Latihan Ulangkaji 2 Nov

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Section A

Bahagian A

Answer all questions.

Jawab semua soalan.

1. Which of the following are the factors that

affect the solubility of a solute?
Antara yang berikut yang manakah merupakan faktor
yang mempengaruhi keterlarutan zat terlarut? A. Fertilisation B. Ovulation
I. Temperature of solvent. Persenyawaan Pengovulan
Suhu pelarut
C. Menstruation D. Menopause
II. Stirring rate
Haid Menopaus
Kadar kacauan
III. Size of container
Saiz bekas
4. At what stage of pregnancy is the embryo
IV. Mass of solute developed to be foetus?
Jisim zat terlarut Pada peringkat kehamilan yang manakah embrio
berkembang menjadi foetus?
A. II and III A. When it start to attach itself to the
II dan III endometrium of the uterus
B. I and IV Apabila embrio menempelkan dirinya pada
I dan IV dinding rahim

C. I and II B. When it appears to have similar structural

I dan II
characteristics as its adult form
D. III and IV Apabila mempunyai structur yang sama dengan
III dan IV seakan orang dewasa

2. Which process release heat to the surroundings? C. When it no longer depends on the placenta
Proses manakah membebaskan haba ke for food and oxygen
persekitaran? Apabila tidak lagi bergantung kepada placenta
I. Respiration untuk makanan dan oxygen
II. Formation of snow D. When it about to expelled from the uterus
Pembentukan salji during birth
III. Photosynthesis Apabila keluar daripada Rahim semasa
photosynthesis kelahiran
IV. Melting of an ice
Peleburan ais 5. Diagram 1 shows the structure of a female
A. I and IV
Rajah 1 menunjukkan gamet perempuan.
I dan IV
B. I and II
I dan II
C. II and III
II dan III
D. III and IV
III dan IV

3. A woman had a menstruation on the 2 nd of Diagram 1/ Rajah 1

January. What happens around the 14th to 18th of
January? What is R?
Seorang wanita mengalami haid pada 2 Januari. Apakah R?
Apakah yang berlaku pada hari ke 14 dan 18
Januari? A. Cell membrane B. Vacuole
Persenyawaan Vakuol Garam, ubat gigi dan sabun
C. Cytoplasm D. Nucleus
Sitoplasma Nucleus 10.Which of the following is the correct way when
handling the radioactive waste?
Antara yang berikut manakah langkah betul
6. Which of the following particles in the substance mengendalikan sisa radioaktif?
move freely and randomly?
Antara zarah-zarah bahan berikut, yang mana
bergerak bebas dan rawak? A. Use forceps
A. Mercury Gunakan forcep
Merkuri B. Wear rubber gloves
B. Copper metal Pakai sarung tangan getah
Logam kuprum C. Use robotic hand
C. Hydrogen Gunakan tangan robotik
Hydrogen D. Wear a thick iron cloth
D. Oil Memakai pakaian besi tebal
11.What pollutant is released from refrigerators?
7. Which of the following are inert gases? Apakah bahan cemar yang dibebaskan oleh peti
Antara yang berikut yang manakah gas nadir? sejuk?
A. Xenon C. Flourine
xenon Flourin A. Dusk
B. Sulphur D. Lithium
Sulphur Litium B. Sulphur dioxide
Sulphur dioksida
8. Which of the following mixture is correctly
C. Chlorofluorocarbon
matched with its method of separation? Klorofluorokarbon
Antara campuran berikut yang manakah betul
padanan dengan kaedah pengasingan ? D. Nitrogen dioxide
Nitrogen dioksida
Mixture Method of separation
Campuran Kaedah pengasingan 12.Which fire extinguisher can extinguish fire for
all types of substances?
Flour and sand Sieving Pemadam api yang manakah dapat memadamkan api
Tepung dan pasir Penapisan bagi semua jenis bahan?
Water and alcohol Filtration A. Water B. Dry powder
Air dan alcohol Penurasan Air Serbuk kering
Water and sand Distillation
C C. Foam D. Carbon dioxide
Air dan pasir Penyulingan
Busa Karbon dioksida
Oil and water Chromatography
Minyak dan air Kromatografi
13.Which of the following instruments uses plane
9. Which of the following groups consists of mirror?
compound only? Antara alat optic berikut yang mana menggunakan
Antara kumpulan berikut yang mana terdiri daripada cermin satah?
sebatian sahaja?
A. Sugar, soil and diamond
Gula, tanah dan berlian
B. Oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen
Oksigen, hydrogen dan nitrogen
C. Plastic, chlorine and petrol
Plastic, klorin dan petrol
D. Salt, toothpaste and soap
16.Diagram 3 shows that a narrow beam of white
light passing through two identical glass prisms.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan alur cahaya putih melalui dua
prisma kaca yang serupa.

Diagram 3 / Rajah 3

What coloured light can be seen on the white

Apakah warna cahaya yang terhasil di skrin putih?
14.Which of the following phenomena is the effect
of light scattering?

A. The blue sky A. Blue B. Violet

Langit kebiruan Biru Ungu
B. The formation of rainbow C. White D. Red
Pembentukan pelangi Putih Merah
C. The dark sky at night 17.Diagram 4 shows white light is shone through a
Kegelapan malam hari colour filter.
D. The formation of white light Rajah 4 menunjukkan sinar cahaya putih melalui
satu penapis warna.
Pembentukan cahaya putih

15.Diagram 2 shows two primary colours

overlapping each other.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan pertindihan dua warna primer.

Diagram 4/ Rajah 4

What is the colour that appear on the white

Apakah warna yang kelihatan pada skrin putih?

A. Green
Diagram 2 / Rajah 2
B. Green and yellow
Hijau dan kuning
What is the colour of light appears on area X?
Apakah warna cahaya terhasil di kawasan X? C. Yellow and blue
Kuning dan biru
A. Magenta B. White
D. Green, blue and red
Magenta Putih
Hijau, biru dan merah
C. Yellow D. Cyan
Kuning Sian
18.In which atmospheric layer does the burning up Proses penguraian berterusan di bawah
the meteorites occur? tekanan dan suhu tinggi menghasilkan
Lapisan atmosfera manakah berlakunya pembakaran petroleum dan gas asli
A. Exosphere B. Mesosphere
Eksosfera Mesosfera A. Q →R→P→S
C. Thermosphere D. Troposhere B. R →Q→P→S
Termosfera Troposfera C. R →Q→S→P
D. S →P→Q→R
19.Which of the following example of an
endogenous process?
Cari di bawah yang manakah proses endogen? (20 marks)

A. Weathering
B. Erosion
C. Sedimentation
D. Tectonic plate
Plat tektonik

20.The following are statements regarding the

formation of petroleum and natural gas. Arrange
the following statements in the correct order.
Penyataan berikut berkaitan dengan pembentukkan
petroleum dan gas asli. Susun prosesnya mengikut
susunan yang betul.

Dead organisms are decomposed by

bacteria in less oxygen condition.
Sisa hidupan mengalami penguraian oleh
bacteria dalam keadaan kurang oksigen.

The embedded dead organisms go deeper

into the earth to the stone and mud layers.
Sisa hidupan tertanam ke dalam bumi bawah
Rewrite all the answers in the box below:
lapisan batu dan lumpur.
Dead organisms are submerged in the
R 3
Sisa hidupan tenggelam hingga ke dasar
The decomposition process continued 6
S under high pressure and temperature 7
resulting in petroleum and natural gas. 8

Section B
Bahagian B

Instructions : Answer all the questions

Arahan : Jawab semua soalan

1. Mark ( ) for the correct statement and mark ( ) for the incorrect statement about the compoenents of air.
Tandakan ( ) bagi penyataan yang betul dan ( ) bagi penyataan yang salah tentang komponen udara.

The gases in the air are present in fixed amount.

Gas-gas dalam udara wujud dalam jumlah yang tetap.

Oxygen is the highest composition of gases in air.

Gas oksigen adalah paling tinggi kandungannya dalam udara.

The components of air are not chemically combined.

Kompenen-kompenen dalam udara tidak berpadu secara kimia.

Air is a combination of gases, water vapour, dust and microorganisms.

Udara merupakan campuran gas, wap air, habuk dan mikroorganisma.

[4 marks]

2. Matter is made up of particles known as atom. The diagram below shows the basic structure of a helium
Jirim terdiri daripada zarah-zarah dipanggil atom. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan struktur atom helium.
[3 marks]

a) Label X, Y and Z on the diagram using the following words:

Labelkan X, Y dan Z pada rajah menggunakan perkataan berikut:

Proton Electron Neutron

Proton Electron Neutron

b) State the subatomic particles located in the nucleus of atom.

Nyatakan zarah subatom yang berada di dalam nucleus.

[1 mark]

3. a) Match of the substances below with the correct types of matter.

Padan bahan di bawah mengikut jirim yang betul.
[2 marks]

Mark ( √ ) on metal eleaments.

Tandakan ( √ ) pada unsur logam

[2 marks]
4. Mark ( √ ) on exogenous processes and ( X ) for endogenous processes.
Tandakan ( √ ) pada proses eksogen dan ( X ) pada proses endogen.

[4 marks]

5. Complete the flow chart below with the sentences given to show how seeds germinate.
Lengkapkan peta alir di bawah dengan ayat-ayat diberikan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana biji benih bercambah.

Cotyledon shrinks and fall off

P- Kotiledon mengecut dan gugur

Seed absorbs water and expands

Biji benih menyerap air dan mengembang.

Testa breaks
Testa pecah
Plumule emerges from the cotyledon
Plumul keluar daripada kotiledon

Radicle grows downwards to form the roots

Radikel turun ke bawah menjadi akar

Green leaves appear

U - Daun hijau muncul

Q → → → → → P
[4 marks]


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