FRI. Albert. Unit 3 and Unit 4.

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20211029. FRI. Albert.


1. My sister usually _______________ (have) dinner with us every evening.

Yesterday evening, she ____________________________________________.

Instead, she ____________________________________ with her friends. (去看電影)

2. Oliver usually _____________________________________ on Sunday morning. (去健行)

Last Sunday, he ___________________________________________.

He ___________________________________________ with his family. (去野餐)

3. They usually _________________________________ every morning. (去游泳)

Yesterday, they _____________________________________.

Instead, they _______________________________________________. (去騎馬)

4. What ______________ Jane ________________ on the weekend ?

She always _________________________________________________ (傳簡訊給她的朋友)

5. What __________ you ______________ last weekend ?

I ____________________________________. (沒有去購物)

I ____________________________________. (去釣魚)

6. What ______________ John _______________ every Sunday morning ?

He __________________________________________. (沒有打籃球)

He _________________________________________. (去溜冰)


1. _____________ their team _________________ (win) last Saturday ?

No, they _______________. They __________________ (lose).

2. How ______________ your weekend ?

It _________________ (be) very boring. I __________________________ (X/have) fun.

3. _______________ Annie _________________ (go) to the movies ?

Yes, she ______________.

20211029. FRI. Albert.

4. What ___________ your brother do last weekend ?

He __________________________________ (X/stay home)

 He __________________ (play) in a soccer game.

5. _________ they ________________ (sing) a beautiful song now ?

Yes, they ______________.

6. ____________ you at home last night ?

No, I ________________. I _________________ (go) to a party last night.

THREE. 請依提示造句 
1. I got up at 6:30 yesterday morning. 


2. They played baseball last Sunday. 


3. My sister went to Japan last September. 


4. They listened to music this afternoon. 


5. Jimmy studied English and math in the library. 


6. My mother cooked beef and vegetables three days ago. 


7. She made some chocolate cookies last week. 


8. Her uncle lived in Canada before. 


FOUR. Be-verb  過去式練習 

1. ____________ you a student before ? 

20211029. FRI. Albert.

2. Where ____________ his father last night ? 

3. I ____________ a teacher five years ago, but I am now.  

4. My little sister ____________ very sad yesterday. 

5. ____________ Tom in Japan last week ? 

6. His mother ____________ in the living, but she was in the kitchen. 

7. When ____________ your English class yesterday ? 

8. ____________ Ryan and James friends before ? 

  No, they ____________.  

9. Where ____________ they two days ago ? 

  They ____________ in Taipei, but they were in Tainan.  

10. ____________ Andy a doctor ten years ago ? 

11. No, they weren't in Taiwan last Sunday.  


12. My music class was at 10:00 yesterday morning.  


13. My sister was in the library.  


14. Yes, the clothing store was closed last night.  


15. The boy was his student.  



1. (    ) What ________ you do last week ?  I ________ shopping.  

        (A) are; go    (B) do; went     (C) did; go    (D) did; went  

20211029. FRI. Albert.

2. (    ) My brother ______ like vegetable when he was little.  

        (A) aren't     (B) didn't       (C) isn't     (D) doesn't  
 3. (    ) What did her mother _______ last night ?  
        (A) buy      (B) buys        (C) bought     (D) buyed  
4. (     ) ______ their teacher like coffee ?  
        (A) Is        (B) Did        (C) Does       (D) Are  
5. (     ) I ______ busy yesterday because I _______ lots of work to do.  
        (A) am; have    (B) was; have     (C) were; had    (D) was; had  
6. (     ) How _____ your weekend ?   
        (A) was       (B) were       (C) is       (D) are  
7. (    )  Why ________ you come last night ?    
         I didn't come because I was busy.  
        (A) don't      (B) wasn't       (C) did      (D) didn't  
8. (     ) We _________ her wallet under the desk yesterday.  
        (A) finds       (B) finding        (C) find    (D) found  
9. (     ) My brother ________ the bus every day. 
        (A) took       (B) takes       (C) taking     (D) take  
10. (     ) _______ you like geography ?   No, I _________. 
        (A) Do; don't           (B) Did; don't       (C) Are; am not         (D) Does; don't 

1. My sister really loves exercising. She usually ( goes / go ) skateboarding on weekends.  

2. What do you do on weekends ?  I always ( go / went ) shopping with my friends. 

3. What did your brother do last weekend ?  He ( goes / went ) hiking with Tom. 

4. I ( was / were ) very busy last Sunday, so I didn't ( went / go ) ( swim / swimming ). 

5. Jeffery and Tiffany always go (walking / walked ) on Saturday. However, last Saturday, they didn't

go   (walking / walked ). 

6. My father usually ( went / go ) running in the school. Last night, he went ( walked / walking ) in

the park. 

7. Ryan ( go / goes ) fishing every Wednesday morning.

Last Wednesday morning, he didn't ( went / go )  fishing. He ( went / go ) shopping. 

20211029. FRI. Albert.

8. John never ( go / goes ) horseback riding. However, he ( goes / went ) to the farm very often

when he  was little. 

 9. Her students usually ( go / went ) swimming in the pool after school.

Yesterday, they didn't ( go / went )  swimming. They ( went / go ) running. 

10. What did she do last weekends ? She didn't ( go / goes) to the party.

She ( goes / went ) to the library. 


1. 她上個周末有去看電影嗎?


2. 你每周二都去看電影嗎?


3. 我們上個月沒有去釣魚。


4. Ken 今天早上沒有去游泳。


5. Peter 每天早上搭公車去上學嗎?


6. 我沒有在周末去健行。


7. Oliver 常常在周六去騎馬。


8. 我哥哥昨晚沒有傳簡訊給他的朋友。

1. Randy __________ (drive) his new Porsche to visit his parents. He __________ (buy) the car

only two days earlier. It __________ (be) late at night and it __________ (rain) earlier, so the

20211029. FRI. Albert.

road __________ (be) slippery. However, he __________ (want) to get to his destination as soon

as possible, so he __________ (drive) very fast. Suddenly, when he __________ (go) through a

forest, something __________ (jump) on the road. In order not to hit it, Randy __________

(step) on the breaks. He __________ (lose) control of the car and __________ (hit) a tree.

2. When I __________ (be) a little boy, I __________ (have) a dog, which I __________ (find) on the

street. We __________ (go) for long walks every day. Once, when we __________ (walk) back

home, a man __________ (get) close me and __________ (talk) to me. My dog bite him in the

bottom and the man __________ (start) running away.

3. I__________ (wake) up at the usual time – about 10 am –__________(take )a shower

and__________ (have) breakfast. I __________ (eat )a big bowl of cereal and some toast and

watched TV for a while. Then I __________ (walk) into the kitchen where I __________ (heard) a

funny noise. It __________ (come) from behind the cooker. I ____________ (move) the cooker

out of the way to _____________ (see) what was wrong.


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