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Sections 1st 2nd 3rd


NAME: ____________________________SURNAME: ______________________________

Time allowed: 1h 30 m

SECTION A: Reading Comprehension.

Read the text below and mark the statements true (T) or false (F).


One night in December 2011, a bear came into the city of Vancouver in Canada. It walked through the
city streets past houses, shops and offices. Then it found some food in bins outside a restaurant and
started eating. In the morning, someone saw the bear and called the police. The police came with a
vet from the city zoo. They put the bear in a lorry and took it to the mountains outside the city. Luckily,
the bear was safe, but what happens in other countries when big animals come into cities? In
Vancouver, it is unusual to see a bear, but in some cities, you can see big animals on the city streets
every day.

Wild animals usually come into cities to look for food. In Cape Town, South Africa, baboons
sometimes come into the suburbs. They eat fruit from gardens and go into people’s kitchens and take
food from cupboards and fridges! Baboons are strong animals and sometimes they scare children and
attack pet dogs. Many people do not like them, but the city can be dangerous for baboons too.
Sometimes, baboons are hurt in car accidents and the sugar in human food can be very bad for their
teeth. The city council in Cape Town has a team of Baboon Monitors. Their job is to find baboons in
the city and take them back to the countryside. This makes the city safer for people and healthier for
the baboons. The problem is that a lot of baboons will come back to the city to find food again.

Many animals live in cities. In some cities, you can see birds, insects, mice and squirrels every day.
But sometimes, it is dangerous when big animals come into cities to find food. We need some good
ideas to stop animals coming into the city without hurting them.
(Adapted from

1. In Vancouver a hungry bear appeared in the city looking for food. ____
2. The person who saw the bear called the city zoo. ____
3. Bears usually come into the city of Vancouver. ____
4. In the end the bear was taken to the mountains and set free. ____
5. City residents in Cape Town do not like the baboons because they can be aggressive. ____

SECTION B: Language in Use

I. Choose the best alternative. The first one has been done for you.

e.g. ________C_______ any film stars since she arrived in Hollywood?

a- Did Rachel see b- Does Rachel see c- Has Rachel seen

1- Most of the things we buy _______ in China these days.

a- made b- have made c- are made

2- A cheetah can run ______ than a zebra.

a- more fast b- faster c- the fastest

3- I’ll show you the takeaway _____ sells the best pizza.
a- which b- where c- who

4- If you _____ late, you’ll miss the plane.

a- wake up b- woke up c- would wake up

5- If you had a year’s holiday, where ______ go?

a- did you b- will you c- would you
II. Complete the dialogue. Use the word(s) in brackets.
e.g.: You: Do you remember the toys you had when you were a child, dad?
Your father: Oh, yes. I used to play with a little red car. It was my favourite toy. (USED)

Two students from different schools are waiting in a queue at McDonald’s.

Maria: The service is really slow today, _____________________? (IT)

Ali: Yes, it is. I’ve been waiting for five minutes.
Maria: I hope they take my order quickly. I ____________________________in less (MUST)
than an hour. I have an important history test tomorrow and I still have to study!
Ali: Oh, I see. _____________________________________ the school cafeteria? (ABOUT)
Maria: Yes, that’ll be quicker. What school do you go to?
Ali: Colchester High School.
Maria: Do you like it?
Ali: Yeah. It’s cool and I’ve got lots of friends. I like the school
because I _________________________uniforms. (HAVE TO)
I hate uniforms. But I have to wake up very early.
I__________________ late. Classes start at 8.00 am. (BE)

III. Read the passage below and put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

Hi Alexia
I’m sorry I __________ (not/ write) to you for a long time. I _________ (be) very busy since the
beginning of term. I have joined a boy scouts group and we are doing a lot of activities. I feel very
happy. Now we _________ (organize) a camping holiday in Tandil for the next summer holiday. I
___________ ( never / go) camping before; I’m very excited because it ___________ (be) my first
experience. My sister Francine ___________ (go) camping last year and she enjoyed herself a lot.
She told me some funny stories. One night one of her friends ____________ (sleep) in a tent when
suddenly she woke up and _________ (find) a little mouse in her hair! She started screaming loudly
and soon all the girls ___________ (run) out of the tent crying. That made me laugh a lot.
Anyway, I hope it does not happen to us. I must stop now because we ___________ (have) dinner out
with the family.

SECTION C: Writing
Choose one of the following and write about 70 words on it.
a) Fred was trying to take a photo when the mobile phone just fell out of his hand.
Continue the story, Say where Fred was, what he did, how he felt and what happened.
b) Imagine you are going to live in another country next year. You want to go out with your friends
and do something special to celebrate.
Write an email to your friends telling them your news. Say where you are going to live, how you feel.
Invite them to go out with you, suggest where to go and what to do.


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