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Kyle Edward D.

Lee Grade 7-Peter


Self-control is a discipline in one’s self. It is about controlling your own temper when you are in
an unwanted situation. As human beings, we sometimes tend to forget how to handle
ourselves when things go rough and bumpy. We often lose our temper especially when
someone is not on the same page as ours. As a young boy, I always lose my temper even in
small things. But as I get older, I try my best to control my anger toward someone or something.

There was this time when me and my younger sister fought over small things like, her wanting
this certain food and I also want it but it’s only the last piece left. Then, that’s the part when we
would start fighting. But as I get older, I realized that having self-control is important. For
example, I bought an ice cream for myself and I didn’t eat it right away. I put the ice cream in
the refrigerator first since I want to eat it during lunch time. When I was about to eat my ice
cream, it was it wasn’t in the ref anymore and that’s when I knew that my sister ate it while I
was not around. I’m really angry at her on the inside but I was trying to control my anger since
my parents were around and I don’t want to get scolded by them. In the end, my parents just
gave me money and I bought a new ice cream at the store.

Having a self-control is important to avoid fights and unwanted conflicts to other people. It is
important that we should practice having this behavior because this will help us maintain a
good and harmonious relationship with others.

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