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Who I am is how I feel, see, understand, and identify myself. Knowing and understanding
myself is the biggest challenge for me. It is because I am going to judge myself. I am going to
discover more of myself. In other word, my potentialities. We all know our skills, talents and
expertise came from our own abilities. But the potentialities are something that we must uncover.
Self-actualization or self-realization helps me find out the hidden side of who I am. It takes a lot
of time to realize my potentialities because my potentialities are something that are unnoticeably
carried by me. So what I need is to rediscover it and hone or train it to make it usable. The
abilities I got lies all my confidence. That sets my comfort zone. To be more competent, it is
necessary to take an action or maybe risk to try different things. Exploring is gaining new

The totality of a person is his personality. The behavior and attitude builds up my whole
personality. Unique personality is my own identity. In a classroom, as a teacher, I monitor my
students in their strengths and weaknesses so that I could learn what kind of assessment I should
do to them. As a teacher with student-centered teaching, it is very important to us to let the
children do their task in their own way without spoon-feeding. I can give them instructions and
guide but never to almost give them the answers or the idea without needing their own way of
finding it. I, as a teacher, teach my students how to motivate each other that will boost their
confidence in taking their career path. I encourage them to show off what they got. I am telling
them not to keep their potentialities hidden but convert it as their special and unique capabilities.
I do not compare students to one another because everyone is unique. What they got is what they
have and it is who they are.

Everyone has the right to decide for their own. In that way, anyone is voluntarily giving
themselves to a path they choose to go which is their career path. I, as a teacher, will never
hinder that instead I should support them and give some advice how they can reach it.

I am able to say that all because I experienced to become distinct. Not that very different
to others student when I used to be a student but I was just making things up on my own way. I
think different. I move different but never lose my path.

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