Module 2 Study Guide

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STUDY GUIDE FOR MODULE 2: Computer Organization



Duration of the Module: Prerequisite: Credit:

Sept 20 – Oct. 2, 2021 Module 1 2 units lab

Faculty-In-Charge (Module Designer) Contact Information: Placement:

Dondanon A. Bajarla, Jr. Students enrolled in ESC 12

In the previous module, we defined the computer and traced its history from the simplest
computing devices to the mechanical devices in the 1800’s down to the generations of computers
in the electrical era. We also found out how the internet began as a two-computer network to an
interconnection of over 46 billion computers today.

In this module, we continue to study the modern computer, its parts and the devices that can be
connected to it. In addition, we will learn about the different network topologies as well as the
devices typically used in a network. At the end of the module, the student will be asked to explain
how a program is processed in a computer and how we can connect computers.


At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. classify computers based on power, size and usage;

2. match the parts or the devices of the computer to its corresponding function;
3. identify devices used by a network and the internet;
4. discuss the process of computing; and
5. discuss technology that connects multiple computers in a network.


Topic 1: Computer Types
Topic 2: Inside the Computer
Room 103, Lucas Hall  
Trunkline: + 63 88 853 9800 Local: 9294/9295/9296 
Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City 
9000 Philippines
Sub-topic: The Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Sub-topic: Memory
Sub-topic: Ports and Connectors
Sub-topic: Input and Output Devices
Topic 3: Computers in a Network
Sub-topic: Network Topology
Sub-topic: Network Types
Sub-topic: Network Hardware

You can download the study guide in pdf format of Module 2 here.


TOPIC 1: Computer Types

Aside from being classified according to generation, computers can be classified in many other
ways but in this topic we will focus on the classification of computers according to their power, size
and purpose.

Learning Activity 1

A. Computer Types
Read 1: Please read Section 1.5: Computer Types from Computer Fundamentals & C Programming
by Das, S. (2018) (4 page read)

The following videos provides an in-depth look at each computer type and examples of each.

Watch 1: From CNBC: What Is A Supercomputer?

Watch 2: From Techquickie: What are Mainframes?

Watch 3: From ITSohor: What is a Minicomputer?

Watch 4: From Engineering Technology Simulation Learning Videos:

What is the Difference Between a Microprocessor, Microcontroller and a Microcomputer?

Reflection Questions:

Can you explain how mainframes are used in areas that are not handled by minicomputers?

How is a smartphone different from an embedded computer?

Page 2 of 9
TOPIC 2: Inside the Computer

The previous topic discussed the different types of computer. Most computers that we encounter
daily like PC’s or smartphones are classified as microcomputers. The computer types discussed
share a common design, based largely on the concepts developed by John von Neumann in the
1940’s referred to as the von Neumann architecture. In this module we will look into the physical
components of the computer system starting with the brain of the computer, the CPU.

Learning Activity 2

Read 2: Please read these pages from Computer Fundamentals & C Programming by Das, S.
(2018) (a 16 page read).

A. The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Watch 5: From MrBrownCS: The CPU and Von Neumann Architecture

B. Computer Memory
Watch 6: From I Know How IT Works: Types of Computer Memory

C. Ports and Connectors

Watch 7: From Dane Hartman: Computer Skills Course: Ports, Connectors, Cables

D. Input and Output Devices

Watch 8: From Micro:bit Educational Foundation: Input and output devices

Reflection Questions:

Can you explain the fetch-decode-execute mechanism used by the CPU?

How do static and dynamic RAM differ? Which type is used for cache memory?

Why does the CPU need cache memory and registers when it can use RAM for its work?

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TOPIC 3: Computers in a Network

Today, it is seldom to find computers that are stand-alone, even in a household there can be
multiple computers, handheld devices and even CCTV cameras connected to a network which
through a modem/router is linked to the internet. In this module, we will discuss the different ways
computers can be connected along with the devices used to make this possible.

Learning Activity 3

A. Network Topology
Read 3: Please read these pages from Computer Fundamentals & C Programming by Das, S.
(2018) (5 page read).

Watch 9: From PowerCert Animated Videos:

Network Topologies (Star, Bus, Ring, Mesh, Ad hoc, Infrastructure, & Wireless Mesh Topology)

B. Network Types
Watch 10: From PowerCert Animated Videos:

Network Types: LAN, WAN, PAN, CAN, MAN, SAN, WLAN

C. Network Hardware
Watch 11: From PowerCert Animated Videos:

Hub, Switch, & Router Explained - What's the difference?

Reflection Questions:

How is a switch more intelligent than a hub?

What is the role of the router in a network?

Page 4 of 9
Short Quiz

The aim of this quiz is to assess your understanding of Module 2.

You have twelve (45) minutes to complete this 25-question quiz.

Please note the following:

1. Read the instructions carefully, and then click “Take the Quiz.”
2. Complete the quiz according to instructions.
3. Click “Next” to move from one question to another.
4. Once through with all the questions, click “Submit Quiz”.
5. You will need to get 60% score to pass the quiz and unlock the next module.
6. You may attempt the quiz three (3) times. Your highest score will be recorded.

Quiz results are protected for this quiz and correct answers are not visible to you until the quiz

Good luck!

Assignment Guide: Assignment 2


Drawing from the module reading materials, videos, quiz and your own research, submit a one-page
synthesis paper:

 that explains the operation or sequence of events that occur in the CPU when it performs an
instruction (e.g. add two numbers); and
 describes what happens to the other parts of the computer that are involved in the operation.

Specific Guidelines

Synthesis writing is basically combining the ideas of more than one source with your own and
explaining it in your own words.

Key Features of a synthesis:

Report information from the sources using different phrases and sentences;
Organize so that readers can immediately see where information from the sources overlap;
Make sense of the sources and help the reader understand them in greater depth.

For more information on how to write a synthesis, visit

The maximum points for this activity is 16points.

Please use the following format when uploading your assignments:

Filename: Subject-Section_M2_Surname (Example: ESC12-E1B1_ M2_Juan)

Page 5 of 9
Paper: A4, portrait
Font: Arial, 12
Line Spacing: single
File: PDF
Resources: APA Format
Number of uploaded documents allowed: 1


Below is the Rubric that will be used to rate the output that you will submit. Scoring is based on the
extent to which the given criteria are displayed/exhibited. Please take note of the different areas and
the corresponding weights. There can only be 4 numbers that you can be rated with and this is
multiplied to the corresponding weights.

How you are rated: 4 – Advanced, 3 – Proficient, 2 – Basic, 1 – Below Basic

Argument & Essay addresses Essay addresses Essay addresses Essay

Focus none the required some of the most of the addresses all
aspects of the required aspects required aspects the required
assignment. of the assignment of the assignment aspects of the
Essay is not but not in an in an organized assignment in
organized and organized and and logical an organized
logical. logical manner. manner. and logical
1point 2points points
Supporting Essay includes Essay includes a Essay includes Essay includes
Details no examples to few examples to some examples numerous
support student’s support student’s to support examples to
viewpoint viewpoint student’s support
viewpoint student’s
1point 2points viewpoint
3points 4points
Demonstrated Essay Essay Essay Essay
Understanding demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates a demonstrates
of the little some good thorough
Assignment understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding
the assignment the assignment the assignment of the
by synthesizing by synthesizing by synthesizing assignment by
concepts from concepts from concepts from synthesizing
class class class concepts from
discussions. discussions. discussions. class
1point 2points discussions.
3points 4points
Format, Format not Format not Format followed, Format
Grammar, followed, not followed, essay is essay is highly followed, File
Spelling, college level adequate; polished; essay is highly
Mechanics, writing; Essay maximum of two maximum of one polished; no
and Sentence has more than grammatical or grammatical or grammatical or
Structure two grammatical spelling errors. spelling error. spelling errors.
or spelling errors.

2points 3points 4points

The instructor may provide a holistic feedback on the exceptional practice(s) you have demonstrated
in the output and what else you can do or incorporate to improve it in the future.

Page 6 of 9
Forum for Discussion

Now that we have learned more about computers and its parts, for a certain computer type give an
example and give at least 3 characteristics that make it impressive or special (it may not necessarily
be the latest technology). You may include pictures or a link.


 The Framework Laptop DIY Edition (

 Modular & Upgradeable – a range of options for processor, memory and storage
 Deeply Customizable – , select the ports you want, keyboard
 Build it Yourself – all modular, you don’t need to go to the shop to change or upgrade.
 You may watch a review of this at

Please follow these guidelines in our forum.

1. Respect everyone. Express your thoughts properly and argue constructively.
2. You are required to post at least once in this discussion forum to mark this activity as
3. Interact as much as possible. Do not hesitate to ask questions or reply to the posts.
4. Posts with substantive contents are highly encouraged, such as the following:
 posting a question about the module
 sharing an additional resource or insight backed with a reliable reference replying to a
post either agreeing and then adding substantive content or respectfully disagreeing to
the original post backed with reference(s)
5. Posts that contain only affirmation or gratitude, e.g. "thank you for this post", "I agree", are
always welcome to foster a friendly learning environment.
6. Each student must create a discussion and must reply to at least 3 discussions

Share your thoughts!

Module Feedback

Congratulations for reaching this far into the module! Kindly tell me about your learning experience
of module 2 by answering the module feedback in the eLearn Course site.

Page 7 of 9
 The basic computer system consists of a CPU, memory, and input and output devices.
 Memory can be classified into primary, secondary, and internal processor memory.
 Cache memory is a part of the primary memory and normally resides near the CPU.
 The rest of the primary memory consists of various types of ROMs and RAMs.
 The central feature of a computer is the Central Processing Unit (CPU) which comprises
the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit (CU).
 Users interact with a computer using devices like the keyboard and monitor.
 Running programs use primary memory which comprises RAM, ROM (non-volatile), cache
memory and registers.
 Secondary memory is used as backup and includes the hard disk, magnetic tape, optical
disks and flash memory.
 Devices connect to the computer using ports and sockets. The USB port has become the
standard port for most devices. HDMI is the defacto standard for audio-visual data.
 Input devices include the keyboard, mouse and scanner. Output devices include the
monitor and printer.
 Multiple computers are connected in a network for sharing programs, data and devices.
 A network uses network cards, hubs, switches and routers.
 The standard hardware protocol used is Ethernet and the standard network protocol is
TCP/IP. The latter is also used on the Internet.

Das, S. (2018). Computer Fundamentals & C Programming. 444/1, Sri Ekambara Naicker
Industrial Estate, Alapakkam, Porur, Chennai 600 116: McGraw Hill Education (India) Private

CNBC. (2018, Jun 22). What Is A Supercomputer?. [Video].


Techquickie. (2017, Apr 5). What are Mainframes?. [Video].


ITSohor. (2018, Sep 30). What is a Minicomputer?. [Video].


Engineering Technology Simulation Learning Videos. (2015, Jun 6). What is the Difference
Between a Microprocessor, Microcontroller and a Microcomputer?. [Video].

MrBrownCS. (2017, Sep 23). The CPU and Von Neumann Architecture. [Video].

Page 8 of 9
I Know How IT Works. (2020, Nov 14). Types of Computer Memory. [Video].

Dane Hartman. (2016, Apr 13). Computer Skills Course: Ports, Connectors, Cables. [Video].

Micro:bit Educational Foundation. (2021, Jan 19). Input and output devices. [Video].

PowerCert Animated Videos. (2018, Nov 14). Network Topologies (Star, Bus, Ring, Mesh, Ad hoc,
Infrastructure, & Wireless Mesh Topology). [Video].

PowerCert Animated Videos. (2018, Nov 21). Network Types: LAN, WAN, PAN, CAN, MAN, SAN,
WLAN. [Video]. Accessed:

PowerCert Animated Videos. (2017, Mar 25). Hub, Switch, & Router Explained - What's the
difference?. [Video]. Accessed:

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