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Nama : Moh Alfian Habibulloh

Nim : 200107110061
Class : CK

1. Getting Ready
How often do you watch these kinds of Tv programs ? Check ( √ ) your
Answer and compare them with partener.
Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Sports √
Documentaries √
Sitcoms √
Game shows √
News programs √
Movies √
Reality shows √
Soap operas √
Talk shows √
Other : Cartoon √

2. Let’s listen
People are talking about TV. What kind of program did each person watch ?
Listen and choose the correct answer.
1. a. soap opera
2. a. game show
3. b. documentary
4. b. news
5. a. sports
6. b. documentary

3. Let’s listen
Task 1
Annoucers are talking about tonight’s television programs. Listen and write
The correct number in the TV program guide.


Task 2
Listen again. Who will probably want to watch these programs ?
Write the correct letter.
1. c. people who love technology
2. f. people over 40
3. a. people interested in architecture
4. b. people who are thinking of taking a cruise
5. e. people who love facts and trivia
6. d. people who love movies and music

4. Let’s listen
Task 1
People are giving their opinions about TV programs. Do they agree ?
Listen and check ( √ ) the correct answer.
Agree Don’t agree
1 √
2 √
3 √
4 √
5 √
6 √
Task 2
Listen again. Are these statements true or false ? Check ( √ ) the correct answer.
True False
1 She thinks the recipes are difficult. √
2 She loves figuring out how magicians do their tricks. √
3 He would rather play tennis than watch it. √
4 She thinks the photography is amazing. √
5 He would rather watch a show about an expensive hotel. √
6 She would rather watch sports. √

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