to be equipped to separate metals from studs and
belts from the output, and to re-shred and/or grind the output to produce the final product.

In mixed scrap recycling application, a lot of operations will simply need to reduce the size of
the waste to facilitate easier transportation to another recycling facility. Optionally, a business
or community may want to handle all processing of recyclables within their own operations.
This will require the addition of sorting and separating stages. Depending on the intended use
of separated outputs, baling or compaction equipment may be required [18]. Capacity

Capacity is also a major factor that will be determined by the size and amount of waste
material that will be handled. Also it may be limited by more than hopper size. For example,
a tire shredder with a hopper large enough to accept a heavy equipment tire which won’t
have a drum or cutters of sufficient size to accept the tire size. Therefore there must be a
check rated to the capacities carefully [18].

16 Feed Type
Feed type consists of two basic types: manual and automatic. Hopper-fed, multi-purpose
shredders most often are found manually fed, as the feed for these units tends to come in a
broken part shape, from fork lifts, trucks, bins, or by hand. Horizontal shredders, such as
some wood chippers or plastic extrusion granulators, are available with automatic feed
options, for operations with a constant supply of material for the in feed; automatic feed will
probably result in less clogging and less wear to cutting or grinding surfaces. Manually fed
shredders will provide a less cost alternative. So it’s necessary to examine the needs of the
operation carefully [18]. Portability

Portability is a factor in selecting a shredder machine. While conventional recycling centers

don’t normally need to be mobile, demolition companies, construction firms, landscapers and
other company’s may realize that the most benefit from the ability to use their shredding
equipment is to use it on-site. Shredded materials can be transported from the job site more
easily, and in many cases may be reusable directly on the job. For example, pulverized
concrete can be used as aggregate in new concrete, or as fill material. Also the shredded
wood can be immediately used as mulch for landscaping [18].

Portable shredders range greatly in size and care should be taken to determine the size that
best suits the needs. It’s also essential to consider power or fuel requirements for a unit that
will be moved from site to site. Health and Safety concerns

Health and safety concerns are overlooked in the selection of shredding machine. Many
shredding operations create large amounts of dust and airborne particles. Shredding or
grinding equipment may need to include dust containment and removal systems to protect
employees and/or operations. This becomes particularly important for equipment that will be
operated indoors and in crowded locations so it’s important to supply workers with the
needed equipment such as gloves, respiration masks to avoid being harmed from dust and
machine. Even low-speed shredders can produce flying fragments. Brittle metals and plastics
which can break apart violently under pressure and this can result in various projectiles with
the potential to do great harm to employees and surrounding structures or equipment. While
most manufacturers make sure that shredder housings can withstand the impact of these
objects and keep them contained, openings like hoppers and feed doors may need additional
guards to avoid mishaps [18]. Noise

Noise is another critical consideration that’s often forgotten. Shredding and grinding
processes produces a lot of noise far above safe hearing ranges. While hearing protection is
always needed and often required by worker’s, it is important to note that the community
where equipment is located may have legal noise limitations that might determine the type of
shredding equipment that can use in the location [18].

17 Maintenance and repair

Maintenance and repair are a necessary part of operating any kind of industrial equipment
and shredders are no exception. In fact, considering the stresses these machines endure, even
the best-built shredders may be considered high maintenance. Most probably a knife, cams,
cutters, hammers. Will wear under normal use and will need re-grinding. Breakage of these
parts is also possible, from accidental feed of materials the machine isn’t designed for, such
as a spike in a wood chipper or a titanium rod in a general-purpose shredder.

The hours of downtime required for maintenance or repair of equipment may help determine
the feasibility of using that equipment. Consider the options carefully. There are other
choices to be made and many other considerations before deciding to purchase industrial
shredding machine. Such as speeds, size, power requirements, weather resistance, and many
other factors will all have some bearing on what kind of equipment to buy, and whether it’s
practical to buy the equipment in the first place[18].

3.2.10 Shredder machine’s Advantages

As mentioned briefly above, there may be great advantages to using shredders within your
business operations or community. While some advantages will be readily apparent, others
may require some explanation. Industrial shredders are helping companies and communities
address issues from economics to protecting the environment on many fronts [19].

3.2.11 Saving recycle cost

The Environmental impact is a major concern in the world today as the world is going
towards a “green society” to save more energy and more cost, so much so that many states
have instituted laws that make recycling of many waste products such as “plastics, aluminum
cans, glass, and fibers” mandatory for homes and businesses alike to encourage people to
recycle their waste of plastics. Unfortunately, while most business owners are
environmentally conscious and happy to comply with these regulations, the cost of recycling
can often be a burden. Commercial recycling costs are rising at an astounding rate. With an
estimated cost of $50 to over $150 per ton to commercially recycle most materials, which led
to not defining the cost effectiveness of an outside service.
Many companies are minimizing cost savings by implementing their own recycling
programs. In general, businesses create amounts of recyclable waste in their operations, and
the support of operations. From containers for raw materials to break room beverage
containers, to packing materials, pallets and more, recyclables creep into the workplace from
several directions. Which led to installing proper shredders for the types of material that pass
through your business, the cost of disposal can be greatly reduced and perhaps eliminated. In
many cases, recycling can offset operating costs through the re-use or sale of the shredded
waste [19].

3.2.12 Environmental advantage of Shredder Machine

The impact on the environment is corporately and as a community weighs heavily on how
perceived clients, our friends and associates and the general public. Consumers in today’s
market are more likely to deal with businesses that demonstrate environmental responsibility.
New standards for cleaner community living have created new concerns for developers and

municipalities. Federal, state and local governments offer incentive programs for energy
efficiency and waste reduction. That is why Industrial shredder machines play an important
role on meeting the challenges of becoming environmentally friendly as it is used to recycle
waste particles of any kind of material [18].

3.3 Project and Components

The objective is building an automated Plastic Shredder machine which consists of two main
components an electrical components and mechanical components .The mechanical
components consists of spur gears, interns, shafts, distance rings, bearings and side plates,
while the electrical components simply consists of a motor and an on/off switch to allow the
machine to be automated to limits the number of workers operating the machine which will
be more economical and cost effective.

Chapter 4: Shredder Machine Design and

4.1 Introduction

Designs and calculations were made manually and using SolidWorks soft- ware. SolidWorks
is a 3D mechanical CAD (computer-aided design) program that runs on Microsoft Windows
and was developed by Dassault Systmes SolidWorks Corp., a subsidiary of Dassault Systmes,
S. A. (Vlizy, France). SolidWorks is currently used by over 3.4 million engineers and
designers at more than 100,000 companies worldwide. SolidWorks is a parasolid-based solid
modeler, and utilizes a parametric feature-based approach to create models and assemblies.
Parameters refer to constraints whose values determine the shape or geometry of the model or
assembly. Parameters can be either numeric parameters, such as line lengths or circle
diameters, or geometric parameters, such as tangent, parallel, con- centric, horizontal or
vertical, etc. Numeric parameters can be associated with each other through the use of
relations, which allow them to capture design intent. Design intent is how the creator of the
part wants it to respond to changes and updates. For example, you would want the hole at the
top of a beverage can to stay at the top surface, regardless of the height or size of the can.
SolidWorks allows you to specify that the hole is a feature on the top surface, and will then
honor your design intent no matter what the height you later gave to the can. Features refer to
the building blocks of the part. They are the shapes and operations that construct the part.
Shape-based features typically begin with a 2D or 3D sketch of shapes such as bosses, holes,
slots, etc. This shape is then extruded or cut to add or remove material from the part.
Operation-based features are not sketch-based, and include features such _llets, chamfers,
shells, applying draft to the faces of a part, etc. Building a model in SolidWorks usually starts
with a 2D sketch (although 3D sketches are available for power users). The sketch consists of
geometry such as points, lines, arcs, conics (except the hyperbola), and splines. Dimensions
are added to the sketch to determine the size and location of the geometry. Relations are used
to determine attributes such as tangency, parallelism, perpendicularity, and concentricity. The
parametric nature of SolidWorks means that the dimensions and relations drive the geometry,
not the other way around. The dimensions in the sketch can be controlled independently, or
by relationships to other parameters inside or outside of the sketch. SolidWorks pioneered the
ability of a user to roll back through the history of the part in order to make changes, add
additional features, or change the sequence in which operations are performed. Later feature-
based solid modeling software has copied this idea. In an assembly, the analog to sketch
relations are mates. Just as sketch relations determine conditions such as tangency,
parallelism, and concentricity with respect to sketch geometry, assembly mates determine
equivalent relations with respect to the individual parts or components, allowing the easy
construction of assemblies.

SolidWorks also includes additional advanced mating features such as gear and cam follower
mates, which allow modeled gear assemblies to accurately reproduce the rotational
movement of an actual gear train. Finally, drawings can be created either from parts or
assemblies. Views are automatically generated from the solid model, and notes, dimensions
and tolerances can then be easily added to the drawing as needed. The drawing module
includes most paper sizes and standards [29].

4.2 Design and analysis

4.2.1 Machine component’s

The Shredder machine body to sustain high pressure and weight of the two shafts fixed on
them. The shredder blades are fixed on the shaft. Also there is separation distance rings fixed
in between the shredder blades fixed on them the interns which are fixed on the two other
side plates to prevent the movement of the shredder blades in the axial motion. At the two
ends of the shaft there is two ball bearings mounted on the plates to prevent slipping and
motion in the axial direction. The shafts are driven with two spur gears mounted at the end of
the shafts from the other hand of the side plates. A pulley is mounted on the shaft in front of
one of the shafts to reverse the motion of the other shaft to only use one electric motor to
drive the shafts.

4.2.1 The Shredder blade

The shredder blade is designed in basics of designing a shredder blade for a low speed type of a
shredder machine which have been developed to meet varying applications requirements for
shredding different types of plastic. The internal shape of the blade is designed in a hexagonal shape
to achieve the needed fixation of the blades on the shaft to prevent it from being free to move while
rotating so it needs. The material is drawn into the pinch point between the two blades opposing
each other to shear the material easily. The figure below shows the design of the blade to illustrate
its function which is to drag the dense mass of plastic and PET bottles into the pinch point to be
sheared successfully. Refer to Appendix A

Figure 4.1: Designed Shredder Blade

4.2.2 The Shaft

The shaft is designed to achieve the accurate type of fixation needed for the shredder blades.
Which is in hexagonal shape as also to withstand the weight of the blades, distance rings and
the interns. As not to be subjected to fatigue failure. At the ends of the shaft there is a key to
allow the adjustment, fixation of the spur gear on it .As also the two ends of the shaft are in
circular shape as to allow the bearings to be fixed correctly to avoid being subjected to
slipping while rotating. The figure below illustrates the shaft shape. Refer to Appendix A

Figure 4.2: Designed Shaft

4.2.3 The Interns

The interns are designed in a specific design so as to helps in separating the shredder blades
from each other and acts as a fixed knife that helps in shearing the material that is subjected
to it by shredder blade. Also it helps in fixing the distance rings on the shaft as not to allow
the blade to move in the axial direction which allows the shredder blade to fulfill its function
without any movement. Refer to Appendix A

Figure 4.3: Designed Intern

4.2.4 Distance Ring

The distance ring is designed in a hexagonal shape to be fixed on the rod to keep the distance
between the blades and to fix the blade in the axial direction as to prevent it from any
movement except for the rotation of the rod itself it comes in a ring shape as to fix the interns
on it. The figure below illustrated the shape of the distance ring. Refer to Appendix A

Figure 4.4: Designed Distance Ring

4.2.5 The Side Plates Configuration (1)

The side plates designed to withstand the bolts and intern’s weight that is fixed on the side
plate without causing the plates to fracture also while the vibration coming from the rotation
of the shaft that passes through the other plate that mates the side plate. The figure below
illustrates the plate design. Refer to Appendix A

Figure 4.5: Designed Side Plate Configuration 1

4.2.6 Side Plate Configuration (2)

The side plates designed to withstand the bearings weight that is fixed on the side plate
without causing the plates to fracture also while the vibration coming from the rotation of the
shaft that passes through the bearing. The figure below illustrates the plate design. Refer to
Appendix A

Figure 4.6: Designed side plate configuration 2

4.2.7 Spur Gears

The spur gears are designed on basics to allow the motion of the two shafts in opposing
direction when driven by an electric motor that’s connected to a pulley fixed on the shaft in
front of the gears. Refer to Appendix A

Figure 4.7: Designed Spur Gear

24 Gear Calculation

Spur Gear Assumptions

Original Model Model Analyzed

Model Information

Model name: spur gear - Analysis

Current Configuration: Metric - Spur gear 9M 20T 20PA 50FW ---S20N75H50L20S2
2D Bodies
Document Name and Document Path/Date
Study type Volumetric Properties
Reference Modified
Fillet2 Section depth:50 mm
Weight::93.7771 N
Volume:0.00122556 m^3
Plane Strain ------
Mass::9.55934 kg
Density::7800 kg/m^3

Study Properties
Study name Static 2
Analysis type Static - 2D Simplification
Mesh type Planar 2D Mesh
Thermal Effect: On
Thermal option Include temperature loads
Zero strain temperature 298 Kelvin
Include fluid pressure effects from Off
SolidWorks Flow Simulation
Solver type Direct sparse solver
Inplane Effect: Off
Soft Spring: Off
Inertial Relief: Off
Incompatible bonding options Automatic
Large displacement Off
Compute free body forces On
Friction Off
Use Adaptive Method: Off
Result folder --------

Unit system: SI (MKS)
Length/Displacement mm
Temperature Kelvin
Angular velocity Rad/sec
Pressure/Stress N/m^2

Material Properties
Model Reference Properties Components
Name: 1.0037 (S235JR) SurfaceBody
Model type: Linear Elastic 1(Fillet2)(spur gear -
Isotropic Analysis)
Default failure Unknown
Yield strength: 2.35e+008 N/m^2
Tensile strength: 3.6e+008 N/m^2
Elastic modulus: 2.1e+011 N/m^2
Poisson's ratio: 0.28
Mass density: 7800 kg/m^3
Shear modulus: 7.9e+010 N/m^2
Thermal 1.1e-005 /Kelvin
Curve Data:N/A

Loads and Fixtures
Fixture name Fixture Image Fixture Details
Entities: 1 edge(s)
Type: Fixed Hinge
Fixed Hinge-1

Resultant Forces
Components X Y Z Resultant
Reaction force(N) 0 82.5 1597.76 1599.89
0 0 0 1e-033

Entities: 1 edge(s)
Type: Roller/Slider

Resultant Forces
Components X Y Z Resultant
Reaction force(N) 0 -7.15563e-007 -1824.43 1824.43
0 0 0 1e-033

Load name Load Image Load Details

Entities: 1 edge(s), 1 plane(s)
Reference: Plane3
Type: Apply force
Values: -226.667, -82.5, --- N
Moments: ---, ---, --- N.m

Mesh Information
Mesh type Planar 2D Mesh
Mesher Used: Curvature based mesh
Maximum element size 2 mm
Minimum element size 1 mm
Mesh Quality High

Mesh Information - Details

Total Nodes 139751
Total Elements 67707
Time to complete mesh(hh;mm;ss): 00:00:16
Computer name: Bassem Dahy

Mesh Control Information:

Mesh Control Name Mesh Control Image Mesh Control Details
Entities: 20 edge(s)
Units: mm
Size: 0.02
Control-1 Ratio: 1.1

Resultant Forces
Reaction Forces
Selection set Units Sum X Sum Y Sum Z Resultant
Entire Model N 0 82.5 -226.667 241.214

Reaction Moments

Selection set Units Sum X Sum Y Sum Z Resultant

Entire Model N.m 0 0 0 1e-033

Study Results

Name Type Min Max

Displacement1 URES: Resultant 8.70355e-007 0.00264273 mm
Displacement mm

spur gear - Analysis-Static 2-Displacement-Displacement1

Name Type Min Max

Stress1 VON: von Mises 8.01602e-007 2.122 N/mm^2
Stress N/mm^2 (MPa) (MPa)

spur gear - Analysis-Static 2-Stress-Stress1

Name Type Min Max

Stress2 VON: von Mises 8.01602e-007 34.456 N/mm^2
Stress N/mm^2 (MPa) (MPa)

spur gear - Analysis-Static 2-Stress-Stress2

Name Type Min Max

Factor of Safety1 Automatic 6.8 2.93163e+008

spur gear - Analysis-Static 2-Factor of Safety-Factor of Safety1


The spur gears are safe.

4.2.8 Shaft Stress Analysis

Figure 4.8: Fixed weights on Shaft


The shaft is used to carry the blades, which are used to crash the plastic rubbish into small
particles also the gears are fixed on the end of the shaft and the shaft is fixed on the two side
plates this is a solid works stress analysiss for the weights fixed on the shaft.

Table 4.1: Shaft Information

Solid Bodies

Document Name and
Treated As Volumetric Properties Path/Date

Mass:4.67442 kg
Split Line4 Volume:0.000599284
Solid Body -------
Density:7800 kg/m^3

Weight:45.8093 N

Table 4.2: Shaft Properties

Study name Static 1

Analysis type Static
Mesh type Solid Mesh
Thermal Effect: On
Thermal option Include temperature loads

Zero strain temperature 298 Kelvin

Include fluid pressure effects from SolidWorks Off
Flow Simulation

Solver type FFEPlus

Inplane Effect: Off
Soft Spring: Off
Inertial Relief: Off
Incompatible bonding options Automatic
Large displacement Off
Compute free body forces On

Friction Off
Use Adaptive Method: Off
Result folder ------

Table 4.3: Units

Unit System SI (MKS)

Length /Displacement Mm

Temperature Kelvin

Angular Velocity Rad/Sec

Pressure/Stress N/m^2

Table 4.4: Material Properties

Model References Properties

Name: 1.0045 (S355JR)

Model type: Linear Elastic Isotropic
Default failure criterion: Unknown
Yield strength: 2.75e+008 N/m^2
Tensile strength: 4.5e+008 N/m^2
Elastic modulus: 2.1e+011 N/m^2
Poisson's ratio: 0.28
Mass density: 7800 kg/m^3
Shear modulus: 7.9e+010 N/m^2
Thermal expansion 1.1e-005 /Kelvin

Table 4.5: Loads and Fixtures

Load Name Load Image Load Details

Reference: Face< 1 >

Gravity Values: 0 0 -9.81
Units: SI

Entities: 6 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Force 1 Type: Apply
Values: ---, ---, -
35.5 N
Entities: 6 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Force 2 Type: Apply
Values: ---, ---, -
35.5 N
Entities: 6 face(s)
Type: Apply
Force 3 force
Values: ---, ---, -
35.5 N

Entities: 5 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Type: Apply
Force 4 force
Values: ---, ---, -
35.5 N
Entities: 5 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Force 5 Type: Apply
Values: ---, ---, -
35.5 N
Entities: 5 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Force 6 Type: Apply
Values: ---, ---, -
35.5 N
Entities: 5 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Force 7 Type: Apply
Values: ---, ---, -
35.5 N
Entities: 5 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Force 8 Type: Apply
Values: ---, ---, -
35.5 N
Entities: 1 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Force 9 Type: Apply
Values: ---, ---, -95
Entities: 6 face(s)
Type: Apply
Force 10 force
Values: ---, ---, -3 N

Entities: 6 face(s)
Type: Apply
Force 11 force
Values: ---, ---, -3 N

Entities: 5 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Force 12 Type: Apply
Values: ---, ---, -3 N

Entities: 5 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Force 13 Type: Apply
Values: ---, ---, -3 N

Entities: 5 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Force 14 Type: Apply
Values: ---, ---, -3 N

Entities: 5 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Force 15 Type: Apply
Values: ---, ---, -3 N

Entities: 5 face(s)
Reference: Face< 1 >
Force 16 Type: Apply
Values: ---, ---, -3 N

Entities: 6 face(s)
Type: Apply
Force 17 force
Values: ---, ---, -3 N

Table 4.6 : Mesh Information

Mesh Type Solid mesh

Mesher Used Curvature Based mesh
Jacobian Points 4 points
Maximum Element size 5 mm
Minimize Element size 1 mm
Mesh quality High

Table 4.7: Mesh Information -Details

Total nodes 1522536

Total elements 1019563
Maximum Aspect Ratio 5.9396
Percentage of elements Aspect ratio<3 99.3
Percentage of elements Aspect ratio >10 0
Percentage of distorted elements (jacobian) 0

Time to complete mesh (hh:mm:ss) 00:01:04

Figure 4.9: Solid works Meshing

Table 4.8: Mesh Control information

Mesh Control Name Mesh Control Image Mesh Control Details

Control 1
Units : mm
Size :0.1
Ratio : 1.1

Table 4.9: Study Results

Name Type Min Max

2.595e-006 N/mm^2(MPA) 2.588 N/mm^2(MPA)

Stress 1 Von: von mises Node :286697 Node : 262122


Table 4.10: Shaft Analysis Displacement 1

Name Type Min Max

1.9312e-008 mm 0.00287988 mm

Displacement 1 URES : Resultant Node :8528 Node : 7827


Table 4.11: Shaft Analysis Factor of Safety

Name Type Min Max

25.9738 1.0593e+008

Factor of Safety Max von misses stress Node :262122 Node : 286997


The shaft is safe with min. FOS = 25.973

Chapter 5
Manufacturing of Shredder Machine

5.1 Shredding machine Manufacturing

This chapter outlines the details of manufacturing of the Shredder machine parts. The
manufacturing processes were all made using conventional and non-conventional for non-
conventional machining turning machine and milling machine were used while in non-
conventional machining the wire cutting machine was used.

5.1.1Turning machine

A turning machine is machine where a block of material is mounted and spun to perform
various operations such as drilling, threading, cutting to create an object that is symmetric
about its axis of rotation. The turning machine may be operated manually or digitally
automated via computer numerical control (CNC). Figure 5.1 shows a picture of a turning
machine [31].

Figure 5.1: Turning Machine [31]

5.1.2 Milling machine

A milling machine is a machine tool used to machine solid materials. Milling machines exist
in two basic forms: horizontal and vertical, which terms refer to the orientation of the cutting
tool spindle .Milling machine is typically used to produce parts that are not axially symmetric
and have many features, such as holes, slots, pockets, and even three dimensional surface
contours. Parts that are fabricated completely through milling machine often include
components that are used in limited quantities, perhaps for prototypes, such as custom
designed fasteners or brackets. Another application of milling is the fabrication of tooling for
other processes. Milling is also commonly used as a secondary process to add or refine
features on parts that were manufactured using a different process. Due to the high tolerances
and surface finishes that milling can offer, it is ideal for adding precision features to a part
whose basic shape has already been formed. Work piece and cutter movement are precisely
controlled usually by means of precision ground slides and lead screws or analogous
technology. Milling machines may be manually operated, mechanically automated, or
digitally automated via computer numerical control (CNC) [32].

Figure 5.2 Milling Machine [32]

Non-conventional machine

5.1.3 Wire cutting machine

Wire cutting machine is an electric discharge machine which uses a metallic wire (electrode)
to cut a programmed contour in a work piece. Extrusion dies and blanking punches are very
often machined by wire cutting. In the machining area, each discharge creates a crater in the
work piece (material removal) and an impact on the tool (wear of the tool/electrode). The
wire can be inclined, thus making it possible to make parts with taper or with different
profiles at the top and bottom. The wire is usually made of brass or stratified copper, and is
between 0.02 and 0.33 mm diameter, which will be used to cut the shredder blade [17].

Typical usage of the machine

• Cutting and shaping of metals and conducting ceramics that are difficult to shape in
any other way: dies for molding, stamping, extrusion and forging; making tool
fixtures; aircraft and medical parts.
• Prototype parts.
• Burr-free parts.

Figure 5.3 Wire cutting machine [17]

5.2 Manufacture process

The manufacturing process is divided into many steps for manufacturing the shredder
machine components which are classified into the shredder machine:

1. Shredder blades
2. Shaft
3. Distance rings
4. Interns
5. Side plates configuration 1
6. Side plates configuration 2
7. Spur gears

5.2.1 Shredder blades

Shredder blades are made of Bohler Steel K305 which is a cold work steel. Due to the
characteristic properties such as a high degree of hardness, strength, resistance to pressure
and wear resistance, Bohler cold work tool steels are used as cutting and punching tools, die
plates (matrixes) and knives, stamping and drawing tools, hobs, thread rollers, adjustable
screw dies, coining dies. There are eight shredder blades fixed on each shaft which are (20
mm thick, 108 radii) each, which are enough strength and hardness to cut plastic bottle
without being damaged.

Figure 5.4: Shredder Blade

5.2.2 Shredder Shaft’s

The shredder machine consists of two shafts that are fixed into the plates with 2 bearings each
for each side plate to allow it to roll without slipping. The shafts are made of Bohler steel
v360 and they are in hexagonal shape to withstand the weight of the distance rings and
shredder blade.

Figure 5.5: The shaft

5.2.3 Distance rings

The distance rings are one of the most important parts in the shredder machine as they act as
a separator for the shredder blade as also they fix the blades in their place not allowing them
to move freely in the axial direction on the shaft so they are made of steel v360.

Figure 5.6: The distance rings

5.2.4 The interns

The interns are made of Bohler Steel v360 with high hardness and strength as to be fixed on
the distance rings and in the side plates so as to keep the rings in place without allowing the
rotation of the shaft permit the shredder blade to move in the axial motion freely therefore
there is one intern for each distance ring.

Figure 5.7: The interns

5.2.5 Side plate configuration 1

The side plates are made of 20 mm thick Bohler steel v360 and 360 mm long, 250 mm height
as to withstand the weight of the interns fixed on it with bolts.

Figure 5.8: Side Plate Configuration 1

5.2.6 Side plate configuration 2

The side plates are made of 410 mm long, 250 mm height, 20 mm thick Bohler steel v360 so
as not to fracture due to the weight subjected on it from the shaft and the bearings fixed in it
,which are carrying the plates and distance rings on it.

Figure 5.9: Side Plate Configuration 2

5.2.7 The Spur gears

The spur gears are manufactured from Bohler steel v360 also to withstand the friction caused
by meshing the two gears to each other due to the motor speed subjected to the gears through
the pulley.

Figure 5.10: Spur Gears Manfacturing

5.3 The Shredder mechanism

The process of shredding begins when the conveyer fixed on top of the machine begins to
feed the machine with the wasted plastic bottles to be shredded ,then the motor attached to
the machine is operated manually by the operator at this point the rotational motion coming
from the motor is moved to the shafts through the pulley fixed on the end of one of the shafts
that when starts to revolve the spur gears fixed in behind starts to rotate carrying the
rotational motion to the other shaft at this point the shredder blades fixed on the two shafts
starts to move in the opposite direction allowing the plastic bottles to be shredded in the
middle between the opposing shredder blades falling under the machine on another conveyor
carrying the shredded parts out from the machine to the next machine in the production line
to continue the recycle pattern of the plastic bottles.

Figure 5.11: The Shredder Machine

5.4 Cost analysis

The total cost of the Shredder machine will be discussed briefly as to calculate the total cost
of the machine we have to identify our variables, which is

1. Material cost
2. Machining cost
3. Motor cost

5.4.1 The material cost

As specified the material used in the machine is divided into two types of steel, the first type
of material is Bohler steel k305 for the shredder blade, while the other type of the material is
Bohler steel v360 which was used for the shaft, interns, distance rings.

So the Steel k305 cost (LE) = 3000 LE

While the steel v360 cost (LE) = 2000 LE

So the total material cost = steel k305 cost + steel v360 cost = 3000+2000 = 5000 LE

5.4.2 Machining cost

The machining cost is classified into four types operators cost, overhead cost ,Electricity
usage and wire cutting .

1. Wire cutting cost (LE/piece) = 200 LE/piece

2. Machine operators foe milling and turning machine = 200 LE/ Day
3. Overhead cost(LE/Day) = 250 LE /Day
4. Electricity usage (LE) = 2,600 LE

To calculate the total Machining cost we have to simplify every machining cost to to( LE)
only .

Wire cutting cost = Cost/ Piece × Number of pieces of shredder blade

Therefore wire cutting cost = 200×16 = 3,200 LE

Machining operators cost = Cost /Worker. Day ×number of workers × number of days

Machining operators cost = 200 × 4 ×4 = 3,200 LE

Overhead cost = Cost / Day × Number of Days

Overhead cost = 250 ×4 = 1000 LE

And Electricity usage = 2,600 LE

Therefore the total machining cost = wire cutting machining + operators cost + overhead cost
+ Electricity usage.

Total machining cost = 3,200 + 3,200 + 1000 + 2,600 = 10,000 LE

5.3 Purchased Parts

The Purchased parts are classified into types which are used in the assembly of the machine
such as the motor, the bearings, the bolts.

The motor which is (4 hp ) cost = 700 LE

The Bolts cost (LE/Bolt) = 10 LE /Bolt

The bearings cost (LE / Part) = 220 LE /Part

To calculate the total Machining cost we have to simplify every machining cost to ( LE) only

The bolts cost = Cost / Bolt ×Number of bolts

The bolts cost = 10 × 44 = 440 LE

The bearing cost = Cost / Part × Number of parts

The bearing cost = 220 × 4 =880 LE

Motor Cost = 700 LE

Total purchased parts cost = Motor Cost + Bolts Cost + Bearing Cost

Total purchase parts cost = 700 + 440 + 880 = 2020 LE

To calculate Total cost= total material Cost +Total machining Cost + Total purchased parts

Total cost = 5000 + 10,000 + 2020 = 17,020 LE

5.5 Calculation of the Shredder Machine net profit

The calculation of the our shredder machine was explained in the cost analysis but to check
that our machine will succeed in the recycling machining market we have to compare the
machine expected profit with the local designed machine and the machines made in china that
exist in the Egyptian market . the following calculation will show the expected profit of our
machine. In order to be able to calculate the machine profit we had to know the cost of the
wasted plastic per ton so we had to make a lot of visits to the places in our Egyptian market to
classify the wasted plastic cost.

Therefore the classification of the profit calculation is classified as follow

The wasted plastic cost = 2,000 LE/ Ton

The cost of the shredded plastic = 3,500 LE/ Ton

Therefore to calculate the net profit of the machine we will need to investigate more in the
Egyptian market.

Chapter 6: Shredder Machine Results
6.1 Design Results

In our project to minimize the cost we had to introduce the material to the machine manually
without the use of a conveyor.

6.2 The machine start up

The set of steps which follows was put together to constitute a safety protocol for correct
machine operation.

1. Check shaft – pulley mounting

2. Check motor –pulley mounting
3. Check motor belt
4. Check blade assembly
5. Motor start
6. Check blade operation

6.3 Design analysis Results

As discussed in chapter 4 and 5 the machine design and manufacturing process the result of the
shaft analysis was safe and therefore the machine is safe to be used ,on the other hand the
manufacturing process is not complete so there was no testing applied on the machine.

Chapter 7: Conclusion and Future work

7.1 Conclusion

It is concluded that this project could be used in Recycling process in any Plastic recycle
factory or work shop, while this project helps in saving time, employment and cost effective.
The idea of Shredder machine could be used in a recycling process of any material but as
specified before in the thesis we are applying the machine on recycling plastic basics.

7.2 Future work

Some improvements could be added to the Shredder machine by installing two conveyors the
first is to introduce the material to the machine instead of introducing the material manually
for more safe precautions and installing another conveyor to transport the product particles
from the shredding machine to the washing machine which is the next step of recycling

Appendix A: Machine Design

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