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Re ading

Before reading, good readers make predictions about what they are going to
read. Students should be encouraged to look at the front cover of trade books and
picture books. Subheadings, illustrations and captions, and graphics and charts in
informational text.
MDM Company June 1, 2021

During reading
good readers gather evidence about their
predictions; revising, abandoning, or creating
new predictions based on what they are
reading. Students should be asking
themselves, "Does the text support this
prediction?" If evidence to support their
prediction is not in the text, should the

prediction be revised or abandoned?

Steps in Reading 3

Many people who read particularly slowly do so because they have an undiagnosed
1 vision problem. Even if you think you have perfect vision, if you haven't had an eye
exam recently, there's no time like the present.


It is important to find out how fast you read now so that you
can track your improvement through subsequent timings. Not
12 only will timing help you to tell if you're improving, but it will
also keep you motivated
Copy a sticky note
write down your

Even if you think you read better when you have music
playing or when you're in a crowded coffee house, you can probably increase your
speed if you reduce distractions to a bare minimum. Try to find a solitary place to
read, and turn off the TV, radio and cell phone. Even being in a room of people talking

3 is distracting. If no solitary place is available, try using earplugs to block out any
distractions around you. In order to maximize comprehension while reading quickly,
you will need to focus on the material at hand as closely as possible.

we must trade off
comprehension for
speed, so an
important part of
4 increasing reading
speed is
deciding how
reading speed
thoroughly you
depending on
the material. need to
comprehend a
particular piece of
No matter what you
are reading, there
is frequently a lot of
"filler" that you can
5 read quickly
through or even
Learn to
skim over. With
separate the
practice, you will be
wheat from
the chaff with
able to identify the
pre-reading. most important
parts of a book as
you skim through it
Most people frequently
stop and skip back to
words or sentences they
just read to try to make
6 sure they understood the
meaning. This is usually
Train yourself
unnecessary, but it can
not to reread..
easily become a habit, and
many times you will not
even notice you're doing it.
as you read you probably subvo
calise, or
pronounce the words to yourse
lf. Almost
everybody does it, although to d
degrees: some people actually m
ove their lips
or say the words under their bre
7 others simply say each word in th
ath, while
eir heads.
Regardless of how you subvoca
Stop lise, it slows
you down. (You are concerned w
ith speed
reading to reading here, not reading to pra
communicating the material verb
yourself. ally, which can
be done later if you find it neces
sary.) .
Nearly everyone learned to read
word or even letter-by-letter, b
ut once you
know the language, that's not th
e most
efficient method of reading. Not
every word is
important, and in order to read
quickly, you'll
8 need to read groups of words -
or even whole
sentences or short paragraphs
Practice -
blocks of
. While you may see some gain
s in speed
9 the moment you start using th
ese tips,
speed reading is a skill that r
equires a lot
Practice of practice. Always push your
self to your
and push comfort level and beyond -
After a week or so of practic
10 e, time
yourself as in step two. Do th
is regularly
thereafter, and keep track o
f your
Time improvement.

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