Thoughtful Implementation

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Thoughtful Implementation-Topic

Name: Kelsey Bjornstad

Grade level: 3rd Grade 
Subject area: Reading/Writing 
Tool(s) used: 
Lesson overview:
Explain the lesson in detail: 
o In this unit students will be building their understanding on making
predictions and inferences. Students will be able to use clues from a text
to help build on inferences. We started working with making predictions
and inferences and what each one means. In this lesson we will be
practicing on using our prior knowledge when looking at a picture or
poster. Having students use clues that they already know, their prior
knowledge and make a prediction. After looking at the picture I will play a
short introduction or clip from a fairytale story. Once the students have
looked at both they will be able to help point out clues that will be used to
help make predictions on what might happen next. Students will be
working with a partner and using their prior knowledge on what they know
about the fairytale and then make predictions on what is going to happen
next. Students will come up with two examples for predictions and two
examples for evidence. When students are done we will discuss as a
whole group and share ideas for making predictions and evidence. I will
write down on the smart board what each group comes up with and then I
will play the video to see what happens. After students have watched the
video again for a few minutes I will find a good stopping point and
students then will be asked to come up with their own prediction on what
they just saw and what they will predict what happens next and the
evidence that supports it. Students will have the option to go more in
depth and create their own ending on what they want to happen or should
happen. Students will be writing in their notebooks and then will be able
to type it onto a computer and then will create a short video to create their
own scene on their Ipads. To end the lesson students will be able to
share their work with the class. 
Lesson Objectives: 
o Students will be able to make predictions based on a text
o Students will be able to identify clues
o Students will be able to use prior knowledge that suggests what will
o Students will be able to make inferences about a text
o Students will be able to use academic sentence frames to discuss
What instructional strategy(ies) do you use? 
o I Do/I Show: I will demonstrate to the students an example of what they
will be doing. 
o We Do: We will complete a practice one together to show them what they
will be working on and completing. 
o You Do: The students will then work independently and or with a partner
and will be completing one of their own predictions and collecting
Is this a new lesson you created or are you enhancing a previous one? 
o I have taught this lesson before in the past, but I have not gone into this
much detail. In the past we just used a poster to display and then have
students writing in their notebook. I think enhancing this lesson will be for
better use in the future. 
How are students meeting the objectives? 
o Throughout the lesson I will be walking around to monitor students are
staying on task and following the directions. When they are working with a
partner or individually to make sure they are completing the correct steps.
Helping with any spelling or questions the students come up. I will also be
walking around and listening to the conversations students are having to
make sure the conversations are also staying on topic. After the students
are done working and we regroup I will be asking each group or individual
to share what they came up with to check for understanding and
completion of assignment. 
How do you plan to support all learners? (IEPs, 504s, ELL, etc) 
o Currently the students who do have an IEP, 504 plan will be out of the
room. But for this assignment they will have assistance with reading and
writing. Those students will be able to use a computer to “write” out their
assignment so it is easier for them. 
How does technology enhance this lesson? 
o Technology enhances the lesson by allowing students to really dig deep
into making predictions and using evidence. 
o Technology also helps enhance this lesson by allowing the students to
have the computer help with the writing portion and using their creativity
with using the Ipads and creating a short video clip presentation. 
Four C’s: 
Critical thinking -- students will use critical thinking when making
predictions and finding supporting evidence. 
Communication --  students will communicate in the whole group
discussion when sharing their ideas of predictions and evidence.
They will also be communicating with their partner if they choose to
work with one by sharing ideas. 
Collaboration-- students will collaborate with one another while
working together if working with a partner. If not with a partner,
students will be sharing ideas and collaborating with the class as a
whole group.   
 Creativity -- students will be showing creativity by coming up with
their own predictions on what will happen next by creating their own
ending and or story line when creating a short clip or presentation
on their Ipads. 
Student choice and voice -- 
o Students will have a choice if they want to work individually or with a
partner. They will also have a voice when sharing ideas as a whole
Student engagement -- 
o Students will be engaged throughout the whole lesson. They will be
showing their mastery through completing the assignment and sharing
their ideas on prediction and evidence by showing their video. 
SAMR Model
o This lesson meets the “M” of the SAMR Model. Students will be able to
use the computer and their Ipad to create this assignment instead of on
paper in their notebook. Instead of using their notebook paper and
creating a poster they will be able to put their ideas into a video clip or
presentation slide. 
If this is a previous lesson you used, discuss how technology transformed this
o Technology can transform any lesson, but in this lesson it has given
students the opportunity to get more creative and use technology tools to
put their work onto a computer. Students will be able to use a computer
to type out instead of writing in their notebooks. Students will also be able
to use their Ipads to create a short video or presentation slide to show
their ideas. 
How will you assess student learning/outcomes?
o I will assess students' understanding by asking questions during the
whole group discussion. 
o I will also assess them by seeing their work with a partner or individually
to check their understanding. 

Share/cite any resources you used to create this lesson and plan to use in the
lesson with your students.
o Minnesota Reading/Writing Curriculum 

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