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‘In Knowledge there

is Opportunity’

July 2021, Issue 7

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT − Let your children ask questions and answer as

accurately as you can.
Priority Focus Wellness
Finally, if as a result of COVID-19 your child needs any
Right now as the Principal of this remarkable school I am
assistance with materials for school, uniform, shoes,
reminded that the simplest things in life are actually the most
stationery – anything at all, please make contact with us so we
important. In times of extended disruption and sadness it is
can support you. We do not want any Phoenix student to be
critical to pause and sharpen our focus to ensure that we care
disadvantaged by the continuation of the pandemic.
for our community.
Mrs Karen Snibson—Principal
To do this at Phoenix we will be working with the National
Headspace Team to build the capacity of all staff to have
shared language for health and wellness, to boost help seeking
Luckily, I left this Newsletter write-up until the last minute. If I
strategies in all members of the community and invest in
had completed it last week, much of it would now be out of
resilience. All staff will be involved in professional learning
date. We find ourselves in a brief lockdown and the main thing
with this focus on wellness. This will then be amplified with
I want to say is: CONGRATULATIONS! The whole school – staff,
further support for students and families, through the
students and parents – has transitioned to remote and flexible
investment in addition of an extra Social Worker, our Family
learning in a calm and understanding manner. On Thursday,
Support Worker as well as our now considerable Tutor team.
we heard that masks were back on. And they were. Students
It is my hope that this period of lockdown is not extended and just got on with the business of being responsible and safe.
that we are able to return to face-to-face learning. As we When we received the hint that a possible lockdown was
prepare to do this I ask that you remind your children that looming, even though we had no details, students and staff
they are amazing and remarkable young people; that you also quickly got on with the business of being prepared. We have
take the time tell them they can get through this just like they all learned to be prepared, flexible and ready. That makes us
have before. Please also remember that it is important that one of the smartest learning cohorts ever! Congratulations!
we stay strong as a community, that we are in this together
All that aside, there is so much else to celebrate and
and that things will get better.
congratulate! Our students in Years 9 and 10 are preparing to
Remember it is okay to do the following: move into their Senior Years of education. They are currently
− Communicate honestly and openly about the health researching career pathways and considering the subjects they
and wellbeing. will complete to meet their goals. I encourage all students in
− Encourage your child to think and act with gratitude, Years 9 and 10 to talk to friends, relatives, teachers and
kindness and empathy. Careers Coordinators about their experiences with different
− As COVID-19 continues, it makes sense to limit how careers. A reminder when selecting subjects; choose what is
much access to the media your children have and if best for you and your goals. Your friends will always be there,
they are becoming fixated on the news switch it off. even if they’re in different classes.
− Continue to reassure your children that things will get
The end of Term 2 saw Year 9’s organising some successful
fundraising events. The Canteen was full of food and prizes at
− Try to minimise the inconvenience of ‘new normal’
the Phoenix Connect Fair and it was all to raise funds and
expectations such as QR coding in.
awareness for worthy causes. We know we are creating great
− As much as possible stick to regular routines like doing
human beings when time is spent trying to help others.
a reader, doing family activities, maintaining bedtimes
etc. Staff have been busy this term also. For about 2 years, the
− Remember our children will make sense of the world whole school staff have been focussing on ways we can
based on what they see the adults in their world doing; improve writing. We all know that writing plays an important
we are their models. role in many jobs and careers. It also helps us develop and
maintain relationships, learn about things and communicate $5,000 of our $20,000 goal for Fiona Elsey Cancer Research
our needs. It’s great to see the explicit teaching of writing play Institute. With our Year 11 Health Expo and the Year 12 Purple
a key role in all subjects. Ask your child/student about the Festival happening in the next few weeks, keep your eyes
writing they do in different classes. open for opportunities to get involved and see how
EXCELLENT our VCAL students are!

As subject selection nears, it’s time to start thinking about VET
courses for 2022. We are so lucky to have such a wide range of
VET courses offered both here at Phoenix and through key
training organisations in the Ballarat community like
Federation University, ACU and The Gordon. VET is an
excellent way to access industry qualifications and experience
while completing either the VCAL or VCE certificates. Some of
the courses students are enrolled in this year are:
Sport and Recreation, Building and Construction, Music
Performance, Hospitality (Kitchen Operations), Hairdressing,
There are so many things to celebrate – at times we take them
Engineering, Furniture Making, Community Services, Animal
for granted. Students have been involved in inter-school sport,
Studies, Retail Cosmetics, Automotive, Agriculture and so
preparing for camps and debating, presenting to the Asian/
many more!
Australian Health Association about the implications of COVID-
If you would like some more information about VET and
19, eating Chinese food at local restaurants, building cubbies,
available courses for 2022, please encourage your student to
tables and outdoor classrooms for students across the school
see Miss Cox in the Senior School office or contact via email.
to use, rehearsing for the upcoming production of Legally
Applications for VET for 2022 open soon and now is a great
Blonde…and the list goes on.
time to start asking questions and enquiring about how VET
Every time I write one of these Newsletter entries, I am could contribute to both the VCAL and VCE pathways.
amazed by all we/you do and the many reasons I have to say
Congratulations! I’ll leave you with my favourite quote that
As a result of the 5 day lockdown, SWL is currently on pause.
inspires me to do things I am scared to do: “A bird sitting on a
More information will be communicated as restrictions
tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because her trust is
change. Please contact Miss Cox for more information.
not on the branch but on its own wings. Always believe in
Miss Laura Cox—VCAL/VET Coordinator
Ms Angela Quinn —Assistant Principal

We have some big news in VCAL/VET this semester and are
very excited to introduce our new VCAL/VET Coordinator
Laura Cox!
Hi all! My name is Laura Cox and I am
excited to let you know that I have just
taken over as the new VCAL/VET
Coordinator. I have worked in the VCAL
team previously and really love the
program and the opportunities that it gives
our students. I have been at Phoenix for 5 years and over this
time I have taught all year levels and in many of our different
learning areas, and even accompanied students to China in
2019. I am very excited to work with the wonderful VCAL/VET
students, staff and parents/guardians for the remainder of

Lots of really great projects happening in VCAL at the moment,
with our Year 12 Community Impact projects having reached LATEST FACILITY UPGRADES
at Phoenix P-12 Community College in 2022. You will receive
PLEASE KEEP US ALL SAFE - COVID-19 TRACKING IS A MUST SMS messages to confirm your appointment time.
When you visit the College at any time please bring your Arrangements will depend of course on COVID-19 restrictions
mobile phone and register with QR Tracking code in the foyer. and modifications to approved processes. Please make sure
If you do not have a mobile phone please register manually. you have followed the process and completed the enrolment
preference process through your Primary School. Notifications
will be sent out through your current Primary School. Please
COMPASS is vital for communication with the College and
keep your eye out for information and make sure you attend
keeping abreast of what is happening. It is our primary
your interview when scheduled to ensure placement. Further
communication channel so please make sure you are
information about the process is being distributed through
connected. All families should have information about
your Primary School.
COMPASS and their family login details. If you cannot
access or login to your COMPASS account, please BOOKLISTS 2022
contact the General Office and the staff will be able to Just an early reminder to all families to start their financial
assist you. planning for booklists. The year is slipping away and it is a
great time to think about planning for having to pay up front
for your booklists in November. The process will be the same
If you have an urgent message for your child, please call the
as was introduced last year:
General Office telephone number 5329 3293 – Option 1 for
Year Prep – Year 6 will be purchasing booklists via the QRK
the Sebastopol Campus and Option 2 for the Redan Campus.
(Canteen Ordering App) with the supplier being BOLTONS.
The Absence Hotline is for Absences only and your message
National One Stationery. Book pack will be paid for via QKR
may not be picked up in time.
and in the classrooms on the first day of school 2022.
THE FINANCIALS—FAMILY STATEMENTS Year 7 – 12 Booklists will again be online via the link to
Thank you to the families who have read and checked them Campions, with payment required at time of ordering.
and either paid balances or made payments towards the Consider using Saver plus to help with costs!
outstanding balances, or contacted us to clarify any questions
or set up payment plans. Payment is due for invoices on the
statements, and new invoices will continue to be emailed out
at the time of activities and excursions. We are happy to
receive regular weekly or fortnightly deposits into your family
accounts. Cash, EFTPOS, Centrepay or BPAY are welcome. If
you need to have a chat about a plan please pop into the
General Office and see Lorraine.


The instruction of the Qkr! App for ordering and paying for
Canteen lunches has been a great success. If your family is a
regular user of the Canteen, this is a great way to organise
lunches. Download the Qkr! App on your mobile phone and
follow the prompts. There is a ‘How To Chart’ posted
at the back of the Newsletter. If you need help please
do not hesitate to contact the General Office.


Families enrolling their child for Prep 2022 should have
already either had a telephone interview or have one
scheduled with BJ Overstead. If you are intending to enrol a
Prep 2022 and have not been involved in the process please
call the General Office to make sure your child is included in
the transition and orientation process. SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING
YEAR 7 2022 ENROLMENTS The next meeting of our College Council scheduled for July has
Year 7 2022 enrolments are being finalised this month. to be postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions. Further details
At this stage we will be running our Enrolment 2022 Year 7 will be circulated via email.
intake interviews via telephone appointment during the last Ms Lorraine Hayes—Business Manager
three weeks of Term 3 for all new Year 7 families commencing
PATHWAYS & CAREERS NEWS Anxiety and all Things Worry Related.
Welcome back to Term 3! Our focus in the MIPs office this
Anxiety is a normal part of being human. Anxiety helps
term will be to ensure that all our
keep us safe and tell us when things aren’t quite right.
Year 12 VCE & VCAL students have a positive plan in place for
Sometimes, anxiety can help us perform better by helping
2022. us feel alert and motivated. In moderate, predictable and
We have commenced our 1:1 interviews with our Year 12 VCE regular doses, it can help us develop resilience and provide
students and will be having discussions around the VTAC a wonderful boost to self-esteem when we finally
process which will open on August 2nd. This is where students overcome that task, activity or phone call we’ve been
intending on going to University will put in their intended avoiding!
course options and also apply for any special considerations
Physical signs of anxiety can include:
through SEAS.
racing heart
The 4 SEAS criteria for consideration are: faster breathing
− Personal information & location (ALL feeling tense or having aches (especially neck,
− Disadvantaged financial background (CHECK IF sweating or feeling dizzy
BOTH) ‘butterflies’ or feeling sick in the stomach.
If yes, Document of proof needs to be uploaded Thoughts can include:
− Disability or medical condition worrying about things a lot of the time
If yes to either of these, a support person will be feeling like your worries are out of control
required to back up your evidence having trouble concentrating and paying attention
− Difficult Circumstances worries that seem out of proportion.
If yes, a support person will be required to back up
Other signs can include:
your evidence
being unable to relax
Conversations with our Year 12 VCAL students will be around avoiding people or places like school or parties
TAFE, Employment and Apprenticeship/Traineeship options for withdrawing from family and friends
2022. If your son or daughter is aware now of what they are feeling annoyed, irritated or restless
looking for, please let MIPs know so we can keep them in mind difficulty getting to sleep at night or waking up a lot
as opportunities arise. If your son/daughter have not already during the night.
applied for their TAX file number they should do so now Things you can do to look after yourself:
online. Care for yourself – Get enough sleep, eat well, stay
apply-for-a-tfn/ hydrated,
All Year 12’s should ensure that their Resume is up to date. Talk about it – Connecting and being validated can be
Check mobile and email details are correct and that referees wonderful, talk to someone you trust,
are current. Always let your referees know of any interview
Exercise – Even some light stretching can burn out
nervous energy we collect,
you may have coming up so they are aware and can expect a
Keep it real – Set realistic expectations for yourself and
call. If you should have any questions about your future plans
your work, don’t overload yourself,
please come and speak with MIPS.
Be nice to yourself – Treat yourself like you’re worth it
and don’t sweat mistakes!
Anxiety can come and go. However, if anxiety overwhelms
our ability cope, impacts our ability to engage in activities
We congratulate the following students who have left to post
we normally enjoy and generally hinders us, it might be
school pathways:
time to do something about. Reach out to your local GP or
Cameron Grant Employment Headspace for more information.
Sam Wilson-Doyle Apprenticeship Kenneth Anthony Alfred Spedding
Tayla Hetherington Employment Mental Health Practitioner
Ricky Hodges Apprenticeship Educational and Developmental Psychology Registrar
Daniel Knight Employment AHPRA: PSY0002163048a
Zeke Almond Employment
Jack Perry Apprenticeship
Nicholas Watts Apprenticeship
Academy of Sport Athlete Development Workshop – Kelsey
Weight and Andrew Hooper
The Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy
Support (MYLNS) initiative provides
Thanks to all of our families who attended the guest speaker intensive teaching support to Government
workshop on athlete development. secondary school students who are at risk of
Kelsey spoke about her experience working in elite sport with finishing school without the literacy and
athletes who require nutrition advice, and shared her tips for numeracy skills they need for future work,
fuelling and hydrating youth athletes for sports performance. education and training.
Andrew shared his journey as a Sebastopol College graduate, This initiative gives students additional
professional athlete, football coach and school staff member. teaching support to improve their literacy
He spoke about the importance of building relationships, a and numeracy. Literacy and Numeracy
willingness to do your best, and being a dedicated student Improvement Teachers work directly with
athlete. students and to build the capability of other
teachers to improve the literacy and
numeracy of students at their school.
In 2021 Mrs Beddoe and Mrs Strybosch are
the Literacy Improvement Teachers and
Miss Morrissey and Ms Ebbs are the
Numeracy Improvement Teachers. More
than fifty students in Years 8 and 10 are
being supported in small groups in and
outside of the classroom to work on their
own literacy and numeracy goals.
Government funding for the initiative will
continue in 2022 where the focus will be on
students in Years 8, 9 and 10.

The BRAVE Program is an online program for the treatment of

anxiety in young people. It was developed by a team of
researchers from the University of Queensland, Griffith
University and the University of Southern Queensland and has
been specifically designed to teach young people the skills
they need to reduce anxiety and to cope with stressful

Staff vs Academy of Sport Games Week 10 The BRAVE Program is based on Cognitive-Behavioural
A massive thank you to all the staff who played in the netball Therapy (CBT) and has been running in Australia for over 13
and basketball games at lunchtime in Term 2. The matches years. Therapy techniques used in this program include:
were of high standard and there was lots of support from stu- relaxation training, identification of emotions and thoughts,
dents who came in at lunchtime to watch. The academy stu- positive self-talk, coping skills, problem solving and graded
dents appreciate your support. exposure.

The BRAVE Program was converted into a self-directed therapy

program (BRAVE Self-Help), which is now freely available to all
Australian young people, aged 8-17 years old and their
parents. The program is suitable for all types of anxiety. There
are four different programs available: One for children aged 8-
12 years, one for teenagers aged 12-17 years and one for
parents of children and teenagers of these age groups,

To learn more visit

Ball arat Lawn Tennis Club
The Ballarat Lawn Tennis Club, in conjunction with the Bu-
ninyong Tennis Association, is excited to announce two junior
tennis competitions that are being developed this year to take
place over Autumn, on a Saturday morning 9:00am to
10:30am during Term 2 of the school year.

These will be ladder-based competitions and not a team-based

competition. Singles and doubles will be played. The games
will take place at Ballarat Lawn and at Buninyong. B and C
grade will alternate between Buninyong and BLTC each week.

Each week BLTC will be hosting 9–11-year olds who are

starting comp or have been playing and/or having coaching
and 7–10 year old begin-
ners who are just starting
match play or having coach-
Please contact Jenny Jolliffe
0408 735 068 to enquire
and/or register.

Help Support the Redan Campus

Kitchen/Garden Program
For the month of July,
Phoenix will have a jar at
Grill’d Ballarat to Support
the Kitchen and Garden
Program at the Redan
Primary Campus. For every
order you make you will
receive Token to put in the
jar. Whichever program
receives the most tokens
will win $300 for their

Sebastopol Junior Football Netball Club

Come to a family friendly environment. We are excited
to offer your children an opportunity to flourish in a
family oriented club. All ages and skill level players

Sebastopol Football Netball Club is located in Burnett

Street Sebastopol, straight off Albert Street.
Please forward your enquires to
Jeff Mihel 0412 505 171
or Narelle Cromb 0417 380 117.

We look forward to hearing from

you...GO BURRA!
We have a great club atmosphere
and believe in building from
within...UP THE BURRA!
Australian Geography Competition YEAR 10 PUBLIC HEALTH CHALLENGE
We had a wonderful group of Year 10 students
Congratulations to all students who participated in this
participate in a public speaking Health challenge that
year’s Australian Geography Competition! The Australian
was run by the ASHA Lectures Group and Rotary.
Geography Competition is a contest for Australian
Students were competing against teams from Loreto
secondary school students, assessing their geographical
and Ballarat and Clarendon College.
knowledge and skills. Its purpose at Phoenix is to reward
student excellence, passion and interest in Geography and
The challenge required students to research the
science behind COVID, collect some data and develop
to develop recognition of our Geography students and
a solution to COVID hotel quarantine issues. Students
then created a 10-15 minute presentation which they
then presented to a panel of judges, including Rotary
All students who entered the Competition received and respected community member, Carmel West and
certificates, but particular recognition should go to the local medical specialist, Dr Deepika Monga.
following students, who achieved a Distinction or higher. Our Phoenix students did a great job and presented in
Dylan Worthy, William Kynoch, Heather Arthur, Nikodem an informed manner with a hint of humour along the
Kazmierczak, Devon Matthews-Wood, Sean Lucey, Nash way! Our students placed 2nd out of four teams which
Casey and Aston Brownbill. was an amazing effort.
An incredible achievement by Dylan Worthy for ranking in If you see the following students around, please
the top 1% of Australia in his Year 9 age group! congratulate them on their efforts:
• Jesse Somers
• Catriona Harricks
• Savannah Douglas
• Macy Anwyl
• Temujin Blake
It was so pleasing (but not surprising because Phoenix
students are awesome) to hear the wonderful things
both Carmel and Dr Monga had to say about the
quality of our students’ work. Both ladies said how
impressed they were and hope to continue to be
involved with wonderful young Phoenix students in
Year 7 Academic Achievers^ the future.
Special thanks to Ange Quinn for coming along to
support the students and to Will Matthews for going
above and beyond by staying overtime and helping
with all things tech, not just for our students but also
to students from other schools too.

Year 9 students^

Learn about the latest games, apps and social media,

including how to protect your information and report
inappropriate content.
More coming soon!
How to download the Qkr! App

Lunchtime Activities
More information on clubs and programs can be found in the Bonshaw Open Space, along with sign up sheets for activities that require it.


(WEEKS 5 & 9)
Doctor in School Program
Dr Kathryn Oliver and a practice nurse are on site every
Wednesday morning. Dr Oliver is available for all general August
health needs. These sessions are bulk billed, that means no 18th Year 7 Immunisations/
expense to you. All that is required is a current Medicare
Year 10 Catch up day
card. Please contact Lorraine Firth, School Nurse for
bookings. 22nd-27th Book Week
27th Book Week Dress up

17th End of Term 3
The Club runs Monday, Wednesday and Friday on the Senior
Campus (Canteen) and Tuesday/Thursday on the Redan Cam- 4th Start of Term 4
pus (Art Room).

Breakfast starts at 8.15am and is

available for


We have cereals, breads, juice,

and milo! See you there!

Helpful Parent Information

Phoenix P-12 Community College

PO Box 49 Sebastopol VIC 3356
P: (03) 5329 3293

At Phoenix we have a zero tolerance attitude to violence and aggression of any form to staff and
others. We build a thriving community by working positively together to educate our children.

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