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Name: Clarizza Joyce N.

Hervas BSMA-4 Code: 0567

Course/Subject: MACE 421 – Management Reporting

In a Nutshell

Activity 1. Analyzing the condition of an organization using SWOT Analysis is very

useful in creating a strategy for the company. Based from the definition of the most

essential terms in the course and the learning exercises that you have done, please

feel free to write your arguments or lessons learned below. I have indicated my

arguments or lessons learned.

1. Learning the areas in SWOT Analysis and how to do it will be helpful in my future

role as management accountant. It will help me analyze my organization in detail about

its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Your Turn

2. I learned that in SWOT Analysis, strengths and weaknesses are the internal factors

whereas opportunities and threats are the external environment or factors.

3. It is important for the businesses to conduct a SWOT Analysis in order to assess

the health of the organization as well as to generate solutions for its improvements


4. As a management accountant someday, making SWOT Analysis will help me to

conduct a decision-making in internal and external factors for the success in my

5. Since I already knew where I need to work, a SWOT analysis allows myself to spend

my resources wisely and effectively.

6. A SWOT Analysis can be used to determine where a firm is in a competitive market

and what steps need to be done for future strategic planning, assisting decision-

makers in developing a company's future roadmap.

7. SWOT Analysis allows me to be a proactive player in the industry while also allowing

me to stay competitive someday.

8. What makes SWOT so strong is its ability to help us plot a plan to take advantage

of lucrative business chances.

9. Companies can use a SWOT Analysis to identify dangers and opportunities that

they should be aware of.

10. I learned that SWOT Analysis enables me to build on my strengths, fix my

weaknesses, reduce risks, and maximize my chances of success.

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