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SET-UP 6 hours 24 hours

Closed Bottle w/ rock
& cotton

The nail is at the same

state/condition as it was There was still no
in the initial set-up. changes happened on
the nail.
Closed Bottle w/
cooled boiled water

Although not that Over time, the rusting

obvious, there was a on the nail gets more
little buildup of rust on evident to the point
the nail. where the color of the
water also starts to
Open Bottle w/ distilled

During this point, this As per observation, the

set-up has the most rusts most rusting occurs in
among the set-ups. this set-up and has
become more obvious
than it was before.


In the first set-up (closed bottle with rock salt and cotton), it was observed that among
the set-ups, it was the only one which did not undergo corrosion or rusting. This manifestation was
accomplished due to the fact that, aside from being hermitically sealed, this set-up contains rock salt by
which absorbs water in the air. The cotton also helps in absorbing moisture as well as serving as a spacer
between the nail and the salt in order to avoid unwanted reactions.

In the second set-up (closed bottle with cooled boiled water), there was a rusting
observed despite the fact that it was also sealed. This happened because the nail was submerged in a
water. However, the water used has undergone boiling which also means that it loses oxygen. This
decreases the rusting factors of the nail thus, slowing the corrosion rate of the nail.

Lastly, the third set-up (open bottle with distilled water) exhibited the most rusting
among the set-ups as the nail was subjected to an open set-up while being submerged in a distilled
water. Unlike the other set-ups, this set-up has no seal or cover, allowing the water molecules in the air
and other extraneous factors to take part in the set-up. Moreover, the water used in the set-up has not
undergone boiling. All of these, on contrary to the other set-ups, increases the rusting factors of the nail
thus, accelerating the corrosion rate of the nail.

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