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Bài tập cơ bản

Bài 1:

1. will have
2. will feel
3. are going to do
4. will be
5. am going to meet
6. will get
7. is going to be
8. am going to look after
9. will wipe out going to make
11.we’ll do
12.will be not going to buy
14.are going to go
15.will take
16.will snow
17.will be going to fall
19.will watch
20.will lose

Bài 2: 

1. will
2. leave
3. won’t
4. see
5. think I’ll
6. will snow
7. know
8. ‘ll be
9. be
10. I’ll
3.2. Bài tập nâng cao

Bài 1:

1. I’m going to
2. I’ll
3. I’m going to
4. I’ll
5. I’ll
6. I’m going to
7. I’ll
8. I’ll
9. I’m going to
10. I’m going to

Bài 2:

1. will assemble
2. will have
3. will arrive
4. will reach
5. will go
6. will welcome
7. will offer
8. will play
9. will assemble
10.will sit
11.will sing
12.will gather
13.will board
14.will reach
15.will pick

Bài 3:

1. The catterpillar will turn into a pretty butterfly.

2. Where will they stay when they visit Mumbai?
3. I won’t go out if it rains.
4. The principal is going to meet the students tomorrow.
5. Please call me up as soon as she comes.
6. Unless we start now we can’t be on time.

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