Aragon Kyra RSM 242 Sporting Event Paper

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Sporting Event Paper

Kyra Aragon

Coastal Carolina University


I attended a Coastal Carolina Women’s Volleyball game on September 27th, 2019.

Coastal was playing Georgia Southern, and it started at 6:30 pm. Coastal won three sets to zero.

The event overall was a success because the audience seemed respectful and both teams put in

great effort to get a winning result. Also, the advertising before the event was superb. I saw

flyers around campus, and I follow the Coastal Volleyball’s Instagram page and they posted

about the event many times to gain attention.


Entering into the game was very easy and efficient. The game was free to students and

the public, so people were just free to walk in, unless they had a bag to be checked by security.

Even in the past, entering the gymnasium was quick because all students had to do was have

their car swiped and they were allowed in. For those that had tickets had them easily scanned and

entered just as quickly as well.

Directions to the HTC center were easily accessible for those who needed it. Entering the

HTC center was also very easy because there was an entrance into the gymnasium from all four

entrances. There were also street signs directing fans to the HTC center and even inside there

were directions.

Concessions was located outside two entrances into the gymnasium. The line, even

between sets, moved very fast because the service was efficient. The prices were reasonable for

having no entrance fee to the game. One option that was available was a meal swipe for Coastal

students instead of being forced to use dining dollars. The quality of the food was adequate for

what they offered. The staff was very pleasant and helpful to every customer and treated

everyone with respect.

The facility overall (the HTC center), was very clean and organized. The HTC center also

holds space to the student gym that various students use to work out during the day. The main

gym, which the game was held in, was very spacious and was handicapped friendly. I loved the

color scheme of the gym, and that the cheerleading team followed the team from each side of the

court. The bathrooms were located right outside two of the entrances and had many stalls inside,

so any bathroom trips were short and time efficient.

One aspect that I also enjoyed was the opening video that they showed and how they

introduced each player with a short video of them on the jumbotron. This, I feel, helped the

athletes get hyped up for the game and have a sense of being home because they were introduced

and cared for highly.


One in-game experience that I enjoyed was the “halftime” performance of random

students/kids being given the chance to win a free t-shirt with a serving giveaway. The

contestants would line up behind the serving line and try their best to serve a ball onto a t-shirt

that was located on the other side of the court. It’s fun to watch and fun to participate in. I also

enjoy doing the interlude in-between the sets.


The best element of the game was of course, watching women’s volleyball kick some ass,

but also how they gave away free t shirts to the fans in-between sets and gave away free pizza to

the loudest fan. I also noticed other sports teams were there to cheer on the volleyball team, and I

thought that was thoughtful of them and it shows their support.

In my opinion, there was no worst element. Everyone there seemed very kind and

passionate about Coastal volleyball. I did not see one complaint or issue the whole game.

Coastal volleyball has a reputation of being one of the best teams here at the University.

For what I saw, I am not surprised. The head coach was very calm and talked with the girl’s

various times to give them pointers or encourage them to do better. The team overall is very

close I can tell. They would have private conversations or hype each other up after a point, and

that made me feel proud to be a Chanticleer because I felt a part of the team by being there and

cheering them on. Once a Chanticleer, always a Chanticleer. Chants up!

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