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Name:DE GALA ALEXTER D. Laboratory Activity No.

Section:GN Date Submitted:10/28/21
Instructor: JULIE ANN B. SOSA

Computer hardwares are advancing far beyond on what we have today that's why more languages are
needed. But why do we need new programming languages. Programming languages are used for
solving various real world problems. Some problems can only be solved by particular approaches.
Different languages have different approaches to solve problems. Some are efficient and have more
advantages to use over the others. C was the most powerful language but then there came a need of
C++ which could be used to represent real world things through concept of OOP. But why Java then?
Something as powerful as C++ but slightly easier.

C/C++ on one hand is more close to the hardware because it is compiled into machine language - a
series of trillions of 0s and 1s. Being close to the metal, it has it's own advantages and disadvantages
like more complex to code, hardware dependent, but runs efficiently and very fast. C++ is used in
applications where you want to squeeze the last drop out of the cpu power, game development being
an example. Java, on the other hand, is slightly less complex to code, uses OOP concepts from the
beginning and is as powerful as C/C++. It is a semi-compiled language - first compiled into bytecode
and then interpreted by the JVM. So it's hardware independent. Whatever has a JVM installed can run
Java. But due to being half-compiled and then interpreted, it is slower than C++.

Then there are high level languages like Python, Ruby, Perl, PHP, JavaScript, Go and others - almost
all of them interpreted. Built to reduce complexity and improve productivity. Who needs “;” or “{, }”
if computer systems are smart enough. These languages are easier to learn and implement than low
level languages like C++/Java, but, couldn't have been possible without these. Google developed Go
to reduce compile time by implementing various strategies. High level languages are built for
efficient use in a very wide variety of applications and tasks which if were accomplished with these
low level languages, would have been tedious, slow or inefficient.

In a nutshell, many of these languages are perfectly suitable for use but it's so difficult to understand
and use. That's why creating new programming language is needed to that people find the Holy Grail
of languages, the “perfect” programming language. The language that will make programming easier,
faster and safer.

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