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OCTOBER 2021 Astronomical Event

Philippine Standard Time


[8] Close approach of the Moon and Venus

The two objects will make a close approach, technically called an appulse. It can be observed after the
sun sets until 08:20 PhST in the evening.

[10] Close approach of the Moon and Saturn

The two objects will make a close approach, technically called an appulse. It can be observed after the
sun sets until 10:40 PhST in the evening.

[12] Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter

The two objects will make a close approach, technically called an appulse. It can be observed after the
sun sets until 11:58 PhST in the evening.

[17] Leonid Meteor Shower 2021

The Leonid will peak between the nights of November 17-18. The shower will not be visible before
around 23:52 each night, when its radiant point rises above your eastern horizon. It will then remain
active until dawn breaks around 05:34. The radiant point is highest in the sky after dawn - at around
06:00 PhST- and so the shower is likely to produce its best displays shortly before dawn, when its radiant
point is highest. At its peak, the shower is expected to produce a nominal rate of around 15 meteors per
hour (ZHR)


M45 is well placed The Pleiades open star cluster (M45; mag 1.6) in Taurus will be well placed, high in
the sky. It will reach its highest point in the sky at around midnight local time. It will be visible in the
morning sky, becoming accessible around 18:28 PhST , when it reaches an altitude of 12° above your

[19] Partial Lunar Eclipse

The Moon will pass through the Earth's shadow between 15:19 and 18:47 PhST, creating a partial lunar
eclipse. Maximum eclipse will occur at 17:04, when 97% of the Moon's disk will lie in shadow. It will be
difficult to see from Lingayen since the Moon will rise partway through the eclipse, and only attain an
altitude of 19° above the horizon by the time it ends.

[20] Venus at highest altitude in evening sky

As seen from Lingayen, Venus will reach its highest point in the sky in its 2021 evening
apparition. It will be shining brightly at mag -4.4. From Lingayen, this apparition will not be one
of the most prominent but nonetheless prominent, reaching a peak altitude of 34° above the
horizon at sunset on 20 Nov 2021.
Moon Phases

[5] New Moon

The Moon will reach its new moon phase at 05:14 AM PhST

[11] First Quarter Moon

The Moon will reach its first quarter phase at 08:45 PM PhST

[19] Full Moon

The Moon will reach its full moon phase at 06:57 PM PhST

[27] Last Quarter Moon

The Moon will reach its last quarter moon phase at 08:27 PM PhST


[1] Stellarium 0.21.1 PC Version. (n.d). Retrieved September 01, 2021 from

[2] Ford, D. (n.d). Calendar of Astronomical Events 2021. Retrieved from https://in-the-

[3] International Meteor Organization. (n.d.). Meteor Shower Calendar. Retrieved from

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