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Faculty:teknik sipil
Date: 18-02-2021
Subject: Materials and Construction Tools

Therearedifferentmaterialsthatwecome acrossondailybasis.Materialissynonymouswith
substance,andisanything madeofmatter-hydrogen,airandwaterareallexamplesof
materials.Sometimesitisusedmorenarrowly torefertosubstancesorcomponentswith
certainphysicalpropertieswhichare used asinputstoproductionormanufacturing buildingsandartto
everyday products,suchascomputers.Amaterialcan beanything:afinishedproductinits own right oran
unprocessedraw material.

Sources: www.treehugger.com, www.piceramic.de, www.photosearch.com

Rawmaterialsare firstextractedorharvestedfromtheearthanddividedintoa formthat can

beeasilytransportedandstored,thenprocessedtoproducesemi-finishedmaterials.These can be
inputintoa new cycle ofproductionandfinishing processestocreatefinishedmaterials, readyfor
distribution,construction, and consumption.
They aredividedindifferentways:nature,artificial,solidsandliquidsorfluids,eachofthem having
certain properties.

I. Which ofthese materials do you know? Do youknow the meaning of the properties listed?

Iron: heavy, stiff, hard, rigid, rough, non-combustible, brittle, not verycorrosion-resistant
Steel: light, stiff, tough,malleable
Aluminium: light, soft, ductile, conductive, highlycorrosion resistant
Rubber: flexible, soft
Concrete: rough, hard, non-combustible
Oil:oily, thick,combustible, viscous
Wood: soft, combustible,rigid
Glass: brittle, breakable,transparent,clear
Plastics: tough, good insulator, durable, wear-resistant, stiff
II.Work in pairs: write alist of somethings that can bemadeof:
steel: products for big kitchens(for cooking), doors, vaults…
silk: For clothing materials such as children's clothing, school clothes, work clothes
cardboard: good to be used as aplace to pack goods, art work material, and environmentally
friendly storage
wax: Candle products are used for lighting, aromatherapy, and batik.
silicone: Silicon products are used to make transistors, computerchips, and solarcells.
Rubber ruber
production is
used to make
rubber pipes,
seals, gaskets,
cable wraps
raps, and
gold: gold production is used for conductors in smartphones, reflecting sunlightinglass,
spacecraft telements, jewelery, and forbeauty.
cotton: cotton production is commonly used to make shoe bases, napkins, voal, rubia, and
glass: glass production is commonly used in various building elements, for example doors
and windows, roofs, walls, floors, and stairs

III. Match these adjectives to their meaning:

1 transparent A) able to last a long time

2 porous B) hard, but easily broken
3 durable C) easy to bend without breaking, flexible
4 brittle D) light can pass through
5 dense E) has many small holes that allow water and air to pass through
6 pliable F) has a high mass to volume ratio
7 translucent G) clear, allows to see through it

1. G 2.E 3.A 4B. 5. F 6.C 7.D

IV. Indicate the definition for each vocabulary term by writing its letter in the answer box.

VocabularyTerm Answer DEFINITION

Tensile strength F A The amount of compressive stress that
a material can resist before failing.
Ductile H B The elongation or contraction of a
material per unit length of the material
Strain B C Rock that contains a high
concentration of iron
Modulus of elasticity F D Iron that is refined to contain virtually
no impurities.
Compressive strength A E A concrete member with steel
embedded inside it to resist tensile
Brittle I F The amount of tensile stress that a
material can resist before failing
Stress D G A combination of cement and
aggregate into one solid mass.
Steel B H Indicates the stiffness of a material.
Cement L I The ability of a material to be
subjected to large strains before it
ruptures or fails.
Iron ore C J Applied load divided by the material
area it is acting on.
Concrete K K The ability of a material to show little
or no yielding before failure
Reinforced concrete E L A powder made of a variety of
materials that hardens when mixed
with water

Inyour work lifeyouwillcome acrossmanydifferenttools,fromhandtools(suchas:a
hammer,screwdriver,pliers,vices,wrenches;measuring tools:squares,callipers,levels;
cuttingtools:saws,chisels,punches,snips;finishingand repairingtools:files,scrapers;
boringanddrilling tools;fastening tools:bolts,rivets;cutters…)tovariousmachinetools (lathe, drilling
and boringmachines, planningandshapingmachines …).

I.Matchthedescriptionswiththetools/instruments/machines(ortheirparts)and decide which

professionals might use them:
lathe micrometer pencil
file bulldozer jack computer mouse
drill ruler

Part ofthe machine that helpsyou search theInternet. Computer mouse

A machine usedfor excavation work. Lathe
A metal toolwith a rough surface Lathe
An instrument consisting of athin stick ofgraphite enclosed in apieceofwood Drill
A device for liftingheavyweights of theground Bulldozer
A smallhand toolthat is usedfor cuts.Knife
A measuringinstrumentusedto measureverysmalldistances in metal Micrometer pencil
A tool or amachineformakingholes Droll
A tool formeasuring, madeof wood orplastic.Ruler
A machine that shapes pieces ofwood ormetal Knife

II.Completeeachsentencewiththeappropriatetool,choosebetween:axe,file,scissors, spade, hammer,

saw, screwdriver, spanner, drill, knife, pliers:

You can makethese edges smootherwith afile.

I can’t open the back of television withoutaspecial . Screwdriver
You can cut that woodenplank in pieces with this . Saw
Fortwisting electrical wiresyou willneed Pliers .
Thegoodthingabout this is that it has averysharp blade. We could chop Knife
thewoodforthe fireplaceif wehad an .Axe
I am goingto burrythatdead bird. Whereis the_? Spade
Oh dear?I’vehitmyfinger with the .It reallyhurts. Hummer
You will notbe able to makeaholewithoutaspecial .Drill

If you want to wrap that present, you will need the paper..to cut the wrapping Scissors

These nuts are very difficult to undo. I might need a larger . File

Exercise: memorize all of the name in construction tools below:


Hoe This tool is used to digging and to place

concrete, cement mortar in head pan

Head Pan This one is used to transport materials

Masonry trowel This tool is used to place cement mortar

Measurement Tape This is used to measure

Plumb Bob This tool is used to check the vertical

alignment of civil works

Wheel Barrow This tool is used to transport cement mortar or

any materials. Sometimes it also be used to
measure the quantites of materials for site
level concrete mixing

Concrete Mixer This tool is used to thoroughly mix the

concrete at site.

Rubber Boots This one is used to prevent skin from

chemical contact

Sand screening This tool is used to sieve sand at site.


Gloves This is used to avoid direct contact with

dangerous tools, machines or to avoid any
direct chemical material contact

Safety Glass Used for safety purpose while drilling,

hacking/roughening, grinding

Bump Cutter/Screed This tool is used to level fresh concrete

surface especially in slab concrete

Wooden This tool is used to give a smooth finish to the

Float/wooden plastered area
rendering float

Chisel This tool is used to remove excess or waste

hard concrete

Crow Bar This tool is used in fomwork to remove nails

from boards

Framing Square This tool is used in Brickwork, Plastering to

check right angle

Framing Hammer This tool is used to drive and remove nails

Line Level This tool is used to check horizontal level in

brickwork, plastering , flooring and tile works

Torpedo Level Combination of line level and framing square

Cordless Drill This tool is used to make pilot holes,

replacing jumper (special type of drill should
be used while drilling concrete)

Circular Saw This tool is used to cut woods in shuttering


Hand Saw This tool is used in wood works and


Block Plane / Jack This tool is used in Door and window wood
Plane works

Flat Pry Bar This tool is used in shuttering sometimes used

to adjust the column formwork to align

Earth Rammer This tool is used to level the ground

Ladder This toolss is To check slab work, to

transport material to the higher floors, to
paint the walls etc

Digging bar This tool is used to breakup and loosen the

compacted / hard surface area

Polishers This tool is used to smoothen the surface

(wood or marble flooring)

Measuring Wheel This tool is used to measure lengths. It varies

by length

Measuring Box This tool is used to measure the cement and

sand while site mix

Tile Cutter This tool is used to cut the tiles

Putty Knife This tool is used in putty finishing to limit the

thickness of the putty.

Vacuum Blower This tools is used to clean the surface area

from impurities (In flooring, Slab concrete

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