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The Polytechnic Ibadan,

Physics Department.
1st Semester Examination 2010/2011 Session
Circuit Theory PHY311

Instruction: Attempt Four(4) Questions in All Time allowed: 21/2hr

1(a). Use kirchoffs law to determine the in each brach current for the network shown
bellow in figure 1a.

Figure 1a.
(b). State superposition theorem. Hence use the theorem to solve the question in 1(a)

2(a). State Theveinn’s theorem. Also determine the reading of the ammeter in the
wheatstone bridge network shown bellow in figure (a) using thevenin’s theorem.
Assume the ammeter and the source of e.m.f to have negligible resistance.

( a) (b)
b. Determine,
R1=2 by successive conversions
R2=14 between Thevenin and Norton
equivalent networks, a Thevenin equivalent circuit for terminals AB of Figure b.
Hence determine the current flowing in a 6 resistor connected between A and B.
3a. A coil11consists
of a resistance
R1=3 of 100 and an inductance of 200mH. If an
alternating voltage, , given by =200sin500t volts is applied acros the coil, calculate
(a) the circuit impedance, (b) the current flowing, (c) the p.d across the resistance, (d)
the p.d across the inductance and (e) the phase andgle between voltage and current.
b.i What is series resonance in an R-L-C series a.c circuit? Show that the
fr  Hz
frequency at resonance 2 LC , L and C being the Inductance and
Capacitance in the circuit respectively.
ii. What do you understand by the term Q-factor of a circuit? Proove that the Q-
1 L
Q  factor   
factor of an R-L-C series a.c circuit is given by; R  C  , R, L and C
being the Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance of the circuit respectively.
iii. A series circuit comprises a coil of resistance 2 and inductance 60mH, and a
30F capacitor. Determine the Q-factor of the circuit at resoance. (20mrks)

4ai. With a graphical sketch, describe how current I varies with freqeuncy in an R-L-
C circuit. Hence Write the mathematical relation for the bandwidth of an R-L-C
circuit and the Q-factor. A filter in the form of a series R-L-C circuit is designed to
operate at a resonant frequency of 5 kHz. Included within the filter is a 20 mH
inductance and 10resistance. Determine the bandwidth of the filter.
ii. What do you understand by the “selectivity of a circuit”.
bi. A motor takes a current of 10 A when supplied from a 250 V a.c. supply.
Assuming a power factor of 0.75 lagging find the power consumed. Find also the
cost of running the motor for 1 week continuously if 1 kWh of electricity costs
ii. A transformer has a rated output of 200 kVA at a power factor of 0.8. Determine
the rated power output and the corresponding reactive power.

5. A coil of inductance 159.2 mH and resistance 40 is connected in parallel with a

30F capacitor across a 240 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate (a) the current in the coil and
its phase angle, (b) the current in the capacitor and its phase angle, (c) the supply
current and its phase angle,(d) the circuit impedance, (e) the power consumed, (f) the
apparent power, and (g) the reactive power. Draw the phasor diagram.

6a.The circuit shown in figure 5a has the two branch network containing capacitance
C in parallel with inductance L and resistance R in series. Show that, at Resonance;
1  1 R2 
fr    2  Hz
2  LC L  . Also
the resonance frequency fr of the circuit is given by;
Ir 
show that the current Ir at resonance is given by, L .

Figure 5a.
b. A pure inductance of 150 mH is connected in parallel with a 40F capacitor across
a 50 V, variable frequency supply. Determine the resonant frequency of the circuit.

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