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Name: Kieu Duc Hieu

Em cần ghi chính xác thông tin như hình hướng dẫn sau vào phần thư nộp bài.
(luôn nhớ đính kèm file này vào thư trước khi gửi đi)

Mỗi ngày em hãy viết về một trong năm chủ đề dưới đây.
Em hãy viết mà đừng để ý đến lỗi ngữ pháp. Sau khi viết xong, em không phải chữa lỗi cũng không nhờ
ai chữa lỗi. Viết journal hàng ngày giúp em viết trôi chảy, mạch lạc hơn. Dần dần em sẽ yêu thích kỹ
năng viết rất quan trọng này. (Cô Nhã)

DAY 1.
My bed makes me feel comfortable.

Apart from days burning the midnight oil with a bunch of homework along with deadlines, I would like
to spend most of my time on the bed, where I seem to enjoy myself best. Though I don't want to
confess that I'm quite a lazy person who is fond of relaxing, my bed is likely to entice me into lying still
on it and falling into the state of being inactive. When I referred to bed, mine is not apparently a "bed"
like people still imagine, it rather looks like a large cushion, but I feel so cozy and comfortable on it.
For the time being, sleeping is what I have done most on my bed, but for more supreme ideas, I also
have a mini table big enough for a sketch book so that I can still do my tasks while relaxing.
Paradoxically, I'm more likely to achieve better results if doing so. Overall, my bed is not only a place
where I can let my body in full relaxation but also my best assistant in ensuring the quality of my sleep
and my work.

Email: Website: Phone: (024) 37563521 Mobile:0917511052
DAY 2.
Does violence in video gaming cause some people to act out violently? If so, is there something
we can do to prevent this?

It can be easily seen that video gaming is so entertaining that tens of thousands of children,
teenagers and even adults become addicted to it. But there's also mounting evidence that online
games are a double-edged sword, since the most downside of which is severe - violent images
encourage people without maturity to do so. Many cases of children acting out uncontrollably,
attacking even their parents are reported, and never have parents become so worried that they may
lose their children. The alarming clock has gone off, and parents are not alone, as authorities have to
take action to protect their young citizens. The first and also most effective measure is to replace
violent content with education one but still ensure the entertaining characteristic - in order to
accomplish that target, governments should apply policies of Internet security, accreditation and
classification. In addition, parents have to be aware of searching history and what their kids are
playing. Also to prevent this, the gun must be triggered, which means we have to arrest any anyone
who produce and provide violent video gaming.

DAY 3.
If you could break the Guinness Book of Records it would be for?
The Guinness Book of Records is made to list the the extraordinary and influential achievements of
any creatures in the world, only the superlative in particular. But it is hearsay that records are born to
be broken, as everyone has their desire to be the best at a certain field. Unfortunately, many of which
sounds really ridiculous, such as "the world record for the stretchiest skin" or "the world record for the
longest fingernails",... Apparently, they may blow your mind, but does it actually have an impact on
the surrounding world, or it is just a record to be remembered? Therefore, I want my breaking the
Guinness Record to be meaningful so I can make a real contribution for the society. As an ordinary
youngster, I want mine to be "the world record for the most money donated to charity by a teenager"
or "the world record for the most widespread impact on the environmental conservation by a
teenager". As this is just condition sentence type 2, but I hope I can make it one day on the near

DAY 4.
Is college admission too competitive?

The fact that college admission is too competitive is though true, but just for the small scale. And the
small scale to which I'm referring is the top universities, which seem to be the most chosen choice of
pupils. As a matter of fact, there is only a certain number of students given the admission via entrance
examination results or previous school years' accomplishments, but there are wildly much more
competing with each other just to get a seat in the lecture hall. And it would be unfair if some
candidates just had less fortune in the entrance test, though their cognitive skills are identical. To
lessen the heat of those competitions, what must be done is a mutual increase in the colleges' quality
during the same period of time. Every university will be equal in offering the best education, and
pupils only have to decide which curriculum is suitable for his/her targets in the future. That also
maintains a stability in academic capability, and everyone is given the same opportunity and approach
to high-ranking education system.

Email: Website: Phone: (024) 37563521 Mobile: 0917511052
DAY 5.
Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only
way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.
To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

Read the following model answer and learn ideas and vocabulary from it.

is true that we do not recycle enough of our household waste. Although I accept that new legislation to
force people to recycle could help this situation, I do not agree that a recycling law is the only measure that
governments should take.
In my view, a new recycling law would be just one possible way to tackle the waste problem. Governments
could make it a legal obligation for householders to separate all waste into different bins. There could be
punishments for people who fail to adhere to this law, ranging from a small fine to community service, or
even perhaps prison sentences for repeat offenders. These measures would act as a deterrent and
encourage people to obey the recycling law. As a result, the improved behaviour of homeowners could lead
to a clean, waste-free environment for everyone.
However, I believe that governments should do more than simply introduce a recycling law. It might be
more effective if politicians put education, rather than punishment, at the centre of a recycling campaign.
For example, children could be taught about recycling in schools, and homeowners could be informed
about the environmental impact of household waste. Another tactic that governments could use would be to
create stricter regulations for the companies that produce the packaging for household products.
Finally, money could also be spent to improve recycling facilities and systems, so that waste is processed
more effectively, regardless of whether or not people separate it correctly in the home.

In conclusion, perhaps we do need to make recycling a legal requirement, but this would certainly not
be the only way to encourage people to dispose of their waste more responsibly.

Domestic garbage makes up a large proportion of all waste under study, and laws and regulations are
believed to be the most effective method we must resort to. Despite the immediate impact, for the
long term, a more optimal idea have to be come up with.
On the one hand, applying stricter policies of domestic waste output can be a catalyst to a sudden
increase in recycling.Authorities can make it legal if citizens do not meet the certain percentage of
recycled products, and heavy fines will be given. Serious as it may sound, it is vital for better
behaviour among the society to ensure a waste-free environment. Moreover, a prison sentence is
promised to repeat offenders, so everyone will obey the law and be willing to classify the rubbish into
different bins.
On the other hand, this can lead to protest against the government and the root cause remains
unsolved. Policies should take effect upon commercials and manufacturers who sell products with
packages to consumers. Mass marketing campaigns can be used as a tool to aware people of severe
consequences, children should be taught how to recycle, reuse and reduce, and authorities will make
a promise of better living conditions to inhabitants if doing so. encouragement and education are
always far better than punishment. Rather than fines for not recycling at a proper rate, small taxes
should be given to the industry of waste recycling.
In conclusion, laws can hardly make people recycle domestic waste willingly, so we need to have
better solutions for responsible waste disposals.
Email: Website: Phone: (024) 37563521 Mobile: 0917511052

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