Pathological Gambling: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or Behavioral Addiction?

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Pathological Gambling: obsessive-compulsive

disorder or behavioral addiction?1*

Analucía Alegría12
Silvia Bernardi23
Carlos Blanco34


Introduction: There has considerable debate about the appropriate conceptualization of pa-
thological gambling (PG) and its place in psychiatric nosology. PG has been hypothesized to
represent both an Obsessive-Compulsive spectrum disorder (OCD) and a behavioral addic-
tion, that is an addiction without a drug. Conceptualization of pathological gambling is vital
to guide research strategies and the development and testing of effective treatments we will
review the existing research supporting the non-pharmacologic addiction model and that
supporting the obsessive-compulsive spectrum conceptualization. Objetive: To review the
conceptualization of PG and the aspects associated with the OCD or a behavioral addiction.
Results and Conclusions: Although PG resembles OCD in some domains, the majority of the
existing data suggests substantial differences between them. Findings from phenomenology,
epidemiology, treatment response, and imaging study appear to support that PG resembles
more closely an addiction. Nevertheless, despite the progress over the last decade in unders-
tanding addictions, PG, and OCD, existing data are often limited and include methodological
concerns that complicate interpretation and comparisons across subject groups.

Key words: Pathological gambling, treatment, obsesive-compulsive disorder.

Título: Juego patológico: ¿trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo o conducta adictiva?


Introducción: Existe un debate considerable acerca de la conceptualización de la ludopatía

o juego patológico (JP) y su lugar en la nosología psiquiátrica. Se ha formulado la hipótesis
de representarlo tanto como un trastorno del espectro obsesivo-compulsivo como una con-
ducta adictiva, que es una adicción sin drogas. La conceptualización del juego patológico

Funding/Support: This study is supported by NIH grants DA019606, DA020783,
DA023200, DA023973 and MH082773, a grant from the American Foundation for Suicide
Prevention and the New York State Psychiatric Institute (Dr. Blanco).
B.S. From the Department of Psychiatry of the New York State Psychiatric Institute/
Columbia University.
M.D. From the Department of Psychiatry of the New York State Psychiatric Institute/
Columbia University.
M.D., Ph.D. From the Department of Psychiatry of the New York State Psychiatric Institute/
Columbia University.

Rev. Colomb. Psiquiat., vol. 39, Suplemento 2010 133 S

Alegría A., Bernardi S., Blanco C.

es fundamental para guiar las estrategias as young adults or individuals with

de investigación y desarrollo de tratamien- psychiatric comorbidities conside-
tos eficaces. En este artículo se revisará
red at increased risk.
la investigación ya existente que apoya el
modelo de adicción no farmacológica y la
que apoya la conceptualización del espectro In 1980, the American Psychia-
del trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC). tric Association officially included
Objetivo: Revisar la conceptualización del pathological gambling (PG) as an
JP y los aspectos asociados con el TOC o
impulse control disorders in the
una adicción de comportamiento. Resulta-
dos y conclusiones: Aunque al parecer el JP
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
tiene rasgos del TOC en algunos dominios, of Mental Disorders, third edition
la mayoría de los datos existentes sugieren (DSM-III), and where it remained in
diferencias sustanciales entre ellos. Los the fourth edition (DSM-IV) (2). Si-
hallazgos de la fenomenología, la epidemio- milarly, in the International Classi-
logía, la respuesta al tratamiento y estudio
fication of Disorders, PG is classified
por imágenes parecen apoyar que el JP se
parece más a una adicción. Sin embargo, a along with pyromania, kleptomania
pesar de los progresos en la última década and trichotillomania, under the
en la comprensión de las adicciones, el JP y category of “habit and impulse
el TOC, los datos existentes son a menudo disorders”. PG is characterized by
limitados e incluyen deficiencias metodoló-
persistent and recurrent maladap-
gicas que complican la interpretación y las
comparaciones entre grupos de sujetos.
tive gambling behavior resulting in
damage to vocational, employment,
Palabras clave: juego patológico, tratamien- family and social interests. It is also
to, trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo. associated with financial losses and
legal problems, along with medical
Introduction and psychiatric comorbidity.

Gambling is a common activity There has considerable debate

in almost all societies around the about the appropriate conceptuali-
world. It is defined as risking so- zation of pathological gambling and
mething of value on the outcome its place in psychiatric nosology. PG
of an event when the probability has been hypothesized to represent
of winning or losing is determined both an OC-spectrum disorder and
by chance (1). Although the vast an addiction without a drug (3),
majority of individuals who gam- and data exist to support each ca-
ble never experience any adverse tegorization (4,5). Conceptualization
consequences from the behavior, it of pathological gambling is vital to
is estimated that 1% of the popula- guide research strategies and the
tion meets criteria for pathological development and testing of effec-
gambling (PG). An additional 5% tive treatments we will review the
have serious problems related to existing research supporting the
gambling with certain groups, such non-pharmacologic addiction model

134 S Rev. Colomb. Psiquiat., vol. 39, Suplemento 2010

Pathological Gambling: obsessive-compulsive disorder or behavioral addiction?

and that supporting the obsessive- sions of OCD are characterized by

compulsive spectrum conceptuali- an increased sense of harm avoid-
zation (6). ance, risk aversion, and anticipatory
anxiety (10). Pathological gamblers
Phenomenology typically do not display these char-
acteristics (11). In contrast to the
Repetitive, intrusive thoughts about egodystonic behaviors related to
gambling in PG share features with OCD, gambling in PG is often initially
obsessions in OCD. Like OCD, egosyntonic or hedonic in nature,
PG is characterized by repetitive although over time the pleasure de-
behaviors. In PG, gambling and rived from gambling may diminish.
gambling-related behaviors (e.g., In this respect, the gambling in PG
handicapping, getting money to may be similar to drug use in drug
gamble) are performed repeate- dependence, and this and other
dly (7). The obsessive-compulsive phenomenological similarities have
spectrum disorders model of PG is suggested that PG may represent a
based on the observation that PG “behavioral addiction” (4,5,12,13).
frequently report having repetitive Several DSM-IV-TR criteria for PG
gambling-related thoughts leading resemble those of substance depen-
them to gamble against their better dence: (a) presence of an intense
judgment. This experience is con- desire to satisfy the need or crav-
sistent with characteristics found ing to gamble or bet similar to that
in other obsessive-compulsive experienced by substance abusers;
spectrum disorders. Patients with (b) loss of control over the substance
obsessive-compulsive spectrum di- use or behavior despite negative con-
sorders report unpleasant feelings sequences, (c) It has been reported
and a physiological activation that that about one third of PGs experi-
results in an intense desire to per- ence irritability, psychomotor agita-
form a specific behavior to relieve tion and difficulties concentrating
the unpleasant feelings (8). following periods of gambling similar
to withdraw symptoms. (d) PGs of-
Data suggest that a diminished abil- ten increase the frequency of their
ity to resist gambling thoughts leads gambling activities or the amount
to excessive gambling, especially in of money in order to achieve same
advanced phases of pathological levels of excitement sharing similari-
gambling (9). However, important ties with drug tolerance.
differences between PG and OCD
exist. Patients with OCD frequently Epidemiology
experience excessive doubt, a feature
that is not characteristic of patho- The existing data on the clini-
logical gamblers (2,8). The compul- cal courses of PG and substance

Rev. Colomb. Psiquiat., vol. 39, Suplemento 2010 135 S

Alegría A., Bernardi S., Blanco C.

abuse disorders (SUD) also suggest Comorbidity

similarities The ratio of men: women
with PG (about 2:1) resembles that Further support for the categoriza-
in SUD, more than the ratio seen tion of PG as a behavioral addiction
in OCD, which is about 1:1 (14). is the high comorbidity with SUD.
Furthermore, a “telescoping” phe- Results from general population
nomenon has been reported for PG surveys report high rates of subs-
similar to the one reported in drug tance use disorders among PG.
and alcohol dependence disorders Almost three quarters (73.2%) of
in which female on average initially pathological gamblers had an alco-
engage in disorder-related behavior hol use disorder, 38.1% had a drug
at a later age but progress more use disorder, 60.4% had nicotine
quickly (“telescope”) than do men dependence (12). Together, the high
(15-17). comorbidity rates between these di-
sorders suggest common underlying
Personality traits etiological mechanisms.

Another rationale for considering Epidemiological studies examining

the addiction model for PG are per- the comorbidity of OCD and PG have
sonality traits common to both pa- had mixed results, with some (21)
tients with SUD and PG. Personality but not all studies observing an asso-
measures suggest that individuals ciation between them (22). Linden et
with PG, like those with substance al. (23) found that 5 of 25 PG attend-
dependence, are impulsive and ing Gamblers Anonymous also met
sensation-seeking (18,19). whereas criteria for OCD. However, more than
those with OCD are more harm- half of those met additional criteria
avoidant (20) When examining per- for alcohol abuse or bipolar disorder,
sonality traits of novelty seeking, complicating the interpretation of the
reward dependence and impulsivity results. Similarly, a study of more
among patients with PG and OCD, than 700 individuals with OCD did
Kim and Grant (11) found that those not find elevated rates of pathological
with PG showed significantly greater gambling (24). In neither the National
scores of the previously mentioned Epidemiologic Survey on Alcoholism
traits whereas lower scores of anti- and Related Conditions, nor the Viet-
cipatory worry, fear of uncertainty, nam Era Twin samples were diagnos-
and harm avoidance than patients tic assessments of OCD obtained.
with OCD. Thus, although there are Thus, existing community-based
phenomenological and personality data suggest a stronger connection
similarities between PG and OCD, between PG and a broad range of
those between PG and substance other psychiatric disorders than is
dependence appear more robust. found between PG and OCD.

136 S Rev. Colomb. Psiquiat., vol. 39, Suplemento 2010

Pathological Gambling: obsessive-compulsive disorder or behavioral addiction?

Familial Studies dependent groups were characteri-

zed by diminished performance on
Familial comorbidities studies held inhibition, time estimation, cognitive
mixed results. Black et al (25) con- flexibility and planning tasks in si-
ducted a familial association study milar magnitudes. The resemblance
of patients with OCD and found that in the performance of both groups
family members of those with OCD suggested common neurocognitive
were not more likely to report gam- etiology for these disorders.
bling problems than family mem-
bers of healthy controls. In a larger Genetics
study involving 343 family members
of OCD patients, Bienvenu and col- Molecular genetic findings suppor-
leagues (26) reported no increased ted a substance use model for PG.
rates of PG. Familial studies also Specifically, associations between
highlighted comorbidities with SUD. polymorphisms of the dopamine
Ramírez et al. (27) reported that D2 receptor gene (DRD2), the mo-
50% of PG had a parent who abused noamine oxidase A gene (MAO-A),
alcohol, while Roy et al (28) reported and the serotonin transporter gene
that of first-degree relatives of gam- (SLC6A4) have been reported in
blers 33% had mood disorders and both pathological gamblers and
24% abused alcohol. drug abusers (34,35). The Taq-A1
polymorphism of the gene encoding
Neuropsychology the D2 dopamine receptor has been
associated with PG, attention deficit
Studies of performance on neu- hyperactivity disorder, Tourette’s
rocognitive tasks targeting these syndrome, alcohol and drug abuse/
processes have revealed differences dependence, antisocial behaviors,
between PG and healthy comparison and poor inhibitory control (36,37).
subjects (29,30). Differences between Although some of the same allelic
PG and control subjects in decision- variants (e.g., variants of the 5HT
making task performance have been transporter gene) have been impli-
found (30) , and these differences cated in OCD and PG, the nature
are similar to those between OCD of the association has differed, with
and control subjects (31) and those the long allele found in association
between drug dependent and con- with OCD and the short allele found
trol subjects (32). In a recent study, in association with PG (38,39).
Goudriaan and colleagues (33) com-
pared 46 PGs with abstinent-alcohol Brain-imaging studies
dependent patients in a number
of neurocognitive tasks and found Frontostriatal circuitry has been
that both the PG and the alcohol implicated across species in tasks

Rev. Colomb. Psiquiat., vol. 39, Suplemento 2010 137 S

Alegría A., Bernardi S., Blanco C.

involving impulsive and risk-taking in at least another subgroup of

choices (40) and also in human gamblers (50). Furthermore, other
studies of PG (41). Brain-imaging studies suggested similarities bet-
highlighted a diminished activa- ween PG and SUD: naltrexone, a
tion of the ventomedial prefrontal treatment effective for alcohol and
cortex during gambling urges (7), opiate dependence, has shown effi-
cognitive control (42), and simula- cacy in the treatment for PG (51).
ted gambling (43). On the contrary, In contrast, the opioid antagonist
increased activation of frontostria- naloxone has been associated with
tal circuitry has been repeatedly symptom exacerbation with OCD
observed in OCD (44) , concurrent (52). Furthermore, the opioid anta-
imaging investigation of PG, OCD, gonist nalmefene was shown to have
substance dependent and control efficacy in PG treatment (53), and
is needed. similarly, bupropion (54). In addi-
tion, whereas mood stabilizers like
Treatment lithium may be helpful in groups of
subjects with PG (55), their efficacy
Over the past decade our knowledge in OCD seems questionable (56).
about effective treatments for PG
has advanced considerably, howe- Cognitive-behavioral interventions,
ver, no medication received FDA specifically those relying on absti-
approval in gamblers yet. Serotonin nence reinforcement and relapse-
reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) are the prevention strategies have been
most frequently studied: clomipra- shown effective in the treatment
mine, fluvoxamine (45) , paroxetine of PG (57). Cognitive-behavioral
(46), citalopram (47) and recently therapy is also an established
escitalopram (48). The efficacy of treatment for OCD but modeled
serotonergic agents, as well as the on exposure and prevention of
result of clomipramine and meta- response, in which repeated and
chlorophenylpiperazine m-CPP prolonged exposure is believed to
challenge studies that pointed out provide information that discon-
a dysfunction of the serotonergic firms mistaken associations and
system in PG (49) , were long consi- evaluations held by the patient and
dered the base of the hypothesis of promotes habituation to previously
PG as part of the OCD spectrum. fearful thoughts and situations (58).
Cognitive-behavioral approaches
However, although serotonergic in PG tend to be modeled after the
agents have been demonstrated to ones with demonstrated efficacy in
be efficacy in at least one subgroup the treatment of drug addiction,
of patients, they have also been rather than the exposure/respon-
shown to exacerbate symptoms se prevention strategies that are

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Pathological Gambling: obsessive-compulsive disorder or behavioral addiction?

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Conflicto de interés: los autores manifiestan

que no tienen ningún conflicto de interés en este artículo.

Recibido para evaluación: 15 de abril del 2010

Aceptado para publicación: 24 de julio del 2010

Carlos Blanco
Department of Psychiatry
of the New York State Psychiatric Institute
Columbia University

142 S Rev. Colomb. Psiquiat., vol. 39, Suplemento 2010

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