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Administrator Interview

How did your role change when you switched from high school Assistant Principal to
Elementary Principal? (Environment, curriculum, faculty, and staff). Were there any skills or
specific role changes? The role is very similar in that I am here to support staff in their
professional growth and maintain a safe and welcoming environment for students, staff, and
families. The skills for the position are the same but it is important to recognize that every site
has its own culture and way of being and so I have to be flexible in knowing those dynamics and
supporting in the appropriate ways that meet people’s needs.
Why do you think most schools prefer stability to change? Stability is predictable and it
makes people feel comfortable. People feel confident in their skills when they know what to
expect. Change is difficult because it is uncertain and results in a loss of what you knew. In
schools that is how people identify themselves and their roles. I have found that it isn’t the new
but rather the loss of the old.
What External Forces go into making changes for the school? Legislature, MDE
requirements, community needs, budget, social pressures, and issues, technology
How do the Labor market and Economic changes affect or help make decisions? What do
they do for you as a leader? Economic changes impact funding which impacts the staffing and
what programs and resources are available. When the labor market is good and unemployment is
low it is more difficult to find staff that is highly qualified and that meet the requirements for
hard-to-fill positions.
How do the Internal forces affect the school? (Administrative process and People
problems). This impacts the culture and climate of a building which significantly impacts the
ability to make a change or to thrive.
What is the biggest challenge you face and the school faces when It comes to resistance
to change? (Uncertainty, Group Resistance, Concern over Personal Loss).
Communication and support are crucial. Change impacts people in different ways and you have
to be ahead of that and know how different groups or individuals will respond and what their
greatest fear or concern is before you can support them. People typically want to do well and feel
successful. Change without support and data or reasoning behind it will be met with great
resistance. The trick is to help others to see the need and how the change may fill that need and
then support as it begins to happen. Building confidence and leadership in others and in their
skills to effect change is important to success.
What goes into the strategic planning process? Who is involved? How often do they
happen? Strategic planning is vital for sustainability. All stakeholders need to be involved in the
strategic planning to ensure that all groups have a voice and can bring to the table concerns. In
order for a plan to meet the needs of all stakeholders as best as possible, you have to know what
they need and what they need support with to make the change successful. Support looks
different for everyone and for a plan to be carried out you need targeted support.

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