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1. How have you turned a dream into a reality?

• Dreams will not come true unless they are

accompanied by dedication, devotion, self-discipline,
and hard effort. People should plan ahead of time and
work hard to make that a reality. Anyone can announce
that they will achieve their goals, but it requires
dedication, tenacity, and hard effort to accomplish so.
The key to success is perseverance. An effort is the
honey and spice that enhances the flavor of everything.
Devotion, determination, and self-discipline do not
emerge without a push of effort to make the vision a
reality. People work hard to attain their objectives
because they have a desire. Effort is the key to
success. Dream drives people to accomplish the
unexpected. Without any push of effort for the dream to
become reality dedication, determination and self-
discipline don't take place. Effort is like the sugar and
spice to everything nice.

2. How have you dealt with failure and bounced back

from it?

• In dealing with failure and bouncing from it you'll need

to accept responsibility for the squandered opportunity.
Be prepared for occasional disappointments.
Recognize that this missed chance has just prepared
you to seize the next one. Remind yourself that you'll
get better. Don't be too hard on yourself.

3. Describe a project that you had to work on for an

extended period of time and how you stayed

• We do not have a midterm exam, but we do have to

perform a Task Performance. I had to put in a lot of
time and effort to get it. I kept focused on things since I
understood it was also for me, and I needed to put up
an effort to improve my academics.

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