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Nama : Yoandita

NPM : 2002050057
Subject : Creative Writing
Department : English Education Department 3A Morning Class

1. How to be a creative writer? Explain briefly

Answer :
To be a creative writer we must use all of ideas and creat something new that makes it different
to others, it can started from things around us and we can developing the ideas into a great write.
And the main point is practice because practice make perfect, so we can be a creative writer.

2. List 5 fiction writers from Indonesia with the titles of their books
Answer :
1. Andrea Hirata
Titles of their books :
 Laskar Pelangi (2005)
 Sang Pemimpi (2006)
 Edensor (2007)
 Maryamah Karpov
 Padang Bulan & Cinta di Dalam Gelas (2010)
 Sebelas Patriot (2011)
 Laskar Pelangi Song Book (2012)
 Ayah (2015)
 Sirkus Pohon (2018)
 Orang-orang biasa (2019)

2. Tere Liye
Titles of their books :
 Tentang Kamu
 Pulang
 Bintang
 Bidadari-bidadari Surga
 Negeri Para Berdebah
 Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu
 Matahari
 Hujan

3. Raditya Dika
Titles of their books :
 2005 – Kambing Jantan: Sebuah Catatan Harian Pelajar Bodoh
 2006 – Cinta Brontosaurus
 2007 – Radikus Makankakus: Bukan Binatang Biasa
 2008 – Babi Ngesot: Datang Tak Diundang Pulang Tak Berkutang
 2010 – Marmut Merah Jambu
 2011 – Manusia Setengah Salmon
 2015 – Koala Kumal
 2018 – Ubur-Ubur Lembur

4. Haidar Musyafa
Titles of their books :
 Hamka: Sebuah Novel Biografi
 Dahlan: Sebuah novel
 Ki Hadjar: Sebuah memoar
 Sang guru : novel biografi Ki Hadjar Dewantoro
 Haji Agus Salim: diplomat nyentrik penjaga martabat republik

5. Haidar Musyafa
Titles of their books :
 Dear Nathan (Maret, 2016)
 Serendipity (Desember, 2016)
 Hello Salma (Maret, 2018)
 Kisah untuk Geri (Maret, 2019)
 Thank You Salma (2019)

4. List 5 fiction writers from abroad with the titles of their books
Answer :
1. John Green : The Fault in Our Stars
2. Jodi Picoult : My Sister's Keeper
3. Kathrine Paterson : Bridge to Terabithia
4. John Steinbeck : Of Mice and Men
5. Khaled Hosseini : The Kite Runner

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