Detailed Lesson Plan in English. Daine DeDios BEED3A18

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Santa Rita College of Pampanga

San Jose Santa Rita

Elementary Education Department

Detailed Lesson Plan in English 4

(4Q, English 4 Learners Material First Edition 2015, Lesson Fact or Opinion)

I. Objective: at the end of the lesson the learners will,

Distinguish fact from opinion in informational text EN4RC-IVb-42

A. Content Standard:
Reading Comprehensive
-Demonstrates an understanding of various linguistics nodes to
comprehend various texts
-Demonstrates an understanding of text elements to comprehend various texts
-Demonstrates an understanding that reading in a wide range of texts provides pleasure and an
avenue for self-expression and personal development
B. Performance Standard:
-Uses linguistic cues to appropriately construct meaning from a variety of texts for a variety of
- Uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from informational texts
- Uses literal information from texts to apply infer and predict outcomes
C. Learning Competencies:
- Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative EN4LC-IIIh-2.10

II. Subject Matter

A. Skills - Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative
B. References – Curriculum Guide, English 4 Unit 4 Learners Material. Week 1 Page 332
C. Materials – Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Graphic Organizer

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
(Prayer/greeting/Checking of Attendance)

“Good morning class!” “Good morning, ma’am!”

Dear Lord and Father of all,
Everybody Stand up and Let us Pray Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in
which you provide for us all. For Your protection
and love we thank you. Help us to focus our
hearts and minds now on what we are about to
learn. Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen
and write. Guide us by your eternal light as we
discover more about the world around us. We ask
all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Now please settle down and I will check the

attendance for today.
Children, please say present if you are around.
“Present ma’am.”
1. Paul Clinton
2. Deann Scott
3. Britany Jackson

Class, before we proceed to our lesson, I just want

you make a recall in yesterday discussion, and I
told you that you must study lesson at night.
Yes, we do teacher!
Did you study your lesson last night, children?

Wow, very good!

Will you tell me what our lesson was yesterday

then? Yesterday, we learned about the story of The
Legend of Locusts wherein we study even if it is
Yes, Deann? fantasy or reality. And we talked the characters
of the story, and we shared the lesson learn in the

Very Good!

Will you tell the summary of the story?

Yes, Paul?
The story of the legend of Locusts the rich man
who don’t want to share his rice to the old bagger
then when bagger feel hurt because the rich man
doesn’t want to share his rice to the bagger at
night the there is noise from the lightning and
thunder when rich man goes to his house, he
found out that his rice turned into insect which
called Locusts.

Wow, Perfect!

Thank you so much for that wonderful participation

class and I am very much glad that you understand
our lesson yesterday. Today I am going to teach
you another lesson but before we proceed to our
lesson let's take a look at this activity. I am
preparing an activity for you class.

Yes, Ma’am
Are you ready class?

Very good!

B. Motivation
Let’s move on class, I will provide an example
sentences here, raised your hand if you are willing
to participate, and you will be going to answer fact
if you feel if the statement is true and answer an
opinion if it’s a belief.
Yes Ma’am.

1. Water freeze in 32 degrees.

2. I think dogs are the best pets.
3. Chocolate is the best ice cream flavor.
4. There are 365 days in a year.
5. Your teacher birthday is on November 18.

Congratulations class because you are able to finish

our first activity today! Now, let’s proceed. I have
an easy question for you class.

C. Presentation of the Lesson

What comes in your mind you hear the word


Yes, Britany? Ma’am it talks about with the truth.

That’s Very Good! I love that answer.

Can you give one example of truth or fact to you My name is Britany Jackson and I love watching
Britany? Disney cartoon movies.

Very Good Britany! That’s fabulous!

How about with the word opinion?

Ma’am opinion for me is like saying what you
Yes, Deann?
believe in, or it is your point of view in

Perfect! Good idea Deann.

Thank you so much again for the amazing

participation today class. Now that you have an
idea how fact and an opinion is. Let’s us all read
the definition of fact and opinion.

Yes ma’am!
Are you ready class?

What is fact?
Fact - A fact is something that is true and
supported by evidence.
Around of applause for everyone!

Can you repeat what is the definition of fact

Yes Ma’am! A fact is something that is true and
supported by evidence.
Thank you Deann!

Can you give one fact example Britany?

Yes Ma’am, the third letter in alphabet is letter


Bravo what a good answer Britany!

Class read loud what is the definition of an opinion.

Are you ready class? Yes Ma’am!

Opinion- An opinion is only a belief. It is also an An opinion is only a belief. It is also an

expression of a person’s feelings. Clue words like expression of a person’s feelings. Clue words
think, believe, feel, probably, or seems signals an like think, believe, feel, probably, or seems
opinion. signals an opinion.

Thank you, class! What an amazing reading.

Can you give me one example about an opinion

Paul? Yes, Ma’am. I think I am the most handsome in
the whole wide world!

Wow! Perfect.

Thank you so much class for your participation it

means a lot to me because that means you are
listening. I think you have now an idea what is the
difference of fact from an opinion, right class?
Yes Ma’am!

Thank you, class!

after knowing what the difference is between fact

from opinion. I prepare an activity for you, and you
must listen very well because after I read the
paragraph in the box you are going to answer the
space provided in each number even if it is a fact or
an opinion.
Are you ready class?

Yes, we do Ma’am!

The sentences that follow are taken from the

paragraph in the box. In the space before each
number, write FACT if the sentence states a fact.
Write OPINION if it expresses a feeling or belief.

I like to take a walk every day because it

makes me feel more energetic. A vigorous walk

makes my heart beats faster. A doctor told me

that during exercise, the heart pumps more

oxygen to the body.

Aside from this, I enjoy walking because it

makes me appreciate nature more. The sights

and sounds along the way make me really


_____________ 1. I like to take a walk every day Fact

because it makes me feel more energetic.
_____________ 2. I feel more energetic after the
_____________ 3. The heart pumps blood
throughout the body.
_____________ 4. I enjoy walking because it helps Fact
me appreciate nature more.
_____________ 5. A vigorous walk makes the
heartbeat faster.

D. Generalization
Okay class, based on the series of the activity that
we have done about fact and opinion. How can we
distinguish fact from an opinion?

Fact is this true statement, and it can be proven

Yes, Deann?
while opinion it's a feeling or belief and it can’t
be proven.

Wow, Very Good!

Who can give one example that state a fact? B is the second letter in the Alphabet.

Yes, Paul?

I think the Jollibee’s burger is the most delicious

Wow, Very Good Paul! burger in the world.

Now, who can give me one example that state an


Yes, Britany?

Yes, Ma’am.

Wow, Good idea.

All your answers are great, I know that you

understand our lesson for today through
distinguishing the difference between fact from
opinion and by giving your example to our lesson.

E. Application
As your teacher, my heart is full of happiness
because are now able to define what is meaning of
fact and opinion.
That’s it. After stating to me the fact from an
opinion let’s move on. I have prepared a graphic
organizer. Using the graphic organizer choose the
given sentences from the box and put the sentence
that falls under fact and opinion. These are the
sentences on the board.

What do you think first sentence falls?

Yes, Angel?

My answer is fact ma’am.

Wow! Excellent!
How about with the number 2 sentence?

Yes, Deann?

My answer is fact ma’am.

Wow! Perfect!
What do you think is the answer for the number 3?
Yes, paul?

Wow! Very good you are correct! My answer is fact ma’am.

For the last sentence who can answer it.?

Yes, Britany?

Wow very good Britany!

My answer is an opinion ma’am.

F. Evaluation
Now, listen very well. I have a series of sentences
here. What are you going to do, now listen draw a
happy face on the black board once I call your
name if the answer is a fact and draw a sad face if
it's an opinion?
Yes, ma’am we do!
Are you ready class?

Draw a happy face 😊 before the number if it is a

fact. Draw a sad face ☹ if it is an opinion.
1. All boys enjoy kite flying. 😊
2. Reading is a worthwhile activity. ☹
3. I think playing online games is better than
the traditional games like sipa and patintero. ☹

4. Baking is only for girls.

5. Playing games like basketball, badminton,
and volleyball helps keep our bodies health.

G. Assignment
For your assignment, you must watch television
news and list 5 facts and 5 opinions you heard.
Do you have any question class? None, Ma’am.

If you don't have any question, keep all your notes.

That will be for today. Goodbye Ma’am.

See you tomorrow. Goodbye class!

H. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned 75% in the
B. No. of learners requires additional acts. For
remediation who scored below 75%
C. Did the remediation work for your learners?
No. of learners caught up with the lesson.
D. Did my methods in teaching worked well?

Daine S. De Dios BEEd- 3A

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