Activities To Develop

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Task 2-Writing Production

Ingles B1-900003

Individual Activity

Karina Andrea Oñate Carrillo- Collaborative Group 900003-54

Lina Beatriz Barrera Molina-Tutor

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (Unad)

Instituto virtual de lenguas (INVIL)

Cead Valledupar

Author's note:

In the following work it will be possible to show the solution of the points of the
collaborative TASK 2 Individual Activity.

The correspondence in this file is from the student Karina Oñate Carrillo, National Open
and Distance University, Cead Valledupar, Collaborative Group 54


Institutional Mail:


Activities to develop

Step 1 – Individual activity

1. Go to the E book /Online Content English B1

2. Study the content of modules 1, 2, 3 & 4 from the E-book and do the activities proposed
in it.

3. Go to the E-book. Module 4. Exercise 11. “Understanding qualities and skills employers
look for”. Take a quick look over the text, read the title and identify general aspects and
relevant information from the text. (This is called skimming)

Pre-reading activities
I. Answer the following questions before you read the text:
A. Write the definition in English from the following words:
Example: Hiring (Hire): The practice of finding, evaluating, and establishing a working
relationship with future employees, interns, contractors, or consultants. Definition taken
- Post: as a message, article or post, generally used in the context of forums and blogs on
the Internet. Definition taken from:
- Relatives: Relatives are people who are related to each other. This relationship arises from
marriage, adoption, consanguinity or other stable ties that are analogous. Definition taken
- Look for: to search or hunt for, to expect; anticípate. Definition taken from:
- Effective: The first definition of effective in the dictionary is productive of or capable of
producing a result. Other definition of effective is in effect; operative. Effective is
also producing a striking impression; impressive. Definition taken from:
-Need: A need is something that is necessary for organisms to live a healthy life. Needs are
distinguished from wants because a deficiency would cause a clear negative outcome, such
as dysfunction or death. Needs can be objective and physical, such as food, or they can be
subjective and psychological, such as the need for self-esteem. On a social level, needs are
sometimes controversial. Understanding needs and wants is an issue in the fields of politics,
social science, and philosophy. Definition taken from:
- Leadership: Leadership has been described as "a process of social influence in which one
person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common
task". Definition taken from:
- Adapt: accommodate a person to new conditions ". Definition taken from:
- Priorities: Priority date, a concept of establishing waiting times in the immigration
process by United States Department of State ". Definition taken from:
B. Write complete sentences with the words studied in the previous exercise and using
the modal verbs must & have to. Example: My company must hire a new engineer.
1 you have to publish a post to announce your business.

2 You must go visit your relatives for Christmas.

3 you have to look for more information about the subject of classes.
4 you must be more effective in your work.
5 she must need help to finish her project.
6 you must have leadership to create your own company.
7 you have to adapt to the changes in your life.
8 you have to have priorities to achieve your goals.
After reading activities
C. After reading the text answer the following questions:
a. Where can you post your resumé?
On the internet on platforms where experience can be uploaded to the network.
b. What are employers looking for?
Learning a series of skills such as dedication to work, the desire to learn or enthusiasm are
among the most important qualities that recruiters look for. Being able to adapt to change
quickly, be multitasking and know how to work in a team are substantial skills for
c. What are the skills candidates should have?
 Ability to work in a team
 Commitment
 Responsibility
 Work under stress
 Positive attitude
 Proactivity
 Adaptability
 Interest
d. What will you do if you want to get a job?
 Have my goal clear
 Use websites to search for jobs
 Prepare a good resume
 Hone my knowledge
 Do volunteer work
 Be patient and don't get discouraged

- Answer: What do you think about the text? Is it interesting for you? Why? Why
not? Include information that needs to be considered, point out mistakes.
This text is like an instructor, on how to get a job, how to prepare before arriving at a
company in addition to looking for the company of a job, being competent in a particular
function including the skills that one should have as a candidate, I think super interesting
because as a student I want to receive inductions before getting to work on it have a high
critical, purposeful, reflective and constructive sense, with the ability to articulate
disciplinary knowledge in their being and their actions

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