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st nd rd
Sections 1 2 3
1st A
nd B
3rd D


NAME: ____________________________SURNAME:____________________________________
Time allowed: 1h.15’ (+ List: 1h. 30’)

SECTION A: Reading Comprehension

Read the text and circle the correct option, true (T) or false (F).

Mr. Fenn’s Treasure

Every year in the United States, thousands of people look in the Rocky Mountains for a two million-dollar
treasure. The treasure belongs to Mr. Fenn. In 2010, when he was 80, he went into the Rocky Mountains
by car, got off, and then walked. He put the treasure somewhere in the forest. So that’s one clue about
where it is: an old man can go there on foot with a heavy box!

Mr Fenn says people shouldn’t go to the forest alone or in winter because it is dangerous. But not
everyone listens. Three people have gone missing while they were looking for the treasure. The police
want Mr. Fenn to take the treasure back and upload a photo of it on the internet. They think the hunters
will stop looking and no more people will disappear. But Mr. Fenn thinks people spend too much time
inside their houses and offices. He wants families to learn about nature and have adventures together.

His plan is working. Some treasure hunters have looked for the box many times. Libbi travels from her
home in Georgia every year. She says, “I was really afraid of bears around every corner, but you slowly
become less afraid of animals. I love seeing them walking in the mountains and crossing rivers.” Maybe
someone has already found the treasure but they didn’t tell anyone. However, that won’t stop more people
from going to look for the treasure this spring.
Adapted from

AACI use
1) People found Mr. Fenn’s treasure in 2010. T/F only

2) Some people went to the forest but never returned home. T/F 1st

3) The police think the treasure isn’t in the forest. . T/F

4) Mr. Fenn thinks people should change the way they spend their time. T/F
5) Libbi is still afraid of animals. T/F

SECTION B: Language in Use


I. Circle the correct answer.

e.g.: I’ve broken _________ ankle. 5. I have too _________ homework, I think I won’t finish. AACI use
a. mine b. my c. me a. much b. many c. some only

6. Granny is _________ person in my family.
1. I’m stressed ________ I am taking a weekend off a. the oldest b. most old c. older
at a spa. 2nd
a. so b. when c. but 7. We ________ call Aunt Sarah because we’re seeing
her tomorrow.
2. Sammy has never _________ sushi. a mustn’t. b. don’t have to c. can’t 3rd
a. eat b. ate c. eaten
8. Turn _______ the radio, I want to listen to some music.
3. Naomi _________ a beautiful flowery t-shirt. a. on b. off c. down
is using b. is having
from KET 1 Practice Test- CUP c. is wearing
9. In the race, she came in __________, so she won a bronze medal.
4. Where do you usually ________ on holiday? a. three b. third c. thirdly
a. do b. spend c. go
10. We __________ on the internet.
a. don’t usually chat b. don’t chat usually c. usually don’t chat
II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
Hi Paul,
We’ve been on holiday here in Spain for a month now and I (0) have met (meet) this boy, Mikel.
He is absolutely handsome but I (1)______________ (not be) sure how I feel about him. I need your
AACI use
advice. only

I (2) ______________ (meet) Mikel on the beach two weeks ago and he (3)________________ 1st

(invite) me to play volleyball. We (4) _______________ (walk) when he (5) _______________(ask) me

to go to a café with his friends. But when we were there, he (6) _________________ (not speak) to me
at all and started talking to his friends! I (7) ________________(feel) a little bit disappointed. Then, 3rd

when I said goodbye, he walked to the bus stop with me and we had a great time.
I (8) _________________ (probably/see) him later but… what shall I do if he asks me out?
Tomorrow we (9)________________ (leave) with my family at 9 p.m. I (10) ________________ (not
know) what to do! What do you think?

III. Ask questions to complete the dialogue. The answers are underlined.

James: Hi, Dean! Look at my posters. 1) ____________________________________________? AACI use

Dean: Yes, I really like them, they are totally cool!

James: Thanks! They are for the anti-drugs campaign presentation. 2) __________________________?
Dean: Let’s see... I think I prefer the poster with the colourful picture. It has a very clear message.

James: True! 3) _____________________________________________________________? 3rd

Dean: I am going to give my presentation on Friday. Don’t miss it! R

James: Oh and 4) ______________________________________________?

Dean: No, I have never given a presentation before. I am really nervous!

SECTION C: Writing
Choose ONE of the following topics and write about 50 words on it.

1. Read this part of an e-mail. Then write your email. Use these questions to help you:
“Hi! On Saturday I met Sally, my best friend. What about you? Who did you meet at the weekend? Where did
you go? What did you do together? Why did/didn’t you like it?”

2. Your teacher has asked you to tell her about your family. Write a paragraph about your funniest relative. Use
these questions to help you:
Who is the funniest member of your family? / Where is he/ she from? / What does he/ she like doing? / Why do
you like him/ her?

AACI use



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