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Course: BSED
Year/Section: 2-C
School Year/ Semester: 2021 - 2022/ FIRST SEMESTER

Fill in the blanks. On the space before each number, write the concept/idea needed.

Technopreneur 1. It is a daring, creative deviator from established business proces

ses and methods who continually explores the opportunity to sell new products, tech
nologies, processes and designs.
Logos 2. It means word, the utterance by which inward thought is express
ed, a saying or an expression.
Technopreneurship 3. It is a simple entrepreneurship in a technology intensive cont
Techne 4. It means art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which
a thing is gained.
Technology 5. It is making, modification, usage and knowledge of tools, machin
es, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a pro
blem, improve a pre-existing solution.
Technology 6. It is magical word that has converted the world now. Not only has
it made life simpler, in fact mush easier, it has also hastened it.
Technology 8. It is nothing but the usage and knowledge of tools, crafts, organiz
ational methods, and systems to solve certain problems or provide services.
Entrepreneurship 9. It is the manner of turning good ideas into something profitable.
Technology 10. Entrepreneurship and ______ both are products of the human i
ntelligence and equally phenomenal is the mixture that is formed by joining the two c
oncomitantly for the good of the society.

True or False. Write T if the following statement is True and F if otherwise on the sp
ace provided.

T 1. There have been different sorts of entrepreneurship that have evolved over the
T 2. Technology made life simpler, in fact much easier, it has also hastened it.
T 3. The word “technopreneurship” is not yet even incorporated in the dictionary.
F 4. The term “entrepreneur” is relatively new and is positioning its prominence thro
ugh the linkages of science, engineering and management.
F 5. The initial application of the term technopreneurship was in 1997.
T 6. The word technopreneurship is more popularly used in Asian countries compar
ed to the western world.
T 7. The word technopreneurship comes from two Greek words, transliterated tech
ne and logos.
T 8. Entrepreneurship, like technology, has attached extra dimensions to human life.
T 9. Techne means art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which a thing i
s gained.
F 10. Entrepreneurship a process of merging technology prowess and entrepreneur
ial talent and skills.

Synthesis. Answer the following questions:

1. Explain and illustrate how technology can enhance economic growth an

d innovation.
- Benefits accrue from technological advancement. It boosts productivity a
nd provides citizens with new and improved goods and services, raising th
eir overall standard of living. The benefits of innovation can take time to ma
nifest. They frequently cover a large proportion of the population.
2. “Technology is a magical word that has converted the world now. Not o
nly has it made life simpler, in fact much easier, it has also hastened it.
Most of the work is completed only in minutes.”
Using the matrix below, list down the technologies you have used and st
ate how it made your life simpler.


1. Smart phone It made me communicate with my parent
s easier since they are far away from wh
ere I live.
2. Rice cooker It made my cooking powers more powerf
ul. It made me look like I am a better coo
3. Washing Machines It made my washing life easier since I jus
t need to stuff my clothes in the machine
and wait until it’s done.
4. Hair Blower/ dryer I have a long and thick hair and it is hard
to dry it and it takes a long time too but w
ith the hair dryer it is easier for me to dry
my hair.
5. Refrigerator I love stocking foods and refrigerators hel
ped me to prolong the life span of the foo
ds I stock
ESSAY. Answer the following questions in not less than 5 sentences.
The word technology comes from two Greek words, transliterated techne and l
Q1. What does Techne and Logos means?
- Techne means art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which a thing
is gained. Logos means word, the utterance by which inward thought is expres
sed, a saying, or an expression.

Q2. How does this translate in Technopreneurship? Give an example of a prod

uct that is a product of Techne and Logos.
- With the meaning of techne and logos it kind of translates that in technopren
eurship art, skill, craft and expression of thought is needed to be a technopren
eur. Carpentry is an example of techne and logos. In Carpentry, there is an art,
skill and craft at the same time in carpentry you can express your thoughts wit
h your artwork.
Course: BSED
Year/Section: 2-C
School Year/ Semester: 2021-2022/ FIRST SEMESTER


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

C 1. The most relevant step in entrepreneurial decision-making is _____.

a. Choosing Your Business
b. Self-Assessment
c. Planning
d. Entering Into the Business
B 2. It illustrates how the entrepreneur plans to use his marketing tools.
a. Financial Plan
b. Marketing Plan
c. Management Plan
d. Operation Planning
D 3. Which tool does not belong to the group?
a. Marketing channels
b. Price
c. Advertisement
d. Balance sheets
A 4. It connects all the above steps by turning operating plans – production, mark
eting, management and all other plans related to the operations of the venture – into
a. Financial Plan
b. Marketing Plan
c. Management Plan
d. Operation Planning
C 5. Financial plan should include all the descriptions except for:
a. Projected financial statement for the next three or five years
b. Planned source of financing
c. Kinds of sales promotion
d. Break-even analysis of profit and cash flows
C 6. This part will distinguish the key players – active investors, management tea
m, and directors – indicating the expertise and skill they hold.
a. Financial Plan
b. Marketing Plan
c. Management Plan
d. Operation Planning
A 7. Management Plan offers the following except:
a. Supply and purchasing procedures
b. Management team
c. Outside investors
d. Plans for recruiting and training employees.
D 8. It describes the type of manufacturing or operating that should be used; expl
ains the facilities, labour, raw materials and product processing requirements.
a. Financial Plan
b. Marketing Plan
c. Management Plan
d. Operation Planning
D 9. Operation Planning should give the following information except:
a. Quality control methods
b. Procedures to control inventory and operations
c. Sources of supply and purchasing procedures
d. Directors, and their qualifications
A 10. Demographic trends refer to:
a. Age, race, ethnicity, and location of the target customers
b. Patents, copyrights, trademarks
c. Quality controls, methods, procedures to control inventory and operatio
ns, sources of supply and purchasing procedures.
d. Marketing channels, price, advertisement, personal selling, and sales p

TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statements are True and F if otherwise, in the spac
e provided.

T 1. Owning a business gives entrepreneurs the freedom and the chances to reali
ze what is relevant to them, give the opportunity to use complete potential and contri
bute to himself alone.
T 2. The more reliable way to select the business is to ascertain what type of busi
ness interests you most.
T 3. An entrepreneur is defined as someone who reacts positively to the question
“I am among those who initially established the business”
T 4. The success of the business, primarily small business, largely depend on the
social recognition of it.
F 5. Money needed to start the chosen business should be determined after the b
usiness start-up.
T 6. There is no specific guide for being an entrepreneur. It cannot be learned in s
chool, college or in university.
T 7. Financial Planning most relevant part of the planning as it is the financial indi
cators of the business in the future and set-out the primary monetary target for the e
F 8. Marketing Plan distinguish the key players – active investors, management te
am, and directors – indicating the expertise and skill they hold.
T 9. Precise planning will decrease the tension and risk of operating a new busine
ss and serve as a proper guideline for coming actions.
T 10. If the business/ businesses are appealing to you it will raise the possibility of
being successful, you will learn instantly and can operate the business smoothly.

SYNTHESIS. Applying the steps of Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Process. Decid
e on a Business that you will want to put after graduation and answer the following q

1. Would you choose to buy an existing business or franchise?

- I would prefer buying franchise than the latter. I am a person who doesn’t
want to complicate things although I always find ways on how to make the
method simpler still, I want simple things. In franchise, you’ll just buy the b
usiness and there are already policies to follow and such and for me, it is e
asier to buy a franchise rather then buying an existing business.

2. Prepare a list of potential candidates

a. Fast Food Chains
b. Salon and Spa
c. Water Refilling Station
d. Bakery
e. Restaurants
3. Investigate all candidate’s problems and benefits and list them down below.
Managing Growth Lower Risks
High Operating Cost Speed of Growth
More regulations Brand Recognition
Less brand control Easier Management
Less Decision Making Power Profit


Course: BSED
Year/Section: 2-C
School Year/ Semester: 2021-2022/ FIRST SEMESTER

IDENTIFICATION. Write whether the statement below refers to an Intrapreneur or E
ntrepreneur o Both in the blank space provided.

Write I if the statement refers to an Intrapreneur

Write E if the statement refers to an entrepreneur
Write B if the statements refer to both.

E 1. Is subject or more susceptible to outside influences.

E 2. He owns the concept and business.
E 3. He takes the risk.
E 4. One strategic gaffe could mean instant his failure
B 5. Entail a window of opportunity within which the concept can be successfully
capitalized upon.
B 6. Both require that the entrepreneur be able to balance vision with managerial
skill, passion with pragmatism, and proactiveness with patience.
I 7. The organization has more flexibility for management errors.
I 8. The company typically owns the concept and intellectual rights.
B 9. It is riven by an individual champion who works with a team to bring the conc
ept to fruition.
B 10. It requires a unique business concept that takes the form of a product, proc
ess, or services.

True or False. Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False in the
space provided.

T 1. Organizational bureaucracies force employees to ask approval for transactio

ns that happen outside their everyday responsibilities.
T 2. Intrapreneurs pound many times into the familiar sentence “We always did it t
his way”
T 3. Interior conflict magnifies the difficulty because instead of distributing the kno
wledge with others it hinders information sharing.
T 4. The entrepreneur is extraordinary inside the business, who strives for transfo
rmation and renewal from inside the operation.
T 5. Specialization and division, help in focusing on the domains of interest, but c
ontrols interface.
F 6. Long working hours is an advantage of becoming an entrepreneur.
T 7. Innovation may not be appreciated accordingly with entrepreneurship.
T 8. In start-up the individual entrepreneur owns the concept and business.
T 9. In intrapreneurship the organization has more flexibility for management error
F 10. Unlike the intrapreneur, the entrepreneur works within an actual business.

ESSAY. Answer the following questions.

1. In your own words, give an example of each domain of Entrepreneurship and

explain how it affects entrepreneurs.
Finance - Banks (Metrobank). Since financial knowledge is needed in busin
ess in order for it to be successful, people and tools or machineries can hel
p the entrepreneurs big time. Just like the people in the bank, they provide f
inancial knowledge to the entrepreneurs before, during and after their busin
ess launch.

Culture - law. Cultural domain is the environment where the attributes, mind
sets and attitudes of entrepreneurs are developed. Law is one of the examp
les since in law, there are specific republic acts that are applied for busines
s and it can help develop the attitude of the entrepreneur on how he manag
e his business and on how he will treat his employees and customers.

Supports - Support domain is the one who provides informati

on, answer questions by the customers, in short provides a customer supp
ort. An example to that is the customer support, they answer c
ustomer queries efficiently.

Human Capital - Communication Skills. This includes skilled and unskilled

workers. In human capital domain, talent is the requested most than the tra
ditional employment. Communication skills is a talent and is much needed i
n a business. Good communication skills can bring more capital and custo
mer in a business.

Markets - geographical. Market domain is targeting and meeting the particul

ar business and customer need in a marketplace. For example is the geogra
phical domain, from the word geography which means the climate and natu
ral resources of the land. Will your business suit the location on where you
plan to build your business? Does the people in that area will buy your pro
2. After learning the advantages, disadvantages, similarities and differences of a
n Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur? Which one would you rather be? Why?
- I would rather choose Entrepreneur over the latter. I am a person who valu
es my freedom so much and being an entrepreneur suits it. I prefer entrepre
neur better than intrapreneur. I am a kind of person that wants to be respon
sible for anything I do. For example, if I fail my entrepreneurial business, I w
ould take the responsibility for it. I don’t want to blame other person and I d
on’t want to be blame by other person. I always base my choice with my atti
tude and personality since I will be the main character in my decisions and


Course: BSED
Year/Sec: 2-C
School Year/Semester: 2021-2022/ FIRST SEMESTER
Student Activity 1
Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer in space provided.
A 1. Which of the theories discussed arose from the critique of the classical mode
l and showed that economic happenings could be assigned to instances of pure exch
ange, return an optimal ratio, and happen in an economic system that was closed?
a. Neo-classical theory
b. Personality Traits Theory
c. Psychological Entrepreneurship Theories
d. Need for Achievement theory
D 2. What theory which states that Entrepreneurs are driven by this need to achie
ve and excel?
a. Neo-classical theory
b. Personality Traits Theory
c. Psychological Entrepreneurship Theories
d. Need for Achievement theory
B 3. Which Theory says that for someone to successfully launch a venture the so
cial and cultural contexts should be reviewed or studied?
a. Personality Traits Theory
b. Anthropological Entrepreneurship Theory
c. The opportunity-based theory
d. Neo-classical Theory
C 4. Which of the theories emphasizes the value of financial, social and human re
a. Neo-classical Theory
b. Personality Traits Theory
c. Resource-based Entrepreneurship Theories
d. The opportunity-based theory.
D 5. Which of the theories states that the level of analysis is traditionally the socie
a. Neo-classical theory
b. Personality Traits Theory
c. Psychological Entrepreneurship Theories
d. Sociological Entrepreneurship theory
D 6. All the statements below are TRUE except for:
a. Private and state firms are different but both can be entrepreneurial
b. Entrepreneurs effectuate knowledge when they believe it will procure some in
dividually-defined benefits
c. Personality traits are “stable qualities that a person shows in most situations”
d. Business owns have a slightly lower internal locus of control than other popula
A 7. Which theory has deep roots in the classical and neoclassical theories of eco
a. Economic Entrepreneurship Theory
b. Neo-classical Theory
c. Personality Traits Theory
d. Psychological Entrepreneurship Theory
A 8. What theory extolled the values of free, specialization, and competition
a. Classical theory
b. Personality Traits Theory
c. Psychological Entrepreneurship Theory
d. Psychological Entrepreneurship Theory
D 9. The unsettled enigmas of the neo-classical movement led to a new moveme
nt which became known as the
a. Neo-classical theory
b. Personality Traits Theory
c. Psychological Entrepreneurship Theories
d. Austrian Market Process (AMP)
C 10. Which theories highlight personal characteristics tht define entrepreneurshi
a. Neo-classical theory
b. Personality Traits Theory
c. Psychological Entrepreneurship Theories
d. Sociological Entrepreneurship theory
Student Activity 2
Enumerate what is asked.
I. What are the four Social contexts that relates to entrepreneurial opportunity a
ccording to Reynolds.
1. Social Networks
2. Life-course Stage Context
3. Context is ethnic identification
4. Social Context is called population ecology
II. Give the 6 theories in entrepreneurship
5. Economic Entrepreneurship Theories
6. Psychological Entrepreneurship Theories
7. Sociological Entrepreneurship Theories
8. Anthropological Entrepreneurship Theories
9. The Opportunity-based Theory
10. Resource-based Entrepreneurship Theories

Student Activity 3
True or False. Based on the THEORIES OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP discussed, writ
e T if the statements is True and F if the statement is False in the space provide.

T 1. Access to resources improves the individual’s capability to identify and act upon
identified opportunities.
F 2. The entrepreneur never searches for change, does not respond to it, and will not
exploit an opportunity.
T 3. Entrepreneurs do not cause change (as claimed by the Schumpeterian or Austri
an school) but employ the opportunities that change effects.
T 4. Cultural practices lead to entrepreneurial attitudes such as innovation that also l
ead to venture creation behaviour.
T 5. The Anthropological Entrepreneurship Theory model says that new investment i
s devised by the influence of one’s culture.
T 6. The political system, government legislation, customers, employees, and compe
tition are some of the environmental factors that may have an impression on survival
of new enterprise or the progress of the entrepreneur.
T 7. One’s physiological background is one of the decisive “push” factors to become
an entrepreneur.
T 8. The experiences of people could influence their influence their decision and acti
on so they want to do something significant with their lives.
T 9. There is evidence for the relationship between achievement motivation and entr
T 10. Entrepreneurs have an eye more for possibilities created by change than the pr

Student Activity 4
The entrepreneur should not take unfair advantage of people to be successful; rather
success comes as a consequence of keeping confidence with the people. Do you ag
ree? Yes or No? Why?
Yes, I agree. To be an entrepreneur, we must possess a reasonably good attitu
de. We must always ensure the feelings of the people because they are the one
and they will be the one to enjoy our products and services. We must be fair n
ot only with people but also with ourselves. The people are the ones that make
s the business successful so it is just right to prioritize and be fair with them.



Course: BSED
Year/Sec: 2-C
School Year/Semester: 2021-2022/ FIRST SEMESTER

Student Activity 1
Matching Type. Match the Domains to Reinforce Intrinsic Innovation in Column A wi
th its description in Column B.



F 1. Difficulty a. it improves when people a

re conscious that those
around them are ins
pired and where there
are knowledge sharing and

E 2. Independence b. The teams must share the

enthusiasm, be tea
m players, and understa
nd the importance that e
ach members delivers

D 3. Resource c. It is unobstructed and graci

ously acknowledge creativ
e work even before the co
mmercial result of that w
ork is perceived.

B 4. Work-Group Features d. Under some situations, tim

e pressure can improv
e creativity by building ne
cessity and spirit of difficult
y, but artificial or
impossibly lose deadlines
generate distrust and include

C 5. Supervisory Support e. It give people freedom

concerning the met
hod, not certainly the
A 6. Organizational Support f. it give people freedo
m concerning the method, n
ot certainly the outco

Student Activity 2
Identification. Identify whether the following describes INNOVATION OR INVENTIO

INNOVATION 1. It is the implementation of a concept or an invention which points to

developing and completing a product, a method, a method or a service with the sole
objective of achieving, a higher standard, and the objectives that were creatively inte
nded for.
INVENTION 2. It has to be unique worldwide
INNOVATION 3. Is perceived as an invention that has been successfully executed a
nd created added value, gain, greater income, or higher quality.
INNOVATION 4. It must have a positive influence on society, economy, and the politi
cal field.
INVENTION 5. It is for commercial use
INVENTION 6. is not a casual process but is the result of research, study, or recurre
INNOVATION 7. It has to be novel locally, in a specific region or area.
INNOVATION 8. It drives development to a greater degree than improving efficiency
through process innovation.
INNOVATION 9. is one of the most relevant interests of any company and its purpos
e in the growth and improvement of the market is unassailable.
INNOVATION 10. is relevant from product development, systems of management, a
nd methods of doing works.

Student Activity 3
Synthesis: Prepare a list of examples in Product and Service Innovation (at least 5
each) and explain how it is relevant to the society based on the given list of importan
ce of innovation.
Service - Uber, zipcar, Air bnb, Harrah’s, Amazon
Product - Iphone series, Sony, Tesla, Beyond Meat, Huawei
On the service list, these are relevant to the society by the means of providing
services to each and every one. Uber and zapcar provides a service in terms of
vehicles, Air bnb for hotels r staycations that are lower in price but the same fe
els for tourists and Harrah’s and Amazon provides customer service to custom
ers with inquiries. These services are relevant to the society because they pro
vide improved services that was recommended by the people of the society.
On the other hand, the list on product innovation are relevant to the society be
cause these things are products that was innovated and continuously innovati
ng as to what the people of the society wants and demands. Iphone series are
continuously innovating given that we already have the iphone 13 now, we can
say that they are continuously innovating their products. Same as to the other
products. These innovations were based on what the people want, what the pe
ople demand and what the people needs.

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